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International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Coin-Op, Video Game, and Arcade - Cheats, Easter Eggs, and Bugs

Entries in this index: 64
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Text (See Game for Complete Cheats, Easter Eggs, and Bugs)
S.T.U.N. Runner Atari Games 1989 Videogame Racing
Start out at level 11 (Labyrinth) and complete it. On level 12 (Coathanger) go right and catch the boost and continue going right. You will fly up and then continue and cross the finish line. You will be warped to level 18!
Salamander 2 Konami 1996 Videogame Shooter
After your player dies, your next ship appears and is invulnerable for a limited period of time. Use this to your advantage and ram into the tougher enemies or the bosses. After the game is completed/finished once, the game continues a second time: except much harder, and with a remixed version of the original Lifeforce music.
Samurai Shodown 64 SNK 1997 Videogame Fighting
When your POW meter is at it's maximum, press the LightSlash+HardSlash+Throw to have unlimited stamina for a period of time. When your POW meter is at it's maximum, press the HardSlash+Throw+SideStep to execute a super move.
Samurai Shodown II SNK 1994 Videogame Fighting
Haohmaru and the female fighter both have special attacks. Haohmaru's special attack is two quarter circles from back to down, then straight back and quarter circle from down to back ('back' meaning away from his opponent), then hit B and C (medium slash and light kick). This performs a whirlwind attack like his flying slash, but it can extend all the way across the screen. Although rather difficult, it can be done an unlimited number of times with no delay or ill effect, and is completely devastating if you catch an opponent off guard. It is also possible to "charge" this attack during a jump, if you can do it quickly enough, so that as soon as you hit the ground, you immediately do it again. The female fighter with the hawk can do a similar attack using similar control movements. Change 'back' to 'front' (towards the opponent) in the description of Haohmaru's attack, and you get the special attack for the female. Once it has been used in a game, the computer works it into its strategy, so when playing your mirror or respective opponent with a special attack, beware. In some cases it cannot be blocked.
San Francisco Rush 2049 Atari Games 1999 Videogame Racing
After a certian number of miles, you can unlock a new car, paintjob, track, or qaulify for a contest held by Atari Games as a promotion.
Sega Rally 2 Championship Sega 1998 Videogame Racing
The first released DX has slower cars and different paint on the Toyota and Ford, is a little less polished in graphical terms than the later twin version. The twin can display the text, the DX does not even have the option, but has a nicer motif on the Ford Escort (white/orange). A trick in all versions is when you hold the View button down during play, the camera angle freezes. That is to say when you turn the steering wheel, your car turns and you spin the car in all directions admiring it, but your race is lost. The secret 'cone hit' stage in the Riviera track can be unlocked by hitting the two cones in the last turn and turning back to go right into the tunnel that appears. Once inside, hit as many cones you can before the 'sub-time' runs out.
Sega Rally Championship Sega 1995 Videogame Racing
New informational view: Hold down START and VIEW when selecting a car to get an alternate view. There is no rear view mirror, a seconds clock appears in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and a split time will be displayed based on the best time the machine has in memory. The digits are red if you are currently faster the best time. No waiting to get into the game: To skip waiting for the ten second timer, thus avoiding another player joining the game, simply insert your coins and hold down both the Start and View buttons. Instantly the select screen will appear. No waiting! Different car characteristics: To get different car capabilities (e.g. slides more easily), while selecting your car, shift 1st/2nd/3rd/4th and you will hear a WHOOOSH! sound, which means this code is enabled. The car will now handle differently, as you will soon see. Lakeside course in practice mode: Completing the Championship course is not the only way to reach Lakeside. When choosing a course, select Mountain and enter the gearshifts 1>2>3>N>3 and then wait until the timer runs out. You will hear a WHOOOSH! sound which means the code was performed correctly.
Sexy Parodius Konami 1996 Videogame Shooter
In two player mode, if you have a powerfull weapon, you can shoot the other player several times, and he'll power-up into a massive spray of energy which will wipe out a large number of opponents for a period of time.
Shinnyuushain Tooru-kun Konami 1984 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Collect all hearts while they are flashing to get a PERFECT! bonus. Look out for the hidden girl in the corridor closets for bonus points as well.
Shinobi Sega 1987 Videogame Fighting
Tricks 5000 extra points per level for not pressing the Ninja Magic button. 20000 extra points per level for not shooting shurikens or bullets. The second level can be played in slow motion. Here is how to activate it: Kill all three spiderman with sword. Then proceed all they way back to the beginning point. The game will now run in slow motion.
Silent Scope Konami 1999 Videogame Shooter
Professional Challenges: The aiming ring and enemy locating markers will not appear on the main screen. After inserting coin(s), squeeze and hold the Trigger and push Start. While holding the Trigger, guide your aiming ring onto the mode of your choice, and press the Start button four times.Night Vision Challenges: All stages will be held in the dark. After inserting coin(s), squeeze and hold the Trigger and push Start. While holding the Trigger, guide your aiming ring onto the mode of your of your choice, and press the Start button five times.Professional Night Vision Challenges: All stages will be held in the dark, with no aiming ring and enemy locating markers appearing on the main screen. After inserting coin(s), squeeze and hold the Trigger and push Start. While holding the Trigger, guide your aiming ring onto the mode of your choice, and press the START button six times.NOTE: When you enter a secret challenge mode correctly, you will hear a second gun shot fire.
Simpsons, The Konami 1991 Videogame Fighting
If you want lots of enemies on the screen, change the game settings using the test button on the board, then select very difficult. Get four people to play and there will be loads of baddies! This trick works on most Konami JAMMA games such as Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, X-MEN, Asterix and Bucky O'Hare
Sinistar Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1982 Videogame Space
There is a very risky maneuver that can lead to either disaster or a powerful comeback. When Sinistar has you in its grasp, a spare shot that is floating in space can kill you, of course taking a life. The unfortunate thing is that when Sinistar's mouth closes, another life is taken, resulting in the loss of two lives. Bear in mind that the Warrior ships will not fire at you when you are in Sinistar's grasp, so a floating shot is the only thing that can make this occur. However, if this happens to you when you are down to your last life, the loss of two lives will reduce your number of lives to -1. This will give you 255 lives.
Slap Fight Taito 1986 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
At the very beginning of the game, try staying alive as long as possible without shooting any enemies. Youll eventually get hit, but your next ship will have maximum fire power. The longer you can survive without being shot, the larger your bonus will be and the farther along youll restart.PAt certain points in the game, voluntarily changing to the basic weapon shot will sometimes cause a systemcontrolled assistant spaceship to appear and give you a helping hand. The exact circumstances that cause this vehicle to appear are not clear. I believe the automatic player is known as Bob or sometimes Bod. Bob attacks all enemy targets, but is susceptible to their fire. His kills count toward your score. It is possible to preserve Bobs lifespan by using your spaceship to block him from going into danger.PThe small sprouts that can be seen at some points in the game can be made to grow into a tree and bear fruit by shooting at them with the laser weapon.
Smokin' Token Seidel Amusement Machine Co., The 1991 Arcade / Redemption Skill
This game can become very easy when you learn how to play. It is simply a matter matter of timing. While standing directly at the machine, look at the reflections from the display onto the glass top and you will see that there is a line of lights that are arranged at about 3 o'clock on the rotating wheel. When the Bonus slot passes this reflection, drop your token in. Doing it once really will not do a whole lot. Repeat this three or four times in a row and you will rack up the tickets. Once you master Smokin' Token, it may become your favorite redemption game.
Solar Quest Cinematronics 1981 Videogame Space
Switching from Free Play to Coin without cycling power leaves 999 credits on the machine.
Soul Calibur Namco 1998 Videogame Fighting
After Time Release is complete, hold the Start button when choosing a character to play as an Unknown Soul. Also at this time, pressing the Guard button on the character select screen will cycle through the availible weapons.
Space Ace Cinematronics 1984 Videogame Adventure
For a complete set of strategies go to httpwww.loop.compaulsdarcadesawk.htm
Space Force Venture Line 1980 Videogame Space
There is a spot on the northeast side of the playfield where a player is invisible, but impenetrable.
Space Harrier Sega 1985 Videogame Shooter
HINT The enemies fire three types of projectiles at the main character Energy Bullets slow, Fireballs faster, and Missiles fastest. They are always fired directly at Space Harriers current location, never elsewhere. As long as you move constantly without backtracking, you cannot be hit, and need only worry about dodging stationary objects.PBUG Extra coins provide extra lives to continue the game. On the later levels, when your character is hit, it appears at times as if all extra lives are lost. The remaining credits are not lost. They just do not display properly.
Space Invaders Taito 1978 Videogame Space
Popularized right after the release of the game, the "FURRER" trick allows you to get 300 points per mystery ship every time. It has to do with the way the random number generator works - at the beginning of every board count 22 shots whether you hit an invader or not. Wait for the mystery ship. Shoot once to hit it to earn 300 pts. Now count 14 shots. Wait again for the mystery ship. Shoot once at it for another 300 pts. count 14 shots and repeat for the rest of the level. once on the new level, start again at 22 and repeat to 14. This trick was invented by Eric Furrer who to this day holds the Stratford Record for non-stop Space Invaders play -- 38 hours and 37 minutes and an accumulation of 1,114,000 points 111 roll overs, averaging three rolls an hour. Mystery Ship Shot Deflection: On the fifth wave of invaders, the second mystery ship will deflect your shot with the rarely heard "deflection shot" a shot played backwards.
Space Invaders '95 Taito 1995 Videogame Shooter
The game forbids the initials "SEX" on the high score table. If you try, it gets changed to "AAA".
Space Invaders Deluxe Midway Manufacturing Co. 1980 Videogame Space
On any wave, if the last alien you kill is from the bottom two rows you will get a special 'fireworks' display and a 500 point bonus. If the bottom leftmost invader is the last killed, the bonus is 1,000 points. The number of points you get for the solid flying saucer (50 - 300) depends on how many shots you have fired in the wave. The 23rd shot and every 15th thereafter is worth 300 points if it hits the saucer. When there are eight or fewer invaders left, the flying saucers no longer appear. During the attract mode demo, repeatedly press the left, right, fire, 1 player start and 2 player start buttons simultaneously as fast as you can. After a few seconds the message "TAITO CORP." will appear beneath the high score. As the game progresses, provided there is 'room' for more invaders on the top row, the flying saucers will drop more invaders that will 'land' in the top row, (as noted below in the gameplay description). If you are able to shoot an invader as it drops from the flying saucer, (but before it 'lands' in the top row), the invader will not disappear as it usually would after being shot, instead it will 'fall', sideways, but very much intact, to the bottom of the playfield. Points scored for this anomaly are unconfirmed. The invader remains at the bottom of the playfield, and will chip away like the shields, by invader fire. It will remain there until the invader fire chips it away completely or until the wave is completed. Also unconfirmed is if you can let the falling invader hit your laser base. What is known is that once the invader has fallen, your laser base can pass right through the invader, it no longer threatens the base or hampers it in any way.
Space Invaders Part II Taito 1980 Videogame Space
On any wave, if the last alien you kill is from the bottom two rows, you will be rewarded with a special 'fireworks' display and a 500 point bonus. If the bottom leftmost invader is the last killed, the bonus is 1,000 points. The number of points you get for shooting the solid flying saucer (50 - 300) depends upon how many shots you have fired in the wave. The 23rd shot and every 15th thereafter is worth 300 points if it hits the saucer. When there are eight or fewer invaders left, the flying saucers no longer appear.
Space Panic Universal 1980 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
One cool way to kill the aliens is to get two or more to fall into aligned holes and then drop the top one on the others. They all die even though some may not have fallen the normal required distance - red 2 floors, white 3 floors. Also just dropping one from a hole onto another kills both. One flaw seems to be the aliens ability to jump the hole when your man is slightly out over the hole. Also you can lure them toward you, after you have a hole ready by turning the man to the left and raising one leg. One alien will almost always lock onto your position and try to attack you. When the aliens crawl out after the first rack they escalate to the next color blue becomes red, red becomes white. This means you have to be careful in the placement of the holes to keep them from getting too hard.
Speed Buggy Buggy Boy Tatsumi 1986 Videogame Racing
The key to scoring in Speed Buggy is driving over the colored flags in the order they appear at the top of your info screen. The flags you get light up and the one you need flash at the top of the screen. By going back and forth and finding the flags in order, it will flash all flags when they all have been run over. Then every flag you run over while flashing is a wild color flag and counts as the next color in line and you can run over enuff flags to make them flash again. You get more points doing all this on 2 wheels. The timer expires if you don't make it around for each lap. Finish early and get bonus time for the next lap. Bonus time at the end of a race is big points and number of flags times perfect lap bonus.
Splatterhouse Namco 1988 Videogame Fighting
There is a secret move called the "slide kick," but it is hard to pull off. Jump forward into the air, then press diagonally Down+Jump+Kick. Rick will slide forward for a short time, killing anything in his path. Also, if you see another weapon that you want to carry, pick it up. You will drop your current weapon, but a "foot" or so in front of you. Repeat this process to move both weapons forward along with you. This is helpful with the two shotguns in the "chainsaw man" level.
Spy Hunter Bally Midway 1983 Videogame Racing
If the road is drawn to the extreme right side of the screen when the car is dropped off by the weapons van, one can drive across the grass and Water to pass any difficult areas that might be ahead. The Accelerator can be dislodged to increase the default speed of the car if there is no access to the test switch i.e., if one finds the game at a bowling alley and want to drive faster than it allows. After being let out of the semi, due to crash or weapons upgrade, one can use the truck itself as a buffer to smash other cars off the road. If you can get to 18,000 points before the time runs out, you are awarded 2 cars. It is possible to knock switchblades with their blades extended off the road, by bumping the front or back corners of their car with your car. If you manage to be sideswiped from the right by a switchblade just as the exit for the boathouse has come up, your vehicle spins off the road but actually traverses down the exit ramp and through the boathouse. Your vehicle is renewed and play continues, but the game is now fixed in a never ending ride. Your vehicle is now actually on the left side of the entire screen as a car, not a boat, and cannot be steered. Additionally, the accelerator and machine guns work, but there's nothing to shoot. The score continues to increase and you can drive indefinitely, but there is no way to end the game and enter a high score without turning the power switch off. Disabling the power is the only way known to reset the game back to normal play. This bug technique is extremely difficult to accomplish. On the levels where the bridge is out - if you call up the van so you enter it just after the last bend before the bridge out section, when you are dropped off on the extreme right hand side you can drive over the broken bridge. The first time you do this go slowly on the approach to the missing bridge and the enforcer will pull alongside you on the opposite side of the road. When he hits the broken section, keep edging slowly across and - if done correctly - the enforcer-boat equivalent will no longer appear for the rest of the game.
Star Castle Cinematronics 1980 Videogame Space
Originally, the three sparks were slow enough that it was possible to outrun them in the ship. The player could, by using the wraparound playfield, fly out of the right side appearing on the left, while firing a few shots, then fly out the top appearing at the bottom, again firing a few shots. This pattern automatically avoided the sparks, and opened up the walls of the Star Castle. This technique allowed for hours of play. A later revision of the game sped up the sparks enough that this method would fail.
Star Fire Exidy 1980 Videogame Space
Entering the initials "SKO" will cause the game to print "HI SUSAN". Entering the initials "DBR" will cause the game to print "HI DAVE".
Star Warrior Potomac Mortgage Company 1981 Videogame Space
The player's ship actually travels in an arch and elevates towards the sides of the screen. You can use this to allow alien ships and bombs to pass under your ship. If a bomb drone is dropping close to the side of the screen, you can survive by being at the other side when it explodes.
Star Wars Atari 1983 Videogame Space
In the tower scene, you can shoot fireballs that are hidden behind the towers. In the trench scene, you can shoot fireballs through the catwalks. Moving the flight yoke far left and far right during the attract mode will switch between the instructions and the high score list. In the trench you can "use the force" and get an extra 100,000 points by not shooting anything except the exhaust port. The text "USE THE FORCE" will be at the top of the screen until you shoot. The 100,000 is actually awarded just before you have to shoot the exhaust port, so it's possible to take out some of the gun turrets at the end, too. The bonus is actually lower on the first two waves. It's rumored that if you shoot Darth Vader more than 30 times, you get 27 shields. It is said you can also get 255 shields, but this is rare.
Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back Atari Games 1985 Videogame Air Combat
TRICK: Flying between the legs of Imperial Walkers can yield a rather hefty bonus. 5000 points for the first time, 10000 more points for the second, 15000 additional points for the third, and so on. The best way to do this is to line up and fly through it from the side. After flying through, continue forward and the next walker will appear directly ahead. TRICK: During the tie fighter sequence, if you shoot the ships before they leave the screen, you will stay focused on the Executor and have a very target-rich environment. TRICK: The best way through the asteroid field is to aim for a far corner and stick with it unless you absolutely have to dodge an oncoming asteroid. TRICK: It is not obvious, but when the high score list is displayed at any time, you can use the flight yoke to scroll up and down the list to see all of the top 25 players. Moving the flight yoke far left and far right will switch between the instructions and the high score list. BUG: At the end of the asteroid field, the game says it is awarding points and a Jedi letter. However, the points are never added to the player's score. BUG: If the player spells "JEDI" at the end of the tie-fighter sequence and dies during the asteroid field, the Jedi bonus timer will continue to run during the attract mode. MISC: The high score list will reset if the Jedi-letter mode is changed on the game options screen.
Star Wars Racer Arcade Sega 2000 Videogame Racing
Normally, a player can only choose one of two racers, but after the total number of games played exceeds 700, the rightmost racer, Gasgano, can be selected. After the expert course has been cleared 50 times, the leftmost racer, Ben Quadinators, can be selected.PBeat Anakin in the Boonta Classic At the start of the race, use boost speed to get a good head start and at the first left turn, follow the pod in front of you. After the turn, straighten out and use the boost button again. Keep to the right to avoid traffic and hug the wall on the right turn. At the first big drop, you should be in second place. The pod with the big wings will bump you, giving you a boost in speed that will allow you to pass Anakin at the entrance of the canyon.
Stargate Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1981 Videogame Space
An easter egg is hidden in the game displaying the games credits. To perform this trick, three sequences of joystick movements andor button presses must be executed within a quarter of a second of each other without the player dying.Move the joystick down and press the one player start, reverse, and thrust.Press reverse, two player start, and fire.Move the joystick down and press one player start, thrust and fire.
Starship 1 Atari 1976 Videogame Space
This is not really a cheat, but the best stratagy is when you see one of the 500 point ships that rarely appear, to use your photon torpedos to hit them every time. You don't want to miss them!
Stratovox Taito 1980 Videogame Space
There were two oddities to this game: 1 - It is very low scoring even for the late 70s. The score turns back over to 00000 at 100,000. However, once turned over, the scoring tally contains 5 digits, even if the first 3 are zeros i.e. 99950 00050. 2 - This game could be played blindfolded as the pattern repeats after every attack. So, move the launcher all the way left, count to two, move all the way to the right, count to seven and fire, count to two and fire'll hit all astronauts or, if you prefer, cosmonauts before they can cross the gantry.
Street Fighter Capcom 1987 Videogame Fighting
While fighting Mike, he must have a lower energy than yours. Now, push Down and Left together while you go to the lower left hand corner. Be still while the timer runs out. You can knock an opponent out with one Shoryuu-Ken jumping uppercut. Each Shoryuu-Ken and fireball takes only 3 hits to knock out an opponent, but if you stand close enough to an opponent, sometimes you can get double or even triple hits. Therefore, if you get a triple hit, it will automatically knock out an enemy with full health with this one move. Against Gen, you can on a rare occasion knock him out in less than 3 seconds, sometime even 2. Since Gen is extremely fast and jumps into you a lot, if you start the fight off with an immediate Shoryuu-Ken, sometimes he will jump right into it and you will get either a triple hit and a knockout or a double hit, and immediately after he will charge back into it as you as you are coming down for the third hit. The triple and double hit also works with the Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku or hurricane kick but not as often.
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams Capcom 1995 Videogame Fighting
TRICK: Enter the following codes to play as these characters or situations:AKUMA: Hold Start and move to the ? box at your side. Tap D, D, D, B, B, B ('B' back meaning Left for 1P, Right for 2P). Press either LP HP (or) LK HKM.BISON: Hold Start and move to the ? box at your side. Tap D, D, B, B, D, B, B ('B' back meaning Left for 1P, Right for 2P). Press either LP HP (or) LK HKDAN: Hold Start and move to the ? box at your side. Tap LP, LK, MK, HK, HP, MP (or) HP, HK, MK, LK, LP, MPRYU and KEN Vs. BISON (DRAMATIC BATTLE MODE): Insert two credits. Both players press and hold Start. The cursors will be on Ryu for 1P, and Ken for 2P. Both players tap UP, UP and then release the Start buttons. Both players tap UP, UP again and then 1P (Ryu) presses LP, 2P (Ken) presses HP. The screen will look like Ryu and Ken will begin to fight, but then Bison will appear.WINNING SPEECH SELECT: After a battle, perform one of the following combinations:UP 3PDOWN 3KLEFT LP LK MPRIGHT MK HP HKFIGHT AKUMA AS THE FIRST OPPONENT: Insert a credit and hold MP MK. Press and hold Start while holding MP MK. Choose any character and Akuma will be your first opponent.FIGHT AGAINST DAN: Get three to five PERFECTs without losing a round or perform the same winning speech for five battles in a row (no continues). Either way, Dan will appear for a challenge.
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Capcom 1996 Videogame Fighting
TRICK: Perform the following to play as different characters:CHUN LI (ALTERNATE COSTUME): (NOTE: This is basically Chun Li in her original Street Fighter II - The World Warrior costume. Her Kikoken (Fireball) is now B, F P, instead of B, DB, D, DF, F P) Start a game, hold Start, highlight Chun Li, wait for five seconds, press any button and then Chun Li will be wearing her alternate costume. STAGE SELECT FOR TWO-PLAYER BATTLES: Access Arcade Mode, hold Start, go to the character of the stage you want to fight in, wait for two seconds (for Bison's and Sagat's special stages, wait for five seconds), go to whatever character you want, press any button and then you will begin playing at that level. SATSUI NO HADO METAZE RYU (EVIL RYU): (Note: this trick does not work in Street Fighter Zero 2). Go to Ryu, press and hold Start for one second, go Right to Adon, Up to Akuma, Down to Adon, Left to Ryu, press and hold Start and press any button (Punch or Kick).DHALSIM' (NO SUPER METER): (NOTE: this trick does not work in Street Fighter Zero 2).) Go to Dhalsim, press and hold Start for one second, go Left to Zangief, Down to Sagat, Right to Charlie, Up to Dhalsim, press and hold Start and press any button (Punch or Kick).ZANGIEF' (NO SUPER METER): (NOTE: this trick does not work in Street Fighter Zero 2). Go to Zangief, press and hold Start for one second, go Down to Sagat, Left to Sodom, Left to Rose, Left to Birdie, Left to Charlie, Up to Dhalsim, Up to Ryu, Right to Adon, Right to Chun Li, Right to Guy, Right to Ken, Down to Zangief (the pattern is a circle), press and hold Start and press any button (Punch or Kick).WINNING POSE SELECT: Win a round, press and hold Start and any one of the buttons (Punch or Kick) once the word KO appears. FIGHT AGAINST SECRET OPPONENT: (NOTE: every character has one secret opponent or mid-boss. They will appear and say something before fighting your character in the stage of the next opponent you're supposed to fight. Win any five rounds with either a Super or Custom Combo. The Secret Opponent appears to take over the next opponent after the opponent with the 5th/6th Super/Custom Combo Finish).FIGHT AGAINST SUPER AKUMA: Start a normal game. Before reaching your last boss, get three PERFECTs, three Super (or Custom) Finishes and do not lose a round until the last boss. Super Akuma will appear before the fight with the last boss. After him, you will fight the last boss. To get each character's third and fourth alternate colors, press two punch buttons or two kick buttons simultaneously at the character select screen.
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Capcom 1998 Videogame Fighting
TRICK: To play as the following characters, follow the instructions below:BALROG: Make sure there are at least 28 entires shown on the Rankings Screen. This will appear after the game has been powered on for two to three weeks and the title screen will have a pinkish background. Start a game, highlight Karin and wait for around three seconds. Highlight any Random Select box for your side then immediately hold Start, press any button (waiting too long disables the code) and then Balrog will be your chosen character.JUNI: Make sure there are at least 28 entires shown on the Rankings Screen. This will appear after the game has been powered on for two to three weeks and the title screen will have a pinkish background. Start a game, highlight Karin, wait for around three seconds and highlight any Random Select box for your side. If you are at a Random Select box on the left, hold Left, otherwise hold Right. Immediately press any button (waiting too long disables the code) and then Juni will be your chosen character.JULI: Make sure there are at least 28 entires shown on the Rankings Screen. This will appear after the game has been powered on for two to three weeks and the title screen will have a pinkish background. Start a game, highlight Karin, wait for around three seconds and highlight any Random Select box for your side. If you are at a Random Select box on the upper part, hold Up, otherwise hold Down. Immediately press any button (waiting too long disables the code) and then Juli will be your chosen character.CLASSICAL MODE (NO-ISM): (NOTE: with this code, you can play as a character without any ISMs. Considered as the fourth ISM, this mode has the same moves and characteristics of X-ISM, plus no Super Meters, no Guard Meters, no Juggle Recoveries and no Damage Reduction. However, your character cannot be juggled by the opponent, but you can juggle them.) Check if the title screen has a greenish background (this will appear after three to four weeks. Insert your credit, hold HP + HK and press Start. Next, release Start and the buttons, select any character and then the ISM selection will not appear and your character will instantly change into the X-ISM colors upon selection. The game is now in Classical Mode.SAIKYO MODE (LOW GUARD METER): (Note: with this code, any character with any ISM will have a very short Guard Meter; only about one block (plus a bit more). You can also use this in combination with any ISM.) Check if the title screen has a blue background (this will appear after four to five weeks). Insert your credit, hold LP + LK and press Start. Release Start and the buttons, select any character, select your ISM and then your character will always have a very short Guard Meter in battle.MAZI MODE (LO MODE): (NOTE: this mode is like a serious mode; you can only lose one round before you lose it all. However, all CPU opponents and human players not using this code, need to be defeated the normal number of rounds, which is usually three for most arcades.) Check if the title screen has a blue background (this will appear after four to five weeks). Insert your credit, hold MP + MK and press Start. Release Start and the buttons, select any character, select your ISM and then the L.O. icon should appear in between the Super Meters during battle.DRAMATIC BATTLE MODE: (NOTE: In this mode, two characters fight against one! However, unlike in Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha, there is no free selection of the team members, which means that when you choose a main character, a partner is automatically assigned. If two players use this mode, they will be co-operating together and both will have their own life bar.) Check if the title screen has a cyan background (or white) after it has been through the previous color changes. Insert a credit, hold 3K, press Start, select any character and then you will be assigned a partner and will have to pass six stages of computer opponents. LIST OF TEAMS: Ryu and Ken; E. Honda and Sodom; Blanka and Dan; Charlie and Chun Li; Zangief and R.Mika; Dhalsim and Rose(?); Balrog and Birdie(?); Vega and Rolento; Sagat and Adon; M. Bison and Cammy; Akuma and Gen; Guy and Cody; Karin and Sakura; Juli and Juni.SURVIVAL MODE: Check if the title screen has a cyan background (or white) after it has been through the previous color changes. Hold 3P, press Start, select any character and then you will then go through the Survival Mode, with Survival Mode rules.FINAL BATTLE: (NOTE: Like the Gouki Mode of Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha, you can jump directly to the fight with your character's last boss. There is no more need to climb through the rest of the characters. Check if the title screen has a cyan background (or white) after it's been through the previous color changes. Hold LP + MK + HP, press Start, select any character and then your last boss (mostly Shin Bison) will be your first and only fight.
Street Fighter EX Arika/Capcom 1996 Videogame Fighting
Once the game has been on for 200 hours, extra players are selectable such as Blair Dane and Darun Mister.
Street Fighter II - Champion Edition Capcom 1991 Videogame Fighting
Fast Credits: If a player completes the game the the credits include screens of game characters fighting one another while the credits text scrolls up vertically. If a player completes the game without having to continue, he or she can press down all six attack buttons during the credits to have them go extremely fast, this also speeds up the game characters fighting on screen.See The Programmers: If a player completes the game without losing a single round the credits are displayed in the upper right hand corner of the screen with profile pictures for each of the developers of the game. While the credits are being shown the profile picture of each of the characters in the game is displayed to the left while the corresponding character appears on screen and attacks a breakable itembarrel/crate then takes a winning pose.
Street Fighter II - The World Warrior Capcom 1991 Videogame Fighting
The following are some of the infamous bugs of the game. Be careful not to let the time run out with these because you will have to turn off the game to release the glitch:Guile's Pose/Statue: Stand next to your opponent, then charge back. When you get far enough, press roundhouse to do the flip kick, then while the kick's hitting your opponent, press towardfierce. The flip kick mentioned being the upside-down kick or inverted kick with roundhouse stand next to your opponent and pulling back and throw a sonic boom with any punch to make it work. To admire this one fully do it against Zangief as he will not attack you during the freeze (probably the easiest to do).Shutdown: Same as Handcuffs, but do a fierce throw, or slide (with button hand) down fierce and roundhouse and up with the joystick hand. Make sure that you are close enough to throw the opponent or it will not work.Dhalsim's Invisiblity: D,DT,T, then Forward Kick and Fierce Punch in one smooth motion. Try the Dragon Punch motion as well although this only looks cool for a second because you can not attack or defend while being invisible so enjoy quickly.Guile's Handcuffs: Charge Down-Back, then pull BackStrong, then in mid-throw press UpRoundhouse. Another way to do this one is to perform Guile's 'slice' or flip kick and in the same motion slide your fingers down strong and forward to end with the joystick hand up and the button hand down. To get out of the 'Handcuffs' throw a sonic boom with strong and roundhouse (this takes some, well a lot, of practice). Note: Blanka looks the coolest during this move and if the quick uppercut with strong comes out (most often with Zangief) you are too close and will not be able to get out.Handcuff Release: To release an opponent from the handcuffs it takes a bit more timing than putting him/her into them. To release the opponent charge back as if you are going to do a Sonic Boom attack, then begin a half circle towards the opponent(like Dhalsims Yoga-flame). You must begin the half circle motion kinda of quickly, then when the half circle motion reach the down position slow a little. Now, as you rotate the controls between down and down-forward, press the forward(medium) kick button, and as the rotation reaches the forward position press the medium punch. Guile will throw the victim free. When you perform the handcuffs you are interrupting a flip kick with a throw, when you release the person you are interrupting a sonice boom, to a regular kick, and then finally with a throw. This takes a little work to master, but you can release the person.Guile's Four Hit Combo: To put any character into or back into stars. Jump press fierce to slap in the air then fierce to uppercut and again quickly to throw the sonic boom and tap fierce while the sonic boom hits and holding away from the opponent to backhand for four hits and instant stars.Guile's Invisible Throw: Get close to your opponent and hold the joystick down in the corner. Wait for your opponent to get real close then press Forward-Back-Strong Kick-Strong Punch. Make sure that the kick goes before the punch. Dont push them at the same time or it wont work. Guile will throw and your opponent will fall down, but you wont touch your opponent.
Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition Capcom 1992 Videogame Fighting
See the Staff Programmers: Try to beat the game without losing any rounds. During the staff credits, After each character breaks crate/oil barrel, they do the victory pose. Seeing Credits-While the player completes the game, you can see all of the character fighting. Push all six buttons to speed up the credits.
Street Fighter II' Turbo - Hyper Fighting Capcom 1992 Videogame Fighting
To change the player character's default color, you must push the Start button during player select.
Street Fighter III - 2nd Impact Capcom 1998 Videogame Fighting
FIGHT CHARACTERS RIVAL It seems like CAPCOM has given IStreet Fighter III New GenerationI the Alpha touch. Not only do the characters have their own boss, but also their own secret opponents, just like Street Fighter Alpha 2. To fight a secret opponent, get four Super Finishes without losing as many rounds as possible. After the battle where you got the last Super Finish, the message Your rival has found you will appear. Depending on your character, a secret opponent will challenge you next. FIGHT AGAINST AKUMAGOUKI Akuma Gouki in the Japanese version looks older, with some streaks of white in his hair, but he's still as powerful as ever. To fight against him, get at least two PERFECTS without losing a round before your last boss. Akuma will do a Raging Demon on your last boss once the announcer says FIGHT. Akuma will then be your last boss. FIGHT AGAINST SHIN AKUMAGOUKI As if Akuma is not enough, Shin Akuma is also in the game He moves faster and is deadlier than normal Akuma. Get at least three PERFECTS and at most three CHEESE finishes without losing a round before the last boss. Normal Akuma will challenge you as the last boss. Defeat Normal Akuma without losing a round with at least one Super Finish on him. Akuma will resurrect into Shin Akuma. PLAY AS AKUMAGOUKI To play as Akuma Gouki in the Japanese version do the following trick: Start a game. Highlight Ryu, tap DOWN, DOWN, UP. Highlight Ken, tap UP, UP, DOWN. Highlight Ryu, tap UP. Highlight Ken, tap DOWN. Highlight Sean, tap DOWN, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, UP, UP. If done right, Akumas box will appear. Press any button. He can choose one of the three Super Arts available to him Messatsu GouHadou Super Fireball, both ground and air, Messatsu GouShouryu Super Dragon Punch and the new Messatsu GouRasen Super Hurricane Kick. Also with any of the Super Arts, he has the Raging Demon It needs the Meter to be MAX though. However, he CANT do any Special Moves. If you have access to the Options Menu of the game, then you can input the following code in and Akuma will automatically be on the character select screen, until you clear the memory backup of the machine Access Options. Access Test. Access Config. Access Settings. Highlight the following options and press the corresponding buttons and the number of times in order TIMER START X 3 EVENT MK X 2 SCREEN HK X 3 BONUS START X 1 DAMAGE LK X 4 A sound will be heard, and Akuma will be on the character select screen. BONUS GAME LEVEL SELECT You can select the difficulty level of the Bonus Game by doing this simple code. The higher the level, the faster the balls will be thrown in for you to parry Start a game. Select any character. Reach the Bonus Game, which is after the third opponent. When it says Lets practice parrying Lets practice blocking in the Japanese version, press and hold the buttons corresponding to the level LK MK HK LK MK HK DOWN LP MK HP The Bonus Game will be at the level chosen.
Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha Capcom 1996 Videogame Fighting
Survival Mode can be accessed by holding three Punches and pressing Start at the title screen. A blue background with the Zero symbol at the character select screen shows that this mode is active.PDramatic Mode can be accessed by holding three Kicks and pressing Start at the title screen. A green background with the Zero symbol shows that this mode is on.PRandom Select is available by just moving to the empty space next to Gouki Akuma or Dan.PUnlike IStreet Fighter Alpha 2I, each button corresponds to a different color.PTo fight Shin Gouki Akuma as your first and only opponent, hold MP MK at the title screen and then press Start.PSeveral characters have alternate versions of themselves, each having different characteristics and moves. This is done by highlighting the particular characters and pressing Start the number of times shown below.ULLIRyuOLLIRyu No Super Meter This character has no Super Meter, meaning no Super Combos, Custom Combos, or Alpha Counters, but his DP is back to its original invincibility way.LISatsu No Hado Mesaze Ryu AKA Evil Ryu Moves of the Evil Ryu are identical to that in IStreet Fighter Alpha 2I. He can also throw red fireballs at will by doing B, DB, D, DF, F P that burns once, no matter which Punch you press.OLLIChun LiOLLIClassic Chun Li The character is the same as in the original IStreet Fighter Alpha 2ILIClassic Chun Li No Super Meter She has no Air Blocks, no Super Moves, no Alpha Counters, no Rolls, and she does not even have her Spinning Air Kick or Fireball. She still has her Split Kick, though.OLLIKenOLLIKen No Super Meter Kens DP is back as invincible as ever.OLLIDhalsimOLLIDhalsim No Super MeterOLLISakuraOLLINew Sakura color changes Just an alternate set of colors.OLLIZangiefOLLIZangief No Super MeterOLLISagatOLLISagat No Super Meter The Tiger Knee move is now D, DF, F, UF K instead of F, D, DF K. The Tiger Uppercut does not get as many hits.OLLIVega M. BisonOLLIVega M. Bison No Super Meter Vega M. Bison loses his Super Meter and also his Psycho Shot. Instead, the B, F P executes his Psycho Crusher, just like in IStreet Fighter II Champion EditionI.OLUL
Street Hoop Data East 1994 Videogame Sports
Once your power bar is full, every shot you make will make it in.
Streets Of Rage Sega 1989 Videogame Fighting
On level four at the second stop, throw the guy in the gray suit in the pit when no one else is on the screen. Then, you can automatically go to the third stop.
Strikers 1945 III Psikyo 1999 Videogame Air Combat
Press up on the random select to access a secret plane, the X-36 Warlord. It is a more powerful version of the F5U Flying Pancake from previous strikers and it is theM/EM> plane to use.
Sugar Loaf Toy Shoppe American Coin Merchandising, Inc. 1995 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical Skill
Do not shake the game as this causes the prizes to settle making them much harder to get (and possibly unretreivable).
Super Buster Bros. Capcom 1990 Videogame Platform
If you hold down on the joystick while playing in panic mode, 500 points will be added to your score every few seconds. This should help you get extra men quicker but will also place you in more danger since there will be more bubbles coming onto screen.PAlso in panic mode, if you go without shooting anything for the amount of time it takes for the background song to repeat, you will automatically get 10,000 points, but the speed of the balls with suddenly become extremely fast.PIn tour mode, if you set the board for one life per game, you can easily pass all the levels by switching to player twos side when you die as player one, and player ones side when you die as player one. The levels will not start completely over every time you die.
Super Contra Konami 1988 Videogame Fighting
The zappers from the tank boss on level two do not seem to hurt you. Getting hit by the wheels does not seem to have any effect either.
Super Dodge Ball (Neo-Geo) Technos 1996 Videogame Sports
Try performing Street Fighter-like motions and button combinations to reveal special character moves.
Super Monaco GP Sega 1989 Videogame Racing
Do not steer through the chicane; the game will, for whatever reason, take your car through it under full acceleration. Also, use your left foot to brake; with the exception of a few corners (particularly the hairpin), there's little reason to lift from the accelerator as long as you brake with your left foot.
Super Pac-Man Bally Midway 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
The game, Super Pac-Man, turns over its' scoring function when a player scores 10,000,000 points or more on the game. I stopped my game at 10,106,040 after 14 hours and 22 minutes.
Super Pang Mitchell 1990 Videogame Shooter
If you hold down on the joystick while playing in panic mode, 500 points will be added to your score every few seconds. This should help you get extra men quicker but will also place you in more danger since there will be more bubbles coming onto screen. Also in panic mode, if you go without shooting anything for the amount of time it takes for the background song to repeat, you will automatically get 10000 points, but the speed of the balls with suddenly become extremely fast. In tour mode, if you set the board for one life per game, you can easily pass all the levels by switching to player two's side when you die as player one, and player one's side when you die as player one. The levels will not start completely over every time you die.
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo Capcom 1996 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
To play as Akuma (Gouki), move to Morrigan if you are player one or to Felicia if you are player two. Move the joystick Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down and then hold Left and press any button. Player two should move the joystick Right, Down, Right, Down, Right, Down then hold Right and press any button. To play as Dan, move to Morrigan if you are player one or to Felicia if you are player two. Press and hold Start, move the joystick Down 13 times and then hit any other button. To play as Devilot, move to Morrigan if you are player one or to Felicia if you are player two. Press and hold the Start button and move the joystick Down 13 times. Wait for the clock to reach 10 seconds and then hit any other button.
Super Puzzle Fighter II X Capcom 1996 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
To play as Akuma (Gouki), move to Morrigan if you're player one or to Felicia if you're player two. Move the joystick Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down and then hold Left and press any button. Player two should move the joystick Right, Down, Right, Down, Right, Down then hold Right and press any button. To play as Dan, move to Morrigan if you're player one or to Felicia if you're player two. Press and hold Start, move the joystick Down 13 times and then hit any other button. To play as Devilot, move to Morrigan if you're player one or to Felicia if you're player two. Press and hold the Start button and move the joystick Down 13 times. Wait for the clock to reach 10 seconds and then hit any other button.
Super Spacefortress Macross Fabtek 1992 Videogame Space
If you win the game twice in a row, you'll get to see the ending animation. For some reason, you don't get to see it when you only win it once. Go figure.
Super Street Fighter II Turbo Capcom 1994 Videogame Fighting
To play as Akuma (Gouki in the Japanese version) Put the cursor on Ryu, wait (usually it's from 2-5 seconds) then move to T-Hawk, wait again, Left once to Guile, wait, Down and over to Cammy, wait, then go back to Ryu, then one last pause then press Jab+Strong+Fierce+your Start (1P or 2P). If you did it correctly Ryu's picture should have been replaced by a black shadow figure. Akuma has all of Ken's/Ryu's moves except for: Teleport: similar to Dhalsim's Air Fireball: Jump then Down, Down-forward, Forward, Kick.
Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge Capcom 1994 Videogame Fighting
To play as Akuma (Gouki in the Japanese version) Put the cursor on Ryu, wait (usually it's from 2-5 seconds) then move to T-Hawk, wait again, Left once to Guile, wait, Down and over to Cammy, wait, then go back to Ryu, then one last pause then press JabStrongFierceyour Start (1P or 2P). If you did it correctly Ryu's picture should have been replaced by a black shadow figure. Akuma has all of Ken's/Ryu's moves except for: Teleport: similar to Dhalsim's Air Fireball: Jump then Down, Down-forward, Forward, Kick.
Super Xevious Namco 1984 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
There are structures called Sol Citadels hidden throughout the game. The targeting sight will briefly flash red whenever it is over one of these structures. Dropping a bomb at that spot will first uncover the silolike object worth 1000 points and dropping another bomb on it will award another 1000 points. Note the Sol Citadels are not in the same locations as they are in IXeviousI but they can usually be found along the same horizontal line as the original.PThere are also four special flags hidden at certain points in the game. Uncovering and flying over a special flag will award an extra life. The targeting sight will not flash when it is over a hidden flag.PBUG Three of the new enemies, a dark yellow tank, a helicopter on the ground, and a small jet taking off from a runway should not be destroyed. Destroying any of these enemies resets the score to zero but flying over the tank or helicopter awards a 10000 point bonus.