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International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Coin-Op, Video Game, and Arcade - Cheats, Easter Eggs, and Bugs

Entries in this index: 16
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Text (See Game for Complete Cheats, Easter Eggs, and Bugs)
Kaguyahime Miki 1988 Videogame Mahjong
On the betting screen, the more you bet, the sexier the picture becomes.
Karnov's Revenge Data East 1994 Videogame
You can fight an Ox after completing the game on Normal difficulty or above without continuing.
Keyboardmania Konami 2000 Videogame Skill
By entering certain codes, different modes can be activated, much like IBeatmaniaI.
Kick Midway Manufacturing Co. 1981 Videogame Skill
On the first screen, if each balloon is kicked before it is popped, a bonus will be awarded.
Killer Instinct Midway Games 1994 Videogame Fighting
To play as EYEDOL: select Riptor, then hold Left+1+2+4; during the VS screen, but before the screen fades, hold Right+2+3+6. You should hear the game say "EYEDOL". To Enhance Combo Breakers, Hold Both Start Buttons Down and hold Both Joysticks in the "Down" Position. When you hear "COMBO BREAKER", Breakers will be easier to perform.
Killer Instinct 2 Midway Games 1996 Videogame Fighting
At the character selection screen, hold Up and press Fierce Punch, Medium Punch, Medium Kick, Fierce Kick, Medium Punch, Quick Punch, Quick Kick and then Medium Kick. You will hear a sound and Gargos will appear as a selectable character. Press Up and Start on the character selection screen for Random Select. On the character selection screen you can choose the speed of the game with various codes. They must be done before choosing your character. Down and any medium attack for turbo mode, Down and any fierce attack for ultra turbo and Down and either quick attack to go back to regular speed. You can choose the stage and background music by quickly using a code after selecting your characters. The first player selects the level and the second player selects the music. Here is the list of the codes:Jago's Bridge: Down and Quick PunchGargos' Dungeon: Down and Medium PunchT.J. Combo's Street: Down and Fierce PunchKim Wu's Dojo: Down and Quick KickSpinal's Ship (outside): Down and Medium KickSpinal's Ship (inside): Down and Fierce KickSabrewulf's Castle: Up and Quick PunchMaya's Jungle: Up and Medium PunchGlacius' Spaceship: Up and Fierce PunchTusk's Stone Henge: Up and Quick KickFulgore's Museum: Up and Medium KickOrchid's Helipad: Up and Fierce KickSky Stage: Down and Medium Kick (both players must do this)
King Of Dragons, The Capcom 1991 Videogame Fighting
Like in the most Capcom games from this era, a special move can be performed by pressing both buttons at the same time.
King Of Fighters '94, The SNK 1994 Videogame Fighting
Special moves are performed by doing joystick motions and button presses. Each character has a super move which is done when the power gauge is full (hold down ABC) and then the command is done for the character.
King Of Fighters '95, The SNK 1995 Videogame Fighting
Play as the bosses: When the game asks you if you want to edit your team at the character select screen, select "YES". Then, press and hold Start, and do the following command sequence twice while holding Start: Up B, Right C, Down D, Left A. The selection boxes for Saisyu Kusanagi and Omega Rugal should appear.
King Of Fighters '96, The SNK 1996 Videogame Fighting
The super move system was also tweaked. Like before the super bar can be charged up by holding down ABC. When charged, a super attack can be performed. However, if you do this when your fighter has low health (so the health gauge is flashing red) and have a full super bar, then the super move will be a lot more powerful and look better.
King Of Fighters '97, The SNK 1997 Videogame Fighting
Playing as Orochi Iori: at the character select screen, press and hold Start button, then move the stick Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right and then press AC buttons, while holding Start. Orochi Iori's selection frame should appear. Playing as Orochi Leona: after doing the trick for Orochi Iori, still at the character select screen, press and hold Start, then move the joystick Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down and then press BD buttons, while holding Start. Orochi Leona's selection frame should appear. Playing as the Orochi New Faces Team: after doing the trick for both Orochi Iori and Leona, at the character select screen, press and hold Start, move the joystick Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Down and then press BC buttons. The selection frames for Orochi Yashiro, Orochi Chris and Orochi Shermie should appear.
King Of Fighters '98: Dream Match Never Ends, The SNK 1998 Videogame Fighting
Alternate versions of some characters: At the character select screen, place the cursor over one of these characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, Joe Higashi, Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Yuri Sakazaki, Mai Shiranui, Yashiro Nanakase, Shermie, Chris or Billy Kane. Press and hold Start then press any of the A/B/C/D buttons to select the character and play using its alternate version.
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest, The SNK 1998 Videogame Fighting
Alternate version of some characters: At the character select screen, put the cursor over one of these characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, Joe Higashi, Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Yuri Sakazaki, Mai Shiranui, Yashiro Nanakase, Shermie, Chris or Billy Kane, press and hold Start then press any of the A/B/C/D buttons to select him/her and play with his/her alternate version.
King Of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle, The SNK 1999 Videogame Fighting
Play as Kyo Kusanagi/Iori Yagami: The machine must have a "" appearing below the copyright on the attract mode screen. For this "" to appear, the following conditions must be accomplished: - Have a high score of at least 400 battle ability points - Finish the game with all 4 characters chosen at random Once accomplished these conditions, it will be stored in the machine's NVRAM so it is needless to do it again. Then, if the "" is there, at the character screen, move the cursor to the "?", press and hold Start, then move the joystick: Left, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right for Kyo Kusanagi or Right, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left for Iori Yagami
Knights Of The Round Capcom 1992 Videogame Fighting
Sometimes you can pick up treasure chests for points, but if you smash them once they will break into smaller piles of loot which will yield more points.
Krull Gottlieb, D., & Co., a Columbia Pictures Industries Co. 1983 Videogame Other
On the boulder round, you will receive a greater score when you run close to a rolling boulder. Go near the top of the screen, find a boulder that rolls down at the same speed as can run and have it chase you down the screen. You can rack up several thousands points this way, but do not stay on the level too long or the game will release lots more boulders! Trick - Open the coin door, press and hold down the Select button while turning on the power simply pull out on the coin-door interlock switch. 64 black and white heads of Bob Dobbs will float across the screen.