Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Amusement Machines: W (type: All)

Entries in this index: 620
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
W Seeburg 1953 Music / Jukebox
W 120 Automatic Musical Instruments Co. 1953 Music / Wall box
W.H. Clune Poker Machine Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
W.H. Nicholas Green & Broad Vending
Wa-Wo-Na, La Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Wack-A-Doodle-Doo Sega Pinball, Inc. Arcade / Bopper Skill
Wacko Bally Midway 1983 Videogame Shooter
Wacky Ducks I.C.E. Arcade / Reflex
Wacky Gator Data East 1990 Arcade
Wacky Races Banpresto 2008 Videogame Racing
Wadaiko Master Namco 2015 Arcade / Redemption
Waghter's Parlor Base Ball Unknown 1880 Pinball / Mechanical
Wagner Match Vender Charles A. Wagner Mfg. Co. 1904 Vending / Match
Wagon Train Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1960 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wagon Train Alben 1960 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wagon Wheels A. B. T. Manufacturing Co. 1931 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Wagon Wheels Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1931 Unknown
Wagon Wheels United Mfg. 1945 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wahoo C. F. Eckhart & Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Wahoo Osbrink Games Co. 1931 Unknown
Waikiki Beach Royal Novelty Co. 1961 Pinball
Waiwai Animal Land Taito 1992 Videogame
Wakakusa Monogatari Mahjong Yonshimai Maboroshi Ware 1996 Videogame Mahjong
Waku Waku 7 Sunsoft 1996 Videogame Fighting
Walden Goliath Crane Bryan's Automatic Machine Works 1935 Unknown
Waldorf Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1931 Unknown
Waldorf Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Walk In Theatre Charles Fey & Sons Arcade / Viewer
Walk The Dog Sega 2000 Videogame Simulator
Walkaway, The Standard Amusement Co., Inc. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Walking Dead, The Raw Thrills 2016 Videogame Simulator
Walking Dead, The - Limited Edition Stern Pinball, Inc. 2014 Pinball / Solid State
Walking Dead, The - Premium Stern Pinball, Inc. 2015 Pinball / Solid State
Walking Dead, The - Pro Stern Pinball, Inc. 2014 Pinball / Solid State
Walkyria Joctronic S.A. 1986 Pinball / Solid State
Wall Block Taito 1978 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Wall Box Mills Novelty Co. 1930 Music / Wall box
Wall Crash MIdcoin 1985 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Wall Mount Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. Music / Jukebox
Wall Street O. D. Jennings & Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wall Street Bally Manufacturing Co. Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wall-Box United Mfg. 1959 Music / Wall box
Wall-Ette A.M.I. Music / Wall box
Wall-O-Matic Seeburg Music / Wall box
Wall-O-Matic Seeburg 1938 Music / Wall box
Wall-O-Matic "Wireless" Seeburg 1940 Music / Wall box
Wall-O-Matic 100 Model 3W1 Seeburg 1949 Music / Wall box
Wall-O-Matic 160, S3W Seeburg 1958 Music / Wall box
Wall-O-Matic 200, V-3WA Seeburg 1956 Music / Wall box
Wall-O-Matic 3W1 Seeburg 1948 Music / Wall box
Wall-O-Matic WB-12 Jukebox Remote Seeburg 1950 Music / Wall box
Wallace Chocolate American Automatic Vending 1890 Vending / Candy
Walter Baker Co. Autosales Corp. 1910 Vending
Walter's Bargain Vendor Walter Gum Co. Vending / Gum
Wampum Bally Manufacturing Co. 1938 Trade Stim. / Reel
Wampum Torr 1940 Trade Stim. / Reel
Wampum Bank Sunnisam Games Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Wanagan Midnight Namco 2001 Videogame Racing
Wand Video Video Games Gmbh Videogame
Wandbox Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1960 Music / Wall box
Wang-Poo Richwine & Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Wangan Midnight Namco / Bandai Games 2001 Videogame Racing
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune Namco 2004 Videogame Driving
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 Namco 2005 Videogame Driving
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3 Namco 2009 Videogame
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3 DX Unknown 2008 Videogame Racing
Wanghe Unknown (Temporary) 1930 Pinball / Mechanical
Wanted Sigma Ent. Inc. 1984 Videogame Shooter
Wanted Sega/Gremlin 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
War Viza 1978 Pinball / Solid State
War Admiral Bell Products Co. 1943 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
War Admiral Sullivan-Nolan Advertising Co. 1943 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
War Ball Sega 1986 Videogame Sports
War Eagle Mills Novelty Co. 1931 Slot Machine / Bell
War Eagle Silent Jackpot Side Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1931 Unknown
War Gods Midway Games 1996 Videogame Fighting
War Of Aero Yang Cheng 1993 Videogame Shooter
War Of The Bugs Food and Fun Corp./Armenia Ltd. 1981 Videogame Shooter
War Of The Grail Capcom 2006 Videogame Fighting
War Of The Worlds Cinematronics 1982 Videogame Space
War Tracks CoviArcade S.L. 2000 Videogame Racing
War Zone A. B. T. Manufacturing Co. 1950 Arcade / Pistol
War: Final Assault Atari Games 1999 Videogame Shooter
Wardner Taito 1987 Videogame Platform
Wardner No Mori Taito 1987 Videogame Platform
Warlok Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1982 Pinball / Solid State
Warlords Atari 1980 Videogame Shooter
Warlords Astro Games Inc. 1979 Pinball / Solid State
Warp & Warp Namco 1981 Videogame Shooter
Warp 1 Taito 1980 Videogame Shooter
Warp Speed Meadows Games 1980 Videogame
Warp Warp Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1981 Videogame Shooter
Warrior Vectorbeam 1979 Videogame Fighting
Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode III Taito 1991 Videogame Fighting
Warriors Of Fate Capcom 1992 Videogame Fighting
Wartran Troopers Konami 2004 Videogame Shooter
Warzaid Konami 2003 Videogame
Warzard (a.k.a. Red Earth ) Capcom 1996 Videogame Fighting
Washington Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Vending / Scale
Wasp Caille Bros. Co. 1904 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Wasteland Racers 2071 Triotech Amusement 2007 Videogame Racing
Watch My Line Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1951 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Watch Your Weight W. & T. Avery Ltd. Vending / Scale
Watch-Em Electra Co. 1931 Unknown
Wate and Fate American Manufacturing Co. Vending / Scale Fortune
Water Blast Bob's Space Racers 2006 Arcade
Water Games Bob's Space Racers 1991 Arcade
Water High Rise Coastal Amusements 1990 Arcade / Shooter
Water Match Bally Midway/Sega 1984 Videogame Sports
Water Ski Taito 1983 Videogame Sports
Waterfall Bryan's Automatic Machine Works 1933 Unknown
Watergate Caper Nutting Associates 1973 Videogame
Waterpark Splash Universal Space Arcade
Waterworld Premier / Gottlieb 1995 Pinball / Solid State
Watling Scale Watling Manufacturing Co. 1902 Vending / Scale
Wave Runner Sega 1996 Videogame Racing
Wave Runner GP Sega 2003 Videogame
Wave Shark Konami 1996 Videogame Racing
Way Of The Warrior American Laser Games 1994 Videogame Fighting
Way-Rite Scale J. M. Sanders Mfg. Co. 1931 Vending / Scale
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey Atari Games/Midway 1996 Videogame Sports
Weather Tales Taito 2001 Videogame
Weatherproof Talking Scale United Vending Machine Co. 1908 Vending / Scale
WEC Le Mans 24 Konami 1986 Videogame Racing
Wee Gee Boyce Coin Machine Amusement 1925 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Wee-Gee Peo Manufacturing Co. 1935 Arcade / Counter game
Weeks Pencil Charles M. Weeks Co., Inc. 1925 Vending
Weeks Pencil Vender Charles M. Weeks Co., Inc. 1923 Vending
Weigh Yourself Free Watling Manufacturing Co. 1960 Vending / Scale
Weighing Machine P. Everitt 1890 Vending / Scale
Weighing Machine E. T. Fairbanks & Co. 1885 Vending / Scale
Weighing Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1904 Vending / Scale
Weight Machine O. D. Jennings & Co. Vending / Scale
Weight Verifier Public Scale Co. 1929 Vending / Scale
Weight Verifier Public Scale Co. 1929 Vending / Scale
Well, Here We Are R. D. Simpson Co. 1927 Vending
Wells System Northwestern Corp. 1931 Vending / Bulk
Welltris Video System Co. Ltd. 1990 Videogame
Wer Bezahlt Die Runde T. H. Bergmann & Co. Pinball
Wer zahlt die Runde Siegfried Schumacher 1968 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
West Bound Globe Mfg. Co. 1935 Pinball / Mechanical
West Club Rally 1967 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
West Show A.M.I. 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
West Story Datsu 1991 Videogame Shooter
West Wind Exhibit Supply Co., The 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
West's Cream Gum L. E. West Gum Co. Vending / Gum
Western Western Co. 1932 Vending / Bulk
Western Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1969 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Western Dama S.R.L. 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Western Automatic Improved Roulette Western Automatic Machine Co. 1894 Trade Stim. / Roulette
Western Express Data East 1986 Videogame Fighting
Western Express Bally 1950 Arcade / Kiddie ride
Western Gun Taito 1975 Videogame Shooter
Western Gun, Part II Taito 1980 Videogame Shooter
Western Hill Taito 1972 Arcade Shooter
Western Look, The Vending International Corp. Arcade / Strength tester Skill
Western Pony Southland Engineering Inc. 1961 Arcade
Western Star Upright Paul E. Berger Manufacturing Co. 1899 Slot Machine / Wheel
Western Sweepstakes J. P. Seeburg Corp. 1931 Unknown
Western Train Andamiro 2000 Arcade
Westerner Electro Sport 1983 Videogame Gambling
Weston Weston Slot Machine Co. 1893 Trade Stim. / Counter game
WGP Taito 1989 Videogame Simulator
WGP 2 Taito 1990 Videogame Sports
Whac A Hat Bob's Space Racers 2000 Arcade / Bopper
WhacAMole Bob's Space Racers 1971 Arcade / Redemption Skill
Whack N' Win I.C.E. 2017 Arcade / Redemption Skill
Whack'N Alien! I.C.E. Arcade / Bopper Skill
Wham Bam PMC Electronics 1974 Videogame
Wham Bam 2 PMC Electronics Videogame
Whang Bridget Mfg. Co. 1931 Unknown
What Is My Weakness Exhibit Supply Co., The Arcade / Fortune
What's Your Weight Unknown 1990 Vending / Scale
Whatizit Allied Leisure Industries 1972 Arcade / Quiz
Whee Gee Mystic Geo. Ponser Co. 1945 Arcade
Wheel Overton Mfg. Co., The 1902 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Wheel Maresa / Maquinas Recreativas Sociedad Anonima Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wheel 'M In Xtreme Bromley 2010 Arcade / Coin Roller Skill
Wheel Check Cooper Manufacturing Co. 1897 Slot Machine / Wheel
Wheel Deal Benchmark Games Inc. 1998 Arcade
Wheel Deal Benchmark Games Inc. Arcade / Coin drop Skill
Wheel Deal Xtreme Benchmark Games Inc. 2000 Arcade / Redemption
Wheel Machine Gustav Schultze & Co. 1894 Slot Machine / Wheel
Wheel of Fate Caille Bros. Co. 1907 Arcade / Fortune
Wheel of Fortune Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1893 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Wheel Of Fortune Gametek 1989 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Wheel of Fortune Western Equipment & Supply 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wheel Of Fortune Stern Pinball, Inc. 2007 Pinball / Solid State
Wheel of Fortune I.C.E. 2001 Arcade
Wheel of Fortune I.C.E. 2004 Arcade
Wheel of Fortune Fun House Games, Inc. WMS 1996 Arcade Skill
Wheel of Fortune Raw Thrills Arcade
Wheel'M In Bromley Arcade / Coin Roller Skill
Wheeler Dealer Henry W.T. Mali & Co., Inc. 1977 Pinball / Solid State
Wheelin-N-Dealin Lazer Tron Arcade / Reflex Skill
Wheels Midway Manufacturing Co. 1975 Videogame Racing
Wheels II Midway Manufacturing Co. 1975 Videogame Racing
Wheels Runner I G Spa 1982 Videogame Racing
Whiffle Yohio Manufacturing Co. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Whiffle Bagatelle Automatic Industries, Ltd. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Whiffle Board Automatic Industries, Inc. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Whiffle Board Deluxe Automatic Industries, Inc. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Whiffle Delux Automatic Industries, Inc. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whiffle Game Unknown 1930 Pinball / Mechanical
Whiffle-Zip Automatic Industries, Inc. 1932 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Whifflette Automatic Industries, Inc. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whiffs of Fragrance Mills Novelty Co. 1916 Vending
Whip-It Wal-Bil Novelty Co. 1930 Pinball / Mechanical
Whir-Pool Whirlpool Sales Agency 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whir-Pool Jr. Whirlpool Sales Agency 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whirl A Ball Linbrite Specialty 1927 Arcade / Skill game
Whirl It National Automatic Machine Co. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Whirl Pool Exhibit Supply Co., The 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Whirl-A-Ball Amusement Enterprises 1946 Arcade
Whirl-A-Round Irving Bromberg Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whirl-Ball Peo Manufacturing Co. 1930 Arcade / Skill game
Whirl-Wind Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1957 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Whirlaway Victory Sales Co. 1943 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Whirlaway Roy McGinnis Co. 1943 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Whirligig Richwine & Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whirligig Olympic Games Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whirlpool Exhibit Supply Co., The 1935 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Whirlpool Pace Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Whirlpool Whirlpool Sales Agency 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whirlpool Skilgames, Inc. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whirlpool Jr. Whirlpool Sales Agency 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whirlpool Jr. Skilgames, Inc. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whirls Fair K & F Specialty Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Whirlwind Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1958 Pinball / Mechanical
Whirlwind Pierce Tool & Mfg. Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Reel
Whirlwind Williams Electronic Games, Inc. (WMS, 1985-2000) 1990 Pinball / Solid State
Whirlwind (Disc Model) Pierce Tool & Mfg. Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Whirlwind Electric Pierce Tool & Mfg. Co. 1933 Slot Machine / Wheel
Whirly Bird Midway Manufacturing Co. 1969 Arcade
Whirly Bucket Exidy 1983 Arcade
Whirlygig Unknown 1900 Arcade / Fortune
Whistle Stop Bay-Tek Incorporated 2000 Arcade / Skill game Skill
White City, The - Greyhound Racer Tom Boland 1950 Slot Machine / Reel
White Dice Unknown 1950 Trade Stim. / Dice
White Force Universal de Desarrollos Electronicos, S.A. (a.k.a. Unidesa/ 1987 Pinball / Solid State
White Lightning Midway Manufacturing Co. 1970 Arcade / Pistol
White Sails Bally Manufacturing Co. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
White Shark Bell Coin Matic 1980 Pinball / Solid State
White Star White Vending Machine Co. Vending / Bulk
White Star Match Machine White Vending Machine Co. Vending / Match
White Vending Co. White Vending Machine Co. 1904 Vending / Bulk
White Water Williams Electronic Games, Inc. (WMS, 1985-2000) 1993 Pinball / Solid State
White's Automatic Sapho R. J. White Manufacturing Co. 1905 Arcade / Viewer
Whiz Ball Pace Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Whiz Ball Whiz Ball Mfg. Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whiz Ball Jackpot Whiz Ball Mfg. Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whiz Bang Lincoln Manufacturing Co. 1932 Pinball
Whiz Kids Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1952 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Whiz-Ball Pace Manufacturing Co. 1931 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Whiz-Ball Jack Pot Whiz Ball Mfg. Co. 1931 Vending
Whiz-Bang Loewen Novelty Mfg. Co. 1931 Unknown
Whiz-Bang Novelty Mfg. Co., Inc. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical Card
Whiz-Bo Whiz Ball Mfg. Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical Skill
Whiz-Bowler Binks Industries, Inc. 1954 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Whizz Philko 1989 Videogame
Whizz Bang Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1932 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Whizz Bang Model A Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1932 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Whizz Bang Model B Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1932 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Whizz Bang Model C Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1932 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Whizz-Bang Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1932 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Whizz-Bang (Model A) Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whizz-Bang (Model B) Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whizz-Bang (Model C) Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Whizz-Bang Sr. Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1931 Unknown
Whizzard Royal Novelty Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Who Dunit Exidy 1988 Videogame Shooter
WHO dunnit Midway Manufacturing Co. WMS 1995 Pinball / Solid State
Who Shot Johnny Rock American Laser Games 1991 Videogame Shooter
Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard, The Data East 1994 Pinball / Solid State
Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons Whizbang Pinball 2011 Pinball / Solid State Adult
Whom To Marry Machine Exhibit Supply Co., The 1929 Arcade / Fortune
Whoopee Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1964 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Whoopee Ball Field Manufacturing Co. 1931 Trade Stim.
Whoopee Game In & Out Door Games Co. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Whoopee!! Toaplan 1991 Videogame Platform
Whooperdoo Western Products, Inc. 1939 Trade Stim. / Reel
Who\'s Goofy Ace Novelty Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Who\'s Goofy Colonial Specialties Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Wi-Co Unknown 1910 Vending / Gum
Widget Widget Mfg. Co. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Wiggle K. & H. Game Co. 1931 Unknown
Wiggle, The E. E. Junior Mfg. Ltd. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Wiggler Bally Manufacturing Co. 1967 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wiggly Penn-Ohio Games Co. Pinball / Mechanical
Wilbur's Ryede Specialty Works Vending
Wilbur's Chocolate Champion Vending Machine Co. 1899 Vending / Candy
Wilbur's Chocolate National Vending Machine Co. 1904 Vending / Candy
Wilbur's Chocolate (lamp) National Vending Machine Co. Vending / Candy
Wilbur's Chocolate (theater) Unknown 1920 Vending
Wilbur's Sweets National Vending Machine Co. 1899 Vending / Candy
Wilbur-Suchard Chocolate L. Miles Vending / Gum
Wild Arrow Keeney and Sons, Inc. 1960 Slot Machine / Console
Wild Arrow Meyco Games Inc. 1982 Videogame Gambling
Wild Boy Bensa 1974 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wild Card Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1977 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wild Cargo J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1934 Pinball / Mechanical
Wild Cargo Lindstrom Corp. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Wild Cat Double Houston Show Case & Mfg. Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Wild Cherries R. H. Osbrink Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Wild Cherry International Game Technology 1990 Slot Machine / Bell
Wild Cycle Allied Leisure Industries 1970 Arcade
Wild Deuce Bell-O-Matic Corp. 1950 Slot Machine / Bell
Wild Deuces Mills Novelty Co. 1925 Trade Stim. / Reel
Wild Double Up Cal Omega Videogame
Wild Duce Ace Manufacturing Co., Inc. Slot Machine / Bell
Wild Fang Tecmo 1989 Videogame Fighting
Wild Fire Western Equipment & Supply 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wild Fire J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wild Fire Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1957 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wild Fyre Stern Electronics 1978 Pinball / Solid State
Wild Gunman Nintendo 1984 Videogame Shooter
Wild Gunman (1974) Nintendo 1974 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical Shooter
Wild Gunman - Shooting Trainer Nintendo 1974 Arcade / Rifle
Wild Horse Saloon Data East 1991 Pinball / Solid State
Wild Indian Chief Console O. D. Jennings & Co. 1948 Slot Machine / Reel
Wild Kingdom Midway Manufacturing Co. 1971 Arcade / Rifle
Wild Lemon Bally Manufacturing Co. 1948 Slot Machine / Console
Wild Life Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1972 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wild Life Games Inc. 1955 Trade Stim. Gambling
Wild Pilot Jaleco 1992 Videogame Air Combat
Wild Riders Sega 2001 Videogame Racing
Wild Sch Geiger 1980 Pinball / Solid State
Wild Texas Unknown Pinball / Solid State
Wild Thing Lazer Tron Arcade
Wild Time Unknown Pinball / Solid State
Wild West Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1961 Arcade / Rifle
Wild West Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1951 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wild West Lindstrom Corp. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Wild West American Sammy 1995 Arcade
Wild West C.O.W.-Boys Of Moo Mesa Konami 1992 Videogame Fighting
Wild West Gallery Genco Corp. 1955 Arcade / Rifle
Wild West Rifle Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1967 Arcade / Rifle
Wild Western Taito 1982 Videogame Shooter
Wild Wheels Bally Manufacturing Co. 1966 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wild Wild West Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1969 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wild Wood Sega 1978 Videogame
Wild Woodbine Unknown Vending / Cigarette
Wildcat John Goodbody 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Wildcat Double Houston Show Case & Mfg. Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Wildroot Merchandise Dispensers, Inc. 1950 Vending
William Michael Gum William Michael Co. 1930 Vending / Gum
William Michael Peanut William Michael Co. 1930 Vending / Bulk
William Tell Exhibit Supply Co., The 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Williams Lanes Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1979 Pinball / Solid State
Williams System FPGA Repro-Hardware JROK 2009 Videogame
Willie Wheels LAI Arcade Skill
Willow Capcom 1989 Videogame Fighting
Willy B. Stinky Bay Tek Arcade / Ball bowler Skill
Willy Wonka the Chocolate Factory Elaut 2018 Arcade / Skill game
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Jersey Jack Pinball 2019 Pinball
Wilson Lucky Strike Wilson Manufacturing Co. 1920 Vending / Cigarette
Wimbeldon Nutting Associates 1973 Videogame
Wimbledon Nutting Associates 1974 Videogame Sports
Win Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Unknown
Win A Card Alben 1961 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Win and Place Unknown Slot Machine / Racing
Win Easy Unknown Slot Machine / Wall game
Win or Lose Bally Manufacturing Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Win Stuff Win Stuff, LLC 1995 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical Skill
Win-A-Pack Pierce Tool & Mfg. Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Win-A-Pack O. D. Jennings & Co. 1939 Trade Stim. / Reel
Win-A-Pack General Novelty Mfg. Co. 1931 Trade Stim. / Reel
Win-A-Smoke Daval Manufacturing Co. 1935 Trade Stim. / Reel
Win-O H. C. Evans & Co. 1931 Unknown
Winchester Total Recoil Cybermind Videogame Simulator
Wind Jammer Western Equipment & Supply 1931 Unknown
Winding Heat Konami 1995 Videogame Racing
Windjammer Western Equipment & Supply 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Windjammers Data East 1994 Videogame Sports
Windmill Standard Amusement Co., Inc. 1943 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Windmill Standard Games Co. 1943 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Windmill Bryan's Automatic Machine Works 1933 Unknown
Windmill - German Holzweissig 1897 Vending
Windmill Candy Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1903 Vending / Bulk
Windmill Jr. Standard Games Co. 1946 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Windsor Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1938 Music / Jukebox
Windsor Castle Bally Manufacturing Co. 1968 Slot Machine / Console
Windsor Plush claw machine I.C.E. 2000 Arcade / Crane
Windy City Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Windy City Shuffle Alley Williams / United (bowlers) 1972 Arcade / Bowler
Wine-Grower Renov Automatic Pinball
Wing Ding Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1964 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wing Lite Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wing Shooting Championship Sammy USA Corporation 2002 Videogame
Wing War Sega 1994 Videogame Simulator
Wings Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co. 1941 Trade Stim. / Reel
Wings Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Wings Electra 1976 Videogame Shooter
Wings Exhibit Supply Co., The 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wink MIdcoin 1985 Videogame
Wink a Smile Standard Gum Machine Works 1907 Vending / Gum
Winner Midway Manufacturing Co. 1973 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Winner A. B. T. Manufacturing Co. 1934 Pinball / Mechanical
Winner Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1972 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Winner Sega 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Winner Midway Manufacturing Co. 1964 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Winner Universal Industries 1950 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Winner Dice Caille Bros. Co. 1902 Trade Stim. / Dice
Winner Dice Keystone Novelty and Mfg. Co. 1924 Trade Stim. / Dice
Winner Dice Star Novelty Co. 1902 Trade Stim. / Dice
Winner Dice Unknown 1925 Trade Stim. / Dice
Winner Dice United States Novelty Co. 1893 Trade Stim. / Dice
Winner Dice Winner Novelty Co. Trade Stim. / Dice
Winner II Midway Manufacturing Co. 1973 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Winner IV Midway Manufacturing Co. 1973 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Winner Race Car Midway Manufacturing Co. 1964 Arcade / Racing Skill
Winner's Choice Cal Omega Videogame
Winner's Cube Classic Andamiro 2010 Arcade / Skill game
Winner's Edge Bay Tek Arcade Skill
Winner's Shuffle SMS Manufacturing Videogame Gambling
Winner, The Western Equipment & Supply 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Winner, The Unknown 1900 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Winners Circle Corona 1981 Videogame Gambling
Winners Circle 3 Corona Videogame Gambling
Winners' Wheel Andamiro Arcade / Coin drop Skill
Winnie the Pooh (Disneyland Bear Country) Disney 1972 Arcade / Rifle Shooter
WINNING ELEVEN Konami 2002 Videogame Sports
Winning Run Namco 1988 Videogame Racing
Winning Run '91 Namco 1991 Videogame Racing
Winning Run 3 Namco 1989 Videogame Racing
Winning Run Suzuka Grand Prix Namco 1989 Videogame Racing
Winning Shot Universal Space 2004 Pinball / Solid State Sports
Winning Spike Konami 1998 Videogame Sports
Winning Ticket J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Winter Bobble, The Sakowa Project 1990 Videogame Platform
Winter Book H. C. Evans & Co. 1946 Slot Machine / Console
Winter Heat Sega 1997 Videogame Sports
Winter Sports Zaccaria 1978 Pinball / Solid State
Winter X Games SnoCross Raw Thrills 2012 Videogame Racing
Winter's Minimax Ball Gum H. E. Winters Specialty Co. 1921 Vending / Gum
Wipe Out Ramtek 1974 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Wipe Out Premier / Gottlieb 1993 Pinball / Solid State
Wipe Out XL Thrillseekers 2001 Videogame Racing
Wipe-Out Coffee-Mat 1976 Pinball / Solid State
Wiping Nichibutsu 1982 Videogame Skill
Wisconsin United Mfg. 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wise Guy Dooyong 1990 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Wise Owl Quizette Continental Service Equipment Company 1950 Vending Card
Wisecracker - Four Column Vendor Mills Novelty Co. 1927 Slot Machine / Bell
Wishing Well Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1955 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wishing Wells Skipper Sales Co. 1923 Arcade / Coin drop
Witch Hunt Kee Games 1977 Videogame
Witch Way Shine Electronics Corp. 1982 Videogame
Witches Cave R. Reichert Automatenfabrik 1930 Vending
Witches' Cave, The Bollands Amusement Machine Supply 1954 Arcade / Working model
With Tears for Everyone Taito 2009 Arcade
Wivern Wings G7 Semicom 2001 Videogame Shooter
Wiz, The Seibu Kaihatsu 1985 Videogame Platform
Wizard Bally Manufacturing Co. 1974 Pinball / Mechanical
Wizard Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1971 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wizard Genco Corp. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wizard Bridget Mfg. Co. 1931 Unknown
Wizard Ball Game Unknown 1930 Pinball / Mechanical
Wizard Blocks Williams Electronic Games, Inc. (WMS, 1985-2000) 1999 Pinball / Solid State
Wizard Clock Huffman's Progressive Mfg. Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Wizard Clock White Vending Machine Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Wizard Clock (2 Column) Loheide Manufacturing Co. 1907 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Wizard Clock (4 Column) Loheide Manufacturing Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Wizard Clock (4 Column) Pogue, Miller and Co. 1910 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Wizard Fire Data East 1992 Videogame Adventure
Wizard Fortune Teller Metal Mills Novelty Co. 1919 Arcade / Fortune
Wizard Fortune Teller Wood Mills Novelty Co. 1904 Arcade / Fortune
Wizard Horoscope Unknown 1920 Arcade / Horoscope
Wizard Jackpot Bridget Mfg. Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Wizard Master, The - The Key of Avalon Sega 2003 Videogame
Wizard of Oz, The - 75th Anniversary Edition Jersey Jack Pinball 2014 Pinball / Solid State
Wizard of Oz, The - Emerald City Limited Edition Jersey Jack Pinball 2013 Pinball / Solid State
Wizard Of Wor Bally Midway 1981 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Wizard! Bally Manufacturing Co. 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wizard's Pen, The International Mutoscope Corp. 1930 Arcade / Fortune
Wizard, The Eagle Sheet Metal Mfg. Co. 1931 Unknown
Wizz Quiz Konami 1986 Videogame Trivia / Quiz
Wolf Fang Data East 1991 Videogame Fighting
Wolf Head Mills Novelty Co. 1931 Slot Machine / Bell
Wolf Hunt Doyle Associates 1994 Arcade / Redemption Skill
Wolf Man Peyper 1987 Pinball / Solid State
Wolf Pack Atari 1978 Videogame
Wolfenstein VR Alternate Worlds Technology 1993 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Wolfs Head Mills Novelty Co. 1931 Slot Machine / Bell
Woman-Lib Sega 1975 Pinball / Solid State
Wonder 3 Capcom 1991 Videogame Other
Wonder Bell Watling Manufacturing Co. 1934 Slot Machine / Bell
Wonder Boy Sega 1986 Videogame Platform
Wonder Boy - Monster Land Sega 1987 Videogame Adventure
Wonder Boy Deluxe Sega 1986 Videogame Platform
Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair Sega 1989 Videogame Adventure
Wonder Momo Namco 1987 Videogame Fighting
Wonder Planet Data East 1987 Videogame Shooter
Wonder Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. 1934 Slot Machine / Bell
Wonder Vender with Twin Jackpot Watling Manufacturing Co. 1935 Slot Machine / Reel
Wonder Wheel Lazer Tron Arcade / Reflex Skill
Wonder Wheel Bay Tek Arcade / Coin drop Skill
Wonder Wizard - CB Charlie Sentinel 1970 Pinball / Solid State
Wonder-Land Vending Machine claw machine I.C.E. 2000 Arcade / Crane
Wonderland Williams Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL (1944-1958) 1955 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wonka Sweetland Namco 2007 Arcade
Woo Yah Taa Konami 1990 Arcade
Wood's Queen Zaccaria 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wooden Pulver (1897) Pulver Company Inc. 1897 Vending / Gum
Wooden Pulver (1899) Pulver Company Inc. 1899 Vending / Gum
Woodpecker Amenip 1981 Videogame
Woody Woodpecker Pulver Company Inc. Vending / Gum
Wood\'s Queen Zaccaria 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wood\'s Queen Zaccaria 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Word Zapper Unknown 1982 Videogame Shooter
Worl Borl Bryan's Automatic Machine Works 1953 Unknown
World Adventure Logic Videogame
World Beach Volley Playmark 1995 Videogame Sports
World Beauties Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1959 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
World Challenge Soccer Premier / Gottlieb 1994 Pinball / Solid State
World Champ Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1957 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
World Champion Peo Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
World Championship Soccer Sega 1989 Videogame Sports
World Class Bowling Incredible Technologies 1997 Videogame Sports
World Club Champion Football Sega 2002 Videogame Sports
World Club Champion Football European Club Sega 2005 Videogame Sports
World Combat Konami 2002 Videogame
World Court Namco 1988 Videogame Sports
World Cup Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1978 Pinball / Solid State
World Cup Sega 1977 Videogame
World Cup '90 Mister Game 1990 Pinball / Solid State
World Cup '90 Tecmo 1989 Videogame Sports
World Cup '94 Tecmo 1994 Videogame Sports
World Cup / World Championship Bell Games 1992 Pinball / Solid State
World Cup 90 Mr. Game 1990 Pinball / Solid State
World Cup 92 Tecmo 1992 Videogame
World Cup Football Atari 1974 Videogame
World Cup Soccer Bally Manufacturing Co. 1967 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
World Cup Soccer Bally Midway 1994 Pinball / Solid State
World Darts Arcadia Systems 1987 Videogame Sports
World Defender Bell Games 1985 Pinball / Solid State
World Defender Nuova Bell Games 1985 Pinball / Solid State
World Fair Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1964 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
World Famous Perfume Unknown 1950 Vending
World Heroes Alpha Denshi 1992 Videogame Fighting
World Heroes 2 ADK 1993 Videogame Fighting
World Heroes 2 Jet SNK/ADK 1994 Videogame Fighting
World Heroes Perfect ADK 1995 Videogame Fighting
World Hunting Series Sammy USA Corporation 2005 Videogame Shooter
World Kicks Namco 1999 Videogame Sports
World PK Soccer Jaleco 1994 Videogame Sports
World PK Soccer V2 Jaleco 1996 Videogame Sports
World Poker Tour Stern Pinball, Inc. 2006 Pinball / Solid State
World Rally Atari Games 1993 Videogame Racing
World Rally 2 Gaelco 1995 Videogame Racing
World Rally Championship Gaelco 1993 Videogame Racing
World Series Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1972 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
World Series Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1974 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
World Series Victory Games 1944 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
World Series Century Consolidated Industries Co. 1974 Arcade Sports
World Series Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1960 Arcade / Shuffle Bowler
World Series - The Season Cinematronics 1985 Videogame Sports
World Series 1934 Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1934 Pinball
World Series 1937 Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
World Series 1938 Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1931 Unknown
World Series 1943 Victory Games 1943 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
World Series 99 Sega 1999 Videogame Sports
World Series Baseball Cinematronics 1984 Videogame Sports
World Series Baseball Artists & Creators Guild 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
World Series Baseball Sega 2001 Videogame
World Series II Century Consolidated Industries Co. 1976 Arcade Skill
World Series, The Sankyo Pinball / Electro-Mechanical Sports
World Soccer Finals Leland 1990 Videogame Sports
World Soccer Winning Eleven 2006 Arcade Championship Konami 2006 Videogame Sports
World Soccer Winning Eleven 2014 Arcade Championship Konami 2014 Videogame Sports
World Stadium Namco 1988 Videogame Sports
World Stadium '89 Namco 1989 Videogame Sports
World Stadium '90 Namco 1990 Videogame Sports
World Star Dama S.R.L. 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
World Striker Yuvo 2005 Arcade Sports
World Tennis Original Game 1982 Videogame Sports
World Thoroughbred Breakers' Cup Championship Ultracade Technologies 2005 Videogame Sports
World Trophy Soccer Arcadia Systems 1989 Videogame
World Wars SNK 1987 Videogame Shooter
World's Best Machine Ad-Lee Novelty Co. 1929 Vending / Bulk
World's Champion Peo Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
World's Fair Mills Novelty Co. 1933 Slot Machine / Bell
World's Fair Bally Manufacturing Co. 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
World's Fair Field Manufacturing Co. 1933 Unknown Gambling
World's Fair Jig-Saw Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Worldcup Volleyball '95 Data East 1994 Videogame Sports
Worlds Fair Rifle Gallery Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1962 Arcade / Rifle
Worlds Series Champion Model Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1934 Pinball
Wow Mills Novelty Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Wow Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Wow Fantasia Comad 2001 Videogame Adult
Wow-Wow Vending Machine Co. 1931 Unknown
Wrath of Olympus Riot Pinball, LLC 2015 Pinball / Solid State
Wrestle War Sega 1989 Videogame Sports
Wrestlemania Pro Stern Pinball, Inc. 2015 Pinball Sports
Wrigley Dice Dunn Brothers 1905 Trade Stim. / Dice
Wrigley Perfection Dunn Brothers 1906 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Wrigley's Hoff Vending Corp. 1927