Unknown released 766 machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1700. Unknown was based in United States.
The 5 most common machines by Unknown
owned by VAPS members are (in order):
Multi Game ,
Gallag ,
Space Pilot ,
Euro League ,
The 5 most common machines by Unknown
wanted by VAPS members are (in order):
Metallica ,
Spikeout Final Edition ,
Boong-Ga Boong-Ga ,
Polybius ,
VS. Atari R.B.I. Baseball
Name | Year | Type | Genre | Description | Images |
1/2 D Pinball | 1895 | Trade Stim. / Skill game | Skill |
1200 | 1946 | Music / Jukebox |
1207 | 1946 | Music / Jukebox |
1207A | Music / Jukebox |
15*Pool | 1976 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
20 for 1 | 1920 | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
2005 World Car Racing Pinball | 2005 | Pinball / Solid State | Racing |
20th Century Kicker | Vending / Gum |
24 Heures du Mans | 1958 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
3 Tetes, Les | 1910 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
3-For-1 | 1893 | Slot Machine / Coin drop |
400 | 1946 | Music / Jukebox |
7-Grand | 1947 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
7-Up | 1970 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Ace | Pinball / Mechanical |
Aces High | 1932 | Pinball |
African Splash (Rapid Fire Gun conversion) | Arcade / Rifle |
Air Command | Pinball |
Air Raid | 1941 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Alabama Crimson Tide | 2004 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Alcohol Breathalyzer | 2010 | Vending / Service |
Alien Invasion Part II | 1978 | Videogame | Shooter |
American Beauty | 1945 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
American Prize Vender | Vending |
Amigo | 1982 | Videogame | Labyrinth / Maze |
Appareil Electrique Musical | Trade Stim. |
Arena Football | 1920 | Arcade | Sports |
Astrocraft | Arcade |
Astrologic | 1978 | Pinball / Solid State |
Australia | 1898 | Trade Stim. / Card game |
Automaten Vertrieb Crimmitshchau | 1920 | Vending / Bulk |
Automatic Bar | 1920 | Vending |
Automatic Chicken (Rectangular Nest) | 1905 | Vending |
Automatic Chicken - Round Nest | 1905 | Vending / Candy |
Automatic Dice | 1894 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Automatic Edison Phonograph | 1891 | Music / Phonograph |
Automatic Perfume Demonstrator | Vending |
Automaton Palm Reader | Arcade / Fortune |
Avalanche | 1938 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Avenger | Videogame |
Avions, Les | 1935 | Arcade / Skill game |
B-52 Bomber | Videogame |
B-Skilful | 1932 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Baffle Ball | 1931 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Baffle Ball Jr. Home Game | 1932 | Pinball |
Baffle Ball Sr. Home Game | 1932 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Bagatelle | 1995 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Balance de Gare | 1895 | Vending / Scale |
Balito | Pinball / Mechanical |
Bambi Marchio Dep | Vending |
Banker, The | 1960 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Bankum | Pinball / Mechanical |
Banner | Slot Machine / Upright |
Bar, The | 1900 | Vending / Candy |
Baraduke II - Bakutotsu Kijyutei | 1988 | Videogame |
Barbarella | 1972 | Pinball | Space |
Bascule Automatique (1) | 1900 | Vending / Scale |
Bascule Automatique (2) | 1900 | Vending / Scale |
Baseball | 1940 | Pinball / Counter game |
Batman and Robin - Learning Bat Cave | 1990 | Arcade / Kiddie ride | Adventure |
Batman Bat Boat | 1960 | Arcade / Kiddie ride |
Battle King | 1970 | Arcade |
Beast - From What Are You Descended | 1940 | Arcade / Shocker |
Berlin Or Bust | 1917 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Betham's Pepsin Celery Gum | Vending / Gum |
Bicar | 1965 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical | Racing |
Bicycle Race | 1940 | Arcade / Racing |
Big Dick | 1998 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Big Healey | 1996 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Big Kong | 1981 | Videogame | Platform |
Big Shot | 1940 | Arcade / Roll Down |
Bill Hop Lux | 1933 | Pinball / Pre-flipper |
Billiard Vertical, Le | 1910 | Slot Machine / Wall game |
Billiards The | 1981 | Videogame | Sports |
Bing Bang Game | Pinball / Mechanical |
Black Boiler (canibal themed Chicken Sam conversion) | Arcade / Rifle |
Bomber Lord | 1993 | Videogame |
Bone Crusher | 1987 | Videogame | Fighting |
Boong-Ga Boong-Ga | 2000 | Videogame / Redemption |
Bouncerino | 1952 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Bouteille, La | 1895 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
Bowling (Italy) | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Boxing | 1920 | Arcade / Skill game | Fighting |
Bubble Dance, The - Stupendous Colossal | 1930 | Arcade / Viewer |
Bufferin | 1950 | Vending |
Bugs Bot Catcher | Arcade / Redemption |
Bull | Arcade |
Burning Striker | 2003 | Videogame |
Burnout Paradise | 2015 | Arcade / Redemption |
Bustillo Cigar | Vending / Cigar |
Cabaret | 1959 | Arcade / Viewer |
Cabin Fever | 2006 | Pinball / Solid State |
Cagnotte | 1930 | Slot Machine / Coin drop |
Camel Cigarette vending machine | 1930 | Vending / Cigarette |
Cannon Fire | Pinball / Pre-flipper |
Canteen Chewing Gum Dispenser | 1950 | Vending / Gum |
Car Action | 1983 | Videogame | Racing |
Car Race | 1981 | Videogame | Racing |
Cardinal Gum | 1910 | Vending / Gum |
Carousel Race | 1970 | Slot Machine |
Cartes Postales | 1900 | Arcade / Fortune |
Cascade, La | 1930 | Slot Machine / Coin drop |
Cashier | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Caveman | 1982 | Videogame |
Certified Aspirin | Vending |
CG Video | Videogame |
Challenger Duckshoot | 1940 | Arcade / Pistol |
Champion Speed Tester | 1920 | Trade Stim. / Counter game |
Champion's Basketball | 1946 | Arcade / Basketball |
Charlie and Mabel - In The Park | 1940 | Arcade / Working model |
Charmy Match | 1989 | Arcade |
Chic-O-Berry | 1930 | Vending / Gum |
Chiclets Gum Vending Scale | 1900 | Vending / Candy |
Chien Savant, Le | 1925 | Slot Machine / Coin drop |
Chinese Crystal Gazer (UK) | 1930 | Arcade / Fortune |
Chistera | 1952 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Chocolate | 1920 | Vending / Candy |
Chocolate Menier candy dispenser | 1910 | Vending / Candy |
Chuck E. Cheese's Memory Match | 1999 | Arcade / Redemption | Puzzle / Tile Match |
Chuck-A-Luck | Videogame |
Chyromant-Automat | Arcade / Fortune |
Cigar Cutter | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Cigar One Wheel | 1890 | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Cigar Wheel | 1894 | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Cigarette Vending Machine | 1930 | Vending / Cigarette |
Circus Tiger, The | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Classic Arcade Series | 2001 | Videogame |
Club Lambada | 1980 | Videogame | Labyrinth / Maze |
Coca-Cola Vendor | Vending |
Coca-Cola Vendor | Vending |
Collar Studs | 1901 | Vending |
Columbia Steamer | 1920 | Arcade / Working model |
Combination | 1894 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Concorde | Pinball |
Concorde | 1970 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Continental Magic Game | 1991 | Pinball / Solid State |
Cook Race | 1982 | Videogame | Platform |
Coronation Skittles | 1936 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Coronet 400 | 1946 | Music / Jukebox |
Cosmos | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Cotocoto Cottong | 1982 | Videogame | Puzzle / Tile Match |
Craps Wheel | 1930 | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Crazy Ball | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Crown | 1940 | Slot Machine / Bell |
Cruncher | 1980 | Videogame | Labyrinth / Maze |
Curnett Toilet Seat Cover | 1926 | Vending |
Cyclone, Le | 1930 | Vending |
Daily Races | 1947 | Pinball |
Dallas | 1957 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Dancing Dan | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
De-Lux | Pinball / Mechanical |
Deep, The | 1987 | Videogame |
Defend The Terra Attack On The Red UFO | 1979 | Videogame | Shooter |
Defense | 1980 | Videogame | Space |
Defense Command | 1980 | Videogame | Shooter |
DELETE | Videogame |
delete | 1970 | Arcade / Skill game |
delete | 1991 | Videogame |
delete | 1970 | Arcade / Driving game |
DELETE | Videogame |
DELETE | Videogame |
DELETE ME | Unknown |
Deluxe Clean Sweep | Arcade |
Demon Castle | 1983 | Videogame |
Derby | 1933 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Derby, Le | 1920 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
Destination Earth | 1979 | Videogame | Shooter |
Dexterity Play | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Diamond-Flash | 1932 | Pinball / Pre-flipper |
Dice Box | 1933 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Dice Poker | 1950 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Dice Shaker | 1900 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Dime-A-Drive Auto Trainer | 1950 | Arcade / Driving game |
Distributeur De Cartes Postales | 1895 | Vending |
Do not know | 1930 | Pinball / Pre-flipper |
Dokaben 2 | Videogame |
Dona Elvira | 1970 | Pinball / Solid State |
Donkey King | 1981 | Videogame | Platform |
Dopey Duck | Arcade / Kiddie ride |
Double | Slot Machine / Wall game |
Double Feature | Pinball / Pre-flipper |
Double Up | 1947 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Dragster | Pinball / Solid State |
Drews Tiger Paw | 1970 | Arcade / Skill game |
Duchess | Slot Machine |
Duke | Vending |
Dump the Ump | Arcade | Sports |
Dunstan's Cigar Seller - Eureka Fortune Teller | 1900 | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
E.A.M. | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Easton Coin Operated Gas Pump | 1935 | Vending / Gas Pump |
Ecureuil | 1903 | Slot Machine / Wall game |
Egyptian Bell | 1950 | Slot Machine / Bell |
Egyptien (French) | 1925 | Arcade / Fortune |
El Tigre | 1977 | Pinball / Solid State |
El Viti | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Electric Baseball World Champion | 1930 | Arcade | Sports |
Electric Radio Wave | 1930 | Arcade / Shocker |
Electric Road | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Elephant Chocolate Vender | 1895 | Vending / Candy |
Elephant Strength Tester | Arcade / Strength tester |
Emergency Coin Operated Gas Pump | 1935 | Vending / Gas Pump |
Empire | Pinball / Mechanical |
empty | Music / Jukebox |
empty | Vending / Scale |
Energie | 1910 | Arcade / Shocker |
Esmeralda Fortune Teller | 1910 | Arcade / Cards |
Esmeralda Fortune Teller | 1950 | Arcade / Fortune |
Esmeralda Fortune Teller | 1990 | Arcade / Fortune |
Eureka Mystery Machine | 1898 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Euro League | 1989 | Videogame | Sports |
Euro Star | 1990 | Pinball / Solid State |
Euro Stocker | Videogame |
Ever Ready Lunch | 1930 | Vending |
F&F Alkaid and Cloramint | Vending |
Fairest Wheel | 1906 | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Fairway Double Top | 1960 | Trade Stim. / Skill game | Sports |
Falling Suns | 1944 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Fantasy | Pinball / Mechanical |
Far West | 1986 | Videogame | Platform |
Fast Draw | Pinball / Solid State |
Faukland | Pinball |
Favorite | 1933 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Feu, Le | 1910 | Arcade / Shocker |
Fiesta Deluxe Type 1207A | 1947 | Music / Jukebox |
Fil-A-Lighter | 1940 | Vending |
Final Crash | 1990 | Videogame | Fighting |
Flapper Migs | Pinball / Mechanical |
Flappy Tickets | 2016 | Arcade / Redemption |
Flying Aces | 1932 | Trade Stim. / Counter game |
Force Break | 1986 | Videogame | Shooter |
Force One | 1982 | Videogame |
Fortune | Slot Machine / Video |
Fortune Teller | 1895 | Arcade / Fortune |
Fortune Teller | Arcade / Fortune |
Four Square | Slot Machine |
Franz the Grindorgan Man | 1920 | Arcade / Working model |
Freeport | 1900 | Vending |
French Can Can | Pinball / Solid State |
Fresh Cigars | 1950 | Vending / Cigar |
Frog | 1981 | Videogame | Platform |
Frog Frenzy II whacker | 2010 | Arcade / Bopper |
Frog Frenzy whacker | 2005 | Arcade / Redemption |
Frog Jump Whac-A-Mole | Arcade / Redemption |
Fruit Ninja FX 2 | 2014 | Arcade / Redemption |
Fun Time | Pinball |
Galactic Invaders | 1980 | Videogame |
Galaxian Part 3 | Videogame |
Galaxian Turbo | 1979 | Videogame | Shooter |
Galaxy | 1980 | Videogame | Shooter |
Galaxy Games Multi Game Video System | 1980 | Videogame |
Gallag | 1982 | Videogame | Space |
Game O' Skill | 1912 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Gas Attack | Pinball / Solid State |
Genshi-Tou 1930's - Prehistoric Isle | 1989 | Videogame |
Gift Store claw machine | 2012 | Arcade / Crane |
Gillette Blue Blades | 1920 | Vending / Service |
Gilmore Gasoline Lion Kiddie Ride | 1950 | Arcade / Kiddie ride |
Glocken-Tivoli | 1915 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Go Girl! | 1995 | Pinball / Solid State |
Golden Key prize machine | 2000 | Arcade / Redemption | Skill |
Good Luck | 1890 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Gran Domino' | 1972 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Grandma's Prophecies | 1950 | Arcade / Fortune |
Grandmothers Predictions | Arcade / Fortune |
Grip Commander | 1950 | Arcade / Strength tester |
Gum Vender | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Gypsy Palmist | 1925 | Arcade / Cards |
H.H. Johnson | Vending / Bulk |
Handan-Ni Four-Ball | 1930 | Arcade / Skill game |
Harrington Coin Operated Gas Pump | 1924 | Vending / Gas Pump |
Hartford | 1898 | Slot Machine / Upright |
Headless Magician, The | 1920 | Arcade / Working model |
Health-O-Meter | 1930 | Vending / Scale |
Hell | 1980 | Pinball / Solid State |
Hell's Queen | 1980 | Pinball / Solid State |
Hellacopters, The | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Hen with Golden Egg | Vending |
Henkelto | 1927 | Slot Machine |
Hi-Ball | Pinball / Mechanical |
Hi-Hat | Pinball |
HI-LO | Pinball / Mechanical |
HIALEAH DE LUXE | 1940 | Arcade | Racing |
History of Martial Arts, The | 1993 | Videogame |
Hockey | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Hokum | 1932 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Hole In One - Gum Vendor | 1930 | Trade Stim. |
Holy Water | Vending |
Homer Gipp | Vending / Cigar |
Honor Box | 1700 | Vending |
Hoodoo | 1901 | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Hoop Shot! | 1980 | Arcade / Basketball | Skill |
Hoosier | Vending |
Horse Race | 1890 | Trade Stim. / Racing |
Horseshoe | Slot Machine / Wheel |
Horseshoe and Eagle | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Hoskins Self-Service Machine | Vending |
Hot Nut House | Vending / Bulk |
Hot Race | 1980 | Videogame | Labyrinth / Maze |
Hubertus | 1920 | Arcade / Shooter |
Hungry Sailor | Videogame | Labyrinth / Maze |
Hurdy Gurdy | Pinball |
Hurricane | Arcade |
Hurricane | 1969 | Arcade |
I.X.L. Jr. | 1895 | Trade Stim. / Card game |
I.X.L. Jr. | 1895 | Trade Stim. / Card game |
Ice Mania | Pinball / Solid State |
Ideal Pin Table, The | Pinball / Mechanical |
Imo Bomber | 1937 | Pinball / Pre-flipper |
Imperial | 1920 | Trade Stim. / Reel | Other |
Improved Automatic Roulette | 1888 | Trade Stim. / Roulette |
Inedit | Slot Machine / Wall game |
Instant Glamor | 1940 | Vending / Service |
International | 1933 | Pinball |
Iron Card Machine | Trade Stim. / Card game |
Iron Claw | 1995 | Arcade / Electro-Mechanical | Skill |
Iron Maiden | 2005 | Pinball / Solid State |
Jackpot (UK) | 1930 | Slot Machine / Coin drop |
Jackpot E.C. | 1929 | Arcade / Redemption |
Jackpot Horse Race | 1920 | Slot Machine / Racing |
Japanese Ball | 1928 | Arcade / Counter game |
Jeep | 1943 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Jolly Fellow | Vending / Gum |
Jolly Jack | 1930 | Arcade / Electro-Mechanical |
Jolly Marble | Pinball / Mechanical |
Jostle | 1931 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Jumping | 1989 | Videogame | Platform |
Jungle Joe | Arcade / Pistol |
Jungle Life | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Jungle, The | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Junior King | 1982 | Videogame | Platform |
Junior League Bat-A-Ball | 1940 | Arcade / Counter game |
Jupiter | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Just Rite | 1930 | Vending / Bulk |
Kalamazoo | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Kalliope Panorama Model 176P | 1900 | Music / Disc |
Keno | 1934 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Kentucky Derby | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Kick Block | Videogame |
Kick'N Catch Football | 1980 | Arcade | Sports |
Killer T-Rex | Arcade | Skill |
Kismet | Pinball / Mechanical |
Kleen-Kut | Vending |
Knights of Valour 2 Bushou Retsuden | Videogame |
Koala Silver Prince | 1932 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Komet | 1960 | Vending |
Kung Fu Hero | Videogame |
L'Aerodrome - Airfield | 1912 | Arcade / Redemption |
L'Equitable - The Fair | 1905 | Arcade / Skill game |
L'Unic - The Eunuch | 1909 | Arcade |
La Cantiniere | 1911 | Vending |
La Grenouillere | 1910 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
La Martingale | 1913 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
La Triple Entente - The Triple Agreement | 1912 | Arcade |
Labyrinthe Rouge, Le | 1931 | Arcade / Skill game |
Lark | 1931 | Trade Stim. / Counter game |
Laser | 1980 | Videogame | Shooter |
Last Round | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Last Supper | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Lawman | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
LBJ | Vending / Gum |
Le Boxeur Blanc - The White Boxer | 1910 | Arcade / Strength tester |
Le Diamant | 1931 | Pinball / Pre-flipper |
Le Dragon | 1911 | Arcade |
Le Francais - French | 1906 | Arcade / Roll Down |
Le Grand Prix | 1912 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
Le Jeu Des Petits Chevaux - A Game of Small Horses | 1911 | Arcade / Mechanical |
Le Manneken Pis - The Little Angel Piss | 1912 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
Le Resultat Des Courses - The Result of the Races | 1911 | Slot Machine / Racing |
Le Torpilleur - The Torpedo | 1909 | Arcade |
Le Trefle - The Clover | 1901 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
Le Vainqueur - The Winner | 1910 | Arcade / Mechanical |
Legend | 1985 | Pinball / Solid State |
Liberty Commercial | 1930 | Slot Machine / Reel |
Liberty Gum | 1915 | Vending / Gum |
Lido | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Lil Razzle Dazzle | 1980 | Arcade / Skill game | Sports |
Little Dream Gum Machine | 1922 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Little Helper | 1908 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Locomotion | 1982 | Pinball |
Log Cabin Duplex Vendor | 1927 | Vending / Gum/Bulk |
Lone Star | 1935 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Long Shot | 1960 | Arcade / Coin drop |
Looping 6 et 9 | 1930 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Los Boxeadores | 1950 | Arcade / Skill game |
Lucky Double | Pinball |
Lucky Drop, The | 1937 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Lucky Leprechaun Prize vending machine | 1990 | Vending / Bulk |
Lucky Toys Wagon claw machine | 1990 | Arcade / Crane |
Luigi | Arcade |
Luron - The Gentle Hand Soap dispenser | 1930 | Vending / Service |
Lutin | Slot Machine / Wall game |
Machine, The - Bride of Pinbot 2.0 | 2014 | Pinball / Solid State |
Macrocosm Wars | 1980 | Videogame | Space |
Madam Isis Fortune Teller | 1930 | Arcade / Fortune |
Madam Melba Fortune Teller | 1940 | Arcade / Fortune |
Mahjong - Chinese | Videogame |
Mainstreet | 1928 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Malabar | Slot Machine / Wall game |
Malaussena | 1912 | Vending / Bulk |
Marble Pool | Pinball / Mechanical |
Masao | 1983 | Videogame | Platform |
Match the Pack | 1940 | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Mega Golf Ball Frenzy | 2006 | Pinball / Solid State |
Merlin's Magic | 2009 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Mermaid | Arcade / Coin drop |
Merry Old King | Pinball |
Metallica | Pinball / Solid State |
Meteor Part II | Videogame |
Mexican Golf | 1931 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Midget Smoker, The | 1926 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Mike And Ike | Pinball / Mechanical |
Mille, Le | 1935 | Arcade / Shocker |
Model 143DG Carousel Organ | 1980 | Music |
Monkey Donkey | 1981 | Videogame | Platform |
Monkey Shines | Arcade |
Monkey Shines | 1949 | Arcade / Pistol |
Monorail Skittle Alley | Arcade |
Monte Carlo - Cylinder Backbox Model | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical | Gambling |
Moon Ranger | 1982 | Videogame | Platform |
Moon River | 2005 | Arcade / Coin drop |
Moon Rocket | Arcade |
Moving Pictures | 1897 | Arcade / Viewer |
Mr. Du! | 1982 | Videogame | Labyrinth / Maze |
Mr. Heli | Videogame |
Mr. Jong | 1981 | Videogame | Labyrinth / Maze |
Mr. Lo! | 1982 | Videogame | Labyrinth / Maze |
MTV Trivia | 1986 | Videogame | Trivia / Quiz |
Mugger | 1980 | Videogame | Shooter |
Multi Game | 1992 | Videogame | Other |
Multigame 21 | 1982 | Videogame | Other |
Multiplex Dispenser | 1930 | Vending / Soda |
Music Grabber claw machine | 2015 | Arcade / Crane |
Musical Cigar Vender | 1887 | Vending / Cigar |
Mystery No. 58 | 1935 | Vending / Bulk |
Mystic Pen | Arcade / Fortune |
Mystic Star | 1986 | Pinball / Solid State |
Mythology | Pinball / Solid State |
Nain | Slot Machine / Wall game |
Natasha the Fortune Teller | 1980 | Arcade / Fortune |
National Twin Jackpot Revamp Bell | 1933 | Slot Machine / Bell |
Nebulous Bee | 1981 | Videogame | Shooter |
Negro Ball | 1932 | Trade Stim. / Counter game |
Negro Chocolate Vender | 1895 | Vending / Candy |
New Crazy Squash | 2000 | Arcade / Air Hockey | Skill |
New Puck-X | 1980 | Videogame | Labyrinth / Maze |
New Record | Videogame |
New Record | Videogame |
New Record | Videogame |
NewPuc2 | 1981 | Videogame | Labyrinth / Maze |
Night Club | 1975 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
No Mans Land | 1980 | Videogame |
Nobby's Salted Peanuts | 1920 | Vending / Bulk |
Nurburgring | 1939 | Pinball / Pre-flipper |
Oak Perfume Dispenser | 1915 | Vending / Service |
Ohio Derby | Trade Stim. / Racing |
Oriental Perfume Cabinet | Vending |
Original Flipper | 1975 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Oscar's Wild Ride gumball machine | 1990 | Vending / Gumball |
Oxford St. | Pinball / Mechanical |
Paint Roller | 1981 | Videogame | Labyrinth / Maze |
Parfum Ris-Charde | 1920 | Vending |
Parlor Bagatelle (One Star / One Bell) | 1898 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Passe-Partout, Le | 1920 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
Pearls Of East | Pinball / Solid State |
Pence Billiard Chalk Dispenser | 1930 | Vending / Service |
Penny Bar | 1930 | Vending |
Penny Carnival | Vending / Gum |
Penny Drop | 1900 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Penny Wiggle | 1930 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Penta | 1982 | Videogame | Labyrinth / Maze |
Pepsi | 1990 | Vending / Scale |
Pepsin Gum | 1910 | Vending / Gum |
Pepsin Mint Gum | 1910 | Vending / Gum |
Pepsodent Toothbrush | 1960 | Vending |
Perfection Perfume | 1915 | Vending |
Perfume Dispenser | 1900 | Vending / Service |
Perhaps | Slot Machine |
Perk Up | Vending / Bulk |
Perk Up Double | Vending / Bulk |
Petitt's Chocolate | Vending |
Pez | Vending |
Photo-Finish | Unknown |
Photo-Finish [name not confirmed] | Unknown |
Pierrot | 1915 | Slot Machine / Wall game |
Piffle Egyptian Horse Shoe Game | Pinball / Mechanical |
Pill Vender | 1895 | Vending |
Pinch Hitter | 1946 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Pipe Line | Videogame |
Place the Coppers | 1936 | Trade Stim. / Counter game |
Play a Hand | Pinball / Mechanical |
Play Baseball | 1930 | Arcade / Coin drop |
Play \'N Innin | Pinball / Mechanical |
Players Please | 1928 | Vending / Cigarette |
Plus or Minus | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Pocket Combs | 1950 | Vending |
Polybius | 1981 | Videogame |
Polyphon Music Box | 1890 | Music / Disc |
Pootan | 1982 | Videogame | Shooter |
Porte-Bonheur, Le | 1910 | Slot Machine / Wall game |
Post Office | 1898 | Arcade / Fortune |
Postage Vender | 1910 | Vending / Stamp |
Postage Vendor | 1910 | Vending / Stamp |
Potter's Best Silk | 1900 | Vending |
Power Beat | 2005 | Arcade / Redemption |
Power House | 1990 | Videogame | Other |
Power Man | 1990 | Arcade / Electro-Mechanical | Other |
Premier Crane | Vending | Skill |
Prize | Vending |
Psichedelico | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Psychic Force EX | Videogame |
Pump It Up - The Prex | 2001 | Videogame |
Punch Board Machine | 1930 | Trade Stim. |
Pure Nap | Vending |
Puritan Baby Vendor | 1932 | Trade Stim. / Reel |
Puyo Puyo Da! | Videogame |
Puyo Puyon | Videogame |
Puyo Wars | Videogame |
Race Track | Trade Stim. / Racing |
Racer, The | 1920 | Arcade / Racing |
Railway | 1934 | Pinball / Pre-flipper |
Rally Montecarlo | 1964 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Rapid, Le | 1925 | Slot Machine |
Razor Blades | 1940 | Vending |
Red Dot | Pinball |
Red Rocket | 1939 | Arcade / Roll Down |
Redemption | Arcade |
Regates | Pinball |
Rex, The | Pinball / Mechanical |
Ridge Racer R | Videogame |
Right or Else | 1937 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Rival | Slot Machine / Upright |
Rocketship Strength Tester | 1950 | Arcade / Strength tester |
Rocks | Vending / Stamp |
Rol-Luck | 1940 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Rola | 1929 | Pinball / Mechanical | Skill |
Rola-Ball | Pinball / Mechanical |
Roll-A-Heart | Pinball / Mechanical |
Rolla-Poker | 1900 | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Rolling Crush | Videogame |
ROLO | 1938 | Arcade / Coin Roller | Skill |
Romance Register | 1940 | Arcade / Fortune |
Rooster and Hen | 1920 | Vending / Candy |
Roto-Ball | Pinball / Mechanical |
Roulette Buffalo | 1912 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
Roulette CG | 1930 | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Royal Bingo | Pinball / Solid State |
Royal Card Machine | Trade Stim. / Card game |
Royal Skittle | 1997 | Pinball / Solid State |
Run-A-Round | 1933 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Rush Coin Operated Gas Pump | 1939 | Vending / Gas Pump |
Rx | Vending / Scale |
S. Joao | 1977 | Pinball |
Saturne, Le | 1935 | Arcade / Skill game |
Scram | Pinball / Mechanical |
Screen Stars | 1940 | Slot Machine / Reel |
Sea Beast And Barnacle Bill, The | 1984 | Videogame | Adventure |
Sea Monster (Rapid Fire Gun conversion) | Arcade / Rifle |
Select-O-Vend | 1945 | Vending / Gum |
Selekta | 1960 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
Shaeffer Script | Vending |
Sharp's Diamond Shooter | 1933 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Sho Me | 1947 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Shoe Shine with Cinch | 1930 | Vending / Service |
Shoot the Bartender (Chicken Sam Conversion) | Arcade / Rifle |
Shoot the Wolf (wolf and women themed Chicken Sam conversion) | Arcade / Rifle |
Shooting | Pinball / Pre-flipper |
Showdown | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Silent Night Perfume | 1950 | Vending |
Silent Salesman Shoe Laces | Vending |
Singing Bird Cage Music Box | 1900 | Music |
Singing Bird in Cage music box | 1900 | Music |
Six Star | 1932 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Skil Luck | Pinball / Mechanical |
Skill Ball | Pinball / Mechanical |
Skill Ball Junior | 1932 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Skill Coin Roll | 1949 | Arcade / Coin Roller |
Skilliard | 1903 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Skipper | Pinball / Pre-flipper |
Sky Devil\'s | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Sky Show | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Slamdunk | 1988 | Pinball / Solid State |
Slide-It! | 1999 | Videogame | Skill |
Smith's Chewing Balls | Vending / Bulk |
Smoke Direct | 1909 | Vending / Cigar |
Smokey Joe | 1920 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
SOK-M-IN | 1933 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Solar Fight | 1979 | Videogame | Shooter |
Soleil | 1910 | Slot Machine / Coin drop |
Sourire, Le | 1910 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
Southside Johnny | 1979 | Pinball / Solid State |
Space Combat | 1979 | Videogame | Space |
Space Duel | Pinball / Solid State |
Space Pilot | 1982 | Videogame | Space |
Space War Part Three | 1978 | Videogame | Shooter |
Speak & Rescue | 1980 | Videogame | Shooter |
Spectrum | 2000 | Videogame | Shooter |
Spikeout Final Edition | Videogame |
Spittoon Dicer | 1894 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Sport | Pinball / Solid State |
St Dunstan's Horoscope | 1905 | Arcade / Fortune |
Standard | Vending / Bulk |
Star Crest | 1980 | Videogame | Shooter |
Star FLIPP evasion | Pinball / Solid State |
Star Galaxy | 2007 | Pinball / Solid State |
Star Game | 1939 | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Star Grip Tester | 1900 | Arcade / Strength tester |
Star Gum Vendor | 1935 | Vending / Gum |
Star King | Pinball / Solid State |
Star Peanut Machine | Vending / Bulk |
Star Pepsin | 1899 | Vending / Gum |
Star Pepsin Chewing Gum | 1887 | Vending / Gum |
Star Trade Register | 1902 | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Star Wars (1979) | 1979 | Videogame | Shooter |
Stereoscope Automatique | 1930 | Arcade / Viewer |
Stereoscope Viewer | Arcade / Viewer |
Stereoscope Viewer | 1900 | Arcade / Viewer |
Stockyard | Pinball / Mechanical |
Stoneage | 1991 | Videogame | Platform |
Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Red Wave) | 1992 | Videogame | Fighting |
Strength Test | 1920 | Arcade / Strength tester | Skill |
Stress 2001 | Arcade | Gambling |
Strike It Rich - penny drop | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Strip Tease | 1945 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Super Bobble Bobble | 1986 | Videogame | Platform |
Super Bolwer | 1972 | Arcade |
Super Flipper | Arcade / Gumball |
Super Heli | 1981 | Videogame | Shooter |
Super Invaders | 1978 | Videogame | Shooter |
Super Nova Capsule/Ball Vending Machine | 1995 | Vending |
Super Pang - Pinball | 1992 | Pinball / Solid State |
Super Real Mahjong P5 | Videogame |
Super Real Mahjong P7 | 1997 | Videogame |
Super Real Mahjong VS | Videogame |
Super Skier | Arcade |
Super Trucker | 1980 | Pinball / Solid State |
Super Zeus | Pinball / Solid State |
Super-Poker | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Surf Champ | Pinball / Solid State |
Swami - fortune teller | 1970 | Arcade / Fortune |
Sweet Sixteen | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
Sweet Vender | 1930 | Vending / Candy |
Sweetette | Vending / Bulk |
Talking Scale | 1915 | Vending / Scale |
Tank Buster | 1968 | Arcade / Skill game |
Target Practice | 1928 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Target Practice | 1927 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Tel-E-Test | 1935 | Arcade / Shocker |
Telematic 200 | Music / Jukebox |
Telephone Check | Vending |
Telephone Storyteller | 1980 | Arcade / Kiddie ride |
Tempo-Tempo | 1955 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Tessla | 1920 | Arcade / Shocker |
Test GM | 1973 | Arcade | Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout) |
TEX-OP | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Thrills | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Thumb B Ball | Arcade |
Ticket Scale | Vending / Scale |
Ticket Vendor | 1900 | Vending |
Tiered Backdrop | 1900 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Tin Egg Vendor | 1900 | Vending / Candy |
Tiny Tim Golf | 1910 | Trade Stim. |
Tir Fritz | 1910 | Arcade / Pistol |
Tire le Bibi | 1930 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Tirez Nenette - Shoot Nenette | 1930 | Arcade / Strength tester |
Tokheim 952-MAD Coin Operated Gas Pump | 1965 | Vending / Gas Pump |
Tom Thumb | 1920 | Vending / Gum |
Tom Thumb | 1939 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Tom's Toasted Peanuts | 1950 | Vending / Bulk |
Tonneaux, Les | 1905 | Slot Machine / Wall game |
Top Racer | 1984 | Videogame |
Tournament Soccer | 1974 | Arcade |
Trans-Atlantic | 1935 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Tray Style Vendor | 1940 | Vending / Gum |
Triangle Dicer | 1895 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Triple Fun | 1993 | Videogame | Mini-Game Collection |
Triplette, La | 1905 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
True Weight | Vending / Scale |
Trustin' Torreador (bull and matador Shoot the Chutes conversion) | Arcade / Rifle |
Try Your Hand - Strength Test | 1900 | Arcade / Strength tester |
Try Your Luck | 1890 | Slot Machine / Wheel |
Tura Glockenbomber | 1938 | Pinball / Pre-flipper |
Turf Course | Pinball |
Turnpike Tournament | Arcade / Driving game |
TV-Super | Videogame |
Twenty One | Arcade / Puncher | Skill |
Twenty One | Arcade / Puncher | Skill |
Twins-Win | 1941 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Ultra Attack | 1970 | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Uncle Sam | 1908 | Arcade / Strength tester |
Uncle Sam | 1910 | Arcade / Strength tester |
United | 1957 | Music / Jukebox |
Universal | Vending / Gum |
Unknown | Pinball / Mechanical |
Unknown | Pinball / Mechanical |
Unknown | Pinball / Mechanical |
Unknown | Pinball / Electro-Mechanical |
Unknown | Pinball / Mechanical |
Unknown | Pinball / Mechanical |
Unknown | Pinball / Mechanical |
Unknown | Pinball / Mechanical |
Unknown | 1932 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Unknown | Pinball / Mechanical |
Unknown ('One Star / One Bell') | Pinball / Mechanical |
Unknown (\'One Bell\') | Pinball / Mechanical |
Unknown (\'Three Bell\') | Pinball / Mechanical |
Unknown - 12 Slot Fortune Post Card Vendor | Vending |
Unknown Penny Drop Fortune Machine | 1910 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Unknown Slot | Slot Machine |
Unknown Slot | Slot Machine |
Unknown1 | Unknown |
Unknown11 | Unknown |
Unknown12 | Unknown |
Unknown15 | Unknown |
Unknown16 | Unknown |
Unknown18 | Unknown |
Unknown19 | Unknown |
Unknown2 | Unknown |
Unknown3 | Unknown |
Unknown4 | Unknown |
Unknown5 | Unknown |
Unknown6 | Unknown |
Unknown7 | Unknown |
Unknown8 | Unknown |
Unknown9 | Unknown |
Valley | Pinball |
Valley Derby | Pinball |
Vapolux | 1930 | Vending |
Vend-R-Scale | 1960 | Vending / Scale |
Vendor | 1930 | Vending / Gum |
Verspiel Dein Wasser Nicht! | Pinball / Solid State |
Video Redemption System | Arcade |
Visionneuse de Cartes - Drop Card Viewer | 1900 | Arcade / Viewer |
Volleyball | 1974 | Videogame | Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout) |
Voting Machine | Trade Stim. / Wheel |
VS. Atari R.B.I. Baseball | 1987 | Videogame | Sports |
Vs. Double Dragon | Videogame |
Vs. Kung Fu | Videogame |
Vs. Super Sky Kid | Videogame |
Waghter's Parlor Base Ball | 1880 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3 DX | 2008 | Videogame | Racing |
What's Your Weight | 1990 | Vending / Scale |
Whiffle Game | 1930 | Pinball / Mechanical |
Whirlygig | 1900 | Arcade / Fortune |
White Dice | 1950 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Wi-Co | 1910 | Vending / Gum |
Wilbur's Chocolate (theater) | 1920 | Vending |
Wild Texas | Pinball / Solid State |
Wild Time | Pinball / Solid State |
Wild Woodbine | Vending / Cigarette |
Win and Place | Slot Machine / Racing |
Win Easy | Slot Machine / Wall game |
Winner Dice | 1925 | Trade Stim. / Dice |
Winner, The | 1900 | Trade Stim. / Coin drop |
Wizard Ball Game | 1930 | Pinball / Mechanical |