Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Manufacturer: Unknown

Unknown released 766 machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1700. Unknown was based in United States.

The 5 most common machines by Unknown owned by VAPS members are (in order):
Multi Game , Gallag , Space Pilot , Euro League , Metallica

The 5 most common machines by Unknown wanted by VAPS members are (in order):
Metallica , Spikeout Final Edition , Boong-Ga Boong-Ga , Polybius , VS. Atari R.B.I. Baseball

Entries in this index: 766
Name Year Type Genre Description Images
1/2 D Pinball 1895 Trade Stim. / Skill game Skill
1200 1946 Music / Jukebox
1207 1946 Music / Jukebox
1207A Music / Jukebox
15*Pool 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
20 for 1 1920 Trade Stim. / Wheel
2005 World Car Racing Pinball 2005 Pinball / Solid State Racing
20th Century Kicker Vending / Gum
24 Heures du Mans 1958 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
3 Tetes, Les 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
3-For-1 1893 Slot Machine / Coin drop
400 1946 Music / Jukebox
7-Grand 1947 Trade Stim. / Dice
7-Up 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Ace Pinball / Mechanical
Aces High 1932 Pinball
African Splash (Rapid Fire Gun conversion) Arcade / Rifle
Air Command Pinball
Air Raid 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Alabama Crimson Tide 2004 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Alcohol Breathalyzer 2010 Vending / Service
Alien Invasion Part II 1978 Videogame Shooter
American Beauty 1945 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
American Prize Vender Vending
Amigo 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Appareil Electrique Musical Trade Stim.
Arena Football 1920 Arcade Sports
Astrocraft Arcade
Astrologic 1978 Pinball / Solid State
Australia 1898 Trade Stim. / Card game
Automaten Vertrieb Crimmitshchau 1920 Vending / Bulk
Automatic Bar 1920 Vending
Automatic Chicken (Rectangular Nest) 1905 Vending
Automatic Chicken - Round Nest 1905 Vending / Candy
Automatic Dice 1894 Trade Stim. / Dice
Automatic Edison Phonograph 1891 Music / Phonograph
Automatic Perfume Demonstrator Vending
Automaton Palm Reader Arcade / Fortune
Avalanche 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Avenger Videogame
Avions, Les 1935 Arcade / Skill game
B-52 Bomber Videogame
B-Skilful 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Baffle Ball 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Baffle Ball Jr. Home Game 1932 Pinball
Baffle Ball Sr. Home Game 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Bagatelle 1995 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Balance de Gare 1895 Vending / Scale
Balito Pinball / Mechanical
Bambi Marchio Dep Vending
Banker, The 1960 Trade Stim. / Dice
Bankum Pinball / Mechanical
Banner Slot Machine / Upright
Bar, The 1900 Vending / Candy
Baraduke II - Bakutotsu Kijyutei 1988 Videogame
Barbarella 1972 Pinball Space
Bascule Automatique (1) 1900 Vending / Scale
Bascule Automatique (2) 1900 Vending / Scale
Baseball 1940 Pinball / Counter game
Batman and Robin - Learning Bat Cave 1990 Arcade / Kiddie ride Adventure
Batman Bat Boat 1960 Arcade / Kiddie ride
Battle King 1970 Arcade
Beast - From What Are You Descended 1940 Arcade / Shocker
Berlin Or Bust 1917 Pinball / Mechanical
Betham's Pepsin Celery Gum Vending / Gum
Bicar 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical Racing
Bicycle Race 1940 Arcade / Racing
Big Dick 1998 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Healey 1996 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Kong 1981 Videogame Platform
Big Shot 1940 Arcade / Roll Down
Bill Hop Lux 1933 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Billiard Vertical, Le 1910 Slot Machine / Wall game
Billiards The 1981 Videogame Sports
Bing Bang Game Pinball / Mechanical
Black Boiler (canibal themed Chicken Sam conversion) Arcade / Rifle
Bomber Lord 1993 Videogame
Bone Crusher 1987 Videogame Fighting
Boong-Ga Boong-Ga 2000 Videogame / Redemption
Bouncerino 1952 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Bouteille, La 1895 Slot Machine / Wheel
Bowling (Italy) Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Boxing 1920 Arcade / Skill game Fighting
Bubble Dance, The - Stupendous Colossal 1930 Arcade / Viewer
Bufferin 1950 Vending
Bugs Bot Catcher Arcade / Redemption
Bull Arcade
Burning Striker 2003 Videogame
Burnout Paradise 2015 Arcade / Redemption
Bustillo Cigar Vending / Cigar
Cabaret 1959 Arcade / Viewer
Cabin Fever 2006 Pinball / Solid State
Cagnotte 1930 Slot Machine / Coin drop
Camel Cigarette vending machine 1930 Vending / Cigarette
Cannon Fire Pinball / Pre-flipper
Canteen Chewing Gum Dispenser 1950 Vending / Gum
Car Action 1983 Videogame Racing
Car Race 1981 Videogame Racing
Cardinal Gum 1910 Vending / Gum
Carousel Race 1970 Slot Machine
Cartes Postales 1900 Arcade / Fortune
Cascade, La 1930 Slot Machine / Coin drop
Cashier Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Caveman 1982 Videogame
Certified Aspirin Vending
CG Video Videogame
Challenger Duckshoot 1940 Arcade / Pistol
Champion Speed Tester 1920 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Champion's Basketball 1946 Arcade / Basketball
Charlie and Mabel - In The Park 1940 Arcade / Working model
Charmy Match 1989 Arcade
Chic-O-Berry 1930 Vending / Gum
Chiclets Gum Vending Scale 1900 Vending / Candy
Chien Savant, Le 1925 Slot Machine / Coin drop
Chinese Crystal Gazer (UK) 1930 Arcade / Fortune
Chistera 1952 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Chocolate 1920 Vending / Candy
Chocolate Menier candy dispenser 1910 Vending / Candy
Chuck E. Cheese's Memory Match 1999 Arcade / Redemption Puzzle / Tile Match
Chuck-A-Luck Videogame
Chyromant-Automat Arcade / Fortune
Cigar Cutter Trade Stim. / Wheel
Cigar One Wheel 1890 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Cigar Wheel 1894 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Cigarette Vending Machine 1930 Vending / Cigarette
Circus Tiger, The Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Classic Arcade Series 2001 Videogame
Club Lambada 1980 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Coca-Cola Vendor Vending
Coca-Cola Vendor Vending
Collar Studs 1901 Vending
Columbia Steamer 1920 Arcade / Working model
Combination 1894 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Concorde Pinball
Concorde 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Continental Magic Game 1991 Pinball / Solid State
Cook Race 1982 Videogame Platform
Coronation Skittles 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Coronet 400 1946 Music / Jukebox
Cosmos Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Cotocoto Cottong 1982 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Craps Wheel 1930 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Crazy Ball Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Crown 1940 Slot Machine / Bell
Cruncher 1980 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Curnett Toilet Seat Cover 1926 Vending
Cyclone, Le 1930 Vending
Daily Races 1947 Pinball
Dallas 1957 Pinball / Mechanical
Dancing Dan Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
De-Lux Pinball / Mechanical
Deep, The 1987 Videogame
Defend The Terra Attack On The Red UFO 1979 Videogame Shooter
Defense 1980 Videogame Space
Defense Command 1980 Videogame Shooter
DELETE Videogame
delete 1970 Arcade / Skill game
delete 1991 Videogame
delete 1970 Arcade / Driving game
DELETE Videogame
DELETE Videogame
Deluxe Clean Sweep Arcade
Demon Castle 1983 Videogame
Derby 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Derby, Le 1920 Slot Machine / Wheel
Destination Earth 1979 Videogame Shooter
Dexterity Play Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Diamond-Flash 1932 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Dice Box 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Dice Poker 1950 Trade Stim. / Dice
Dice Shaker 1900 Trade Stim. / Dice
Dime-A-Drive Auto Trainer 1950 Arcade / Driving game
Distributeur De Cartes Postales 1895 Vending
Do not know 1930 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Dokaben 2 Videogame
Dona Elvira 1970 Pinball / Solid State
Donkey King 1981 Videogame Platform
Dopey Duck Arcade / Kiddie ride
Double Slot Machine / Wall game
Double Feature Pinball / Pre-flipper
Double Up 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Dragster Pinball / Solid State
Drews Tiger Paw 1970 Arcade / Skill game
Duchess Slot Machine
Duke Vending
Dump the Ump Arcade Sports
Dunstan's Cigar Seller - Eureka Fortune Teller 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
E.A.M. Trade Stim. / Dice
Easton Coin Operated Gas Pump 1935 Vending / Gas Pump
Ecureuil 1903 Slot Machine / Wall game
Egyptian Bell 1950 Slot Machine / Bell
Egyptien (French) 1925 Arcade / Fortune
El Tigre 1977 Pinball / Solid State
El Viti Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Electric Baseball World Champion 1930 Arcade Sports
Electric Radio Wave 1930 Arcade / Shocker
Electric Road Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Elephant Chocolate Vender 1895 Vending / Candy
Elephant Strength Tester Arcade / Strength tester
Emergency Coin Operated Gas Pump 1935 Vending / Gas Pump
Empire Pinball / Mechanical
empty Music / Jukebox
empty Vending / Scale
Energie 1910 Arcade / Shocker
Esmeralda Fortune Teller 1910 Arcade / Cards
Esmeralda Fortune Teller 1950 Arcade / Fortune
Esmeralda Fortune Teller 1990 Arcade / Fortune
Eureka Mystery Machine 1898 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Euro League 1989 Videogame Sports
Euro Star 1990 Pinball / Solid State
Euro Stocker Videogame
Ever Ready Lunch 1930 Vending
F&F Alkaid and Cloramint Vending
Fairest Wheel 1906 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Fairway Double Top 1960 Trade Stim. / Skill game Sports
Falling Suns 1944 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Fantasy Pinball / Mechanical
Far West 1986 Videogame Platform
Fast Draw Pinball / Solid State
Faukland Pinball
Favorite 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Feu, Le 1910 Arcade / Shocker
Fiesta Deluxe Type 1207A 1947 Music / Jukebox
Fil-A-Lighter 1940 Vending
Final Crash 1990 Videogame Fighting
Flapper Migs Pinball / Mechanical
Flappy Tickets 2016 Arcade / Redemption
Flying Aces 1932 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Force Break 1986 Videogame Shooter
Force One 1982 Videogame
Fortune Slot Machine / Video
Fortune Teller 1895 Arcade / Fortune
Fortune Teller Arcade / Fortune
Four Square Slot Machine
Franz the Grindorgan Man 1920 Arcade / Working model
Freeport 1900 Vending
French Can Can Pinball / Solid State
Fresh Cigars 1950 Vending / Cigar
Frog 1981 Videogame Platform
Frog Frenzy II whacker 2010 Arcade / Bopper
Frog Frenzy whacker 2005 Arcade / Redemption
Frog Jump Whac-A-Mole Arcade / Redemption
Fruit Ninja FX 2 2014 Arcade / Redemption
Fun Time Pinball
Galactic Invaders 1980 Videogame
Galaxian Part 3 Videogame
Galaxian Turbo 1979 Videogame Shooter
Galaxy 1980 Videogame Shooter
Galaxy Games Multi Game Video System 1980 Videogame
Gallag 1982 Videogame Space
Game O' Skill 1912 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Gas Attack Pinball / Solid State
Genshi-Tou 1930's - Prehistoric Isle 1989 Videogame
Gift Store claw machine 2012 Arcade / Crane
Gillette Blue Blades 1920 Vending / Service
Gilmore Gasoline Lion Kiddie Ride 1950 Arcade / Kiddie ride
Glocken-Tivoli 1915 Pinball / Mechanical
Go Girl! 1995 Pinball / Solid State
Golden Key prize machine 2000 Arcade / Redemption Skill
Good Luck 1890 Trade Stim. / Dice
Gran Domino' 1972 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Grandma's Prophecies 1950 Arcade / Fortune
Grandmothers Predictions Arcade / Fortune
Grip Commander 1950 Arcade / Strength tester
Gum Vender Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Gypsy Palmist 1925 Arcade / Cards
H.H. Johnson Vending / Bulk
Handan-Ni Four-Ball 1930 Arcade / Skill game
Harrington Coin Operated Gas Pump 1924 Vending / Gas Pump
Hartford 1898 Slot Machine / Upright
Headless Magician, The 1920 Arcade / Working model
Health-O-Meter 1930 Vending / Scale
Hell 1980 Pinball / Solid State
Hell's Queen 1980 Pinball / Solid State
Hellacopters, The Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Hen with Golden Egg Vending
Henkelto 1927 Slot Machine
Hi-Ball Pinball / Mechanical
Hi-Hat Pinball
HI-LO Pinball / Mechanical
HIALEAH DE LUXE 1940 Arcade Racing
History of Martial Arts, The 1993 Videogame
Hockey Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Hokum 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Hole In One - Gum Vendor 1930 Trade Stim.
Holy Water Vending
Homer Gipp Vending / Cigar
Honor Box 1700 Vending
Hoodoo 1901 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Hoop Shot! 1980 Arcade / Basketball Skill
Hoosier Vending
Horse Race 1890 Trade Stim. / Racing
Horseshoe Slot Machine / Wheel
Horseshoe and Eagle Trade Stim. / Wheel
Hoskins Self-Service Machine Vending
Hot Nut House Vending / Bulk
Hot Race 1980 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Hubertus 1920 Arcade / Shooter
Hungry Sailor Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Hurdy Gurdy Pinball
Hurricane Arcade
Hurricane 1969 Arcade
I.X.L. Jr. 1895 Trade Stim. / Card game
I.X.L. Jr. 1895 Trade Stim. / Card game
Ice Mania Pinball / Solid State
Ideal Pin Table, The Pinball / Mechanical
Imo Bomber 1937 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Imperial 1920 Trade Stim. / Reel Other
Improved Automatic Roulette 1888 Trade Stim. / Roulette
Inedit Slot Machine / Wall game
Instant Glamor 1940 Vending / Service
International 1933 Pinball
Iron Card Machine Trade Stim. / Card game
Iron Claw 1995 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical Skill
Iron Maiden 2005 Pinball / Solid State
Jackpot (UK) 1930 Slot Machine / Coin drop
Jackpot E.C. 1929 Arcade / Redemption
Jackpot Horse Race 1920 Slot Machine / Racing
Japanese Ball 1928 Arcade / Counter game
Jeep 1943 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Jolly Fellow Vending / Gum
Jolly Jack 1930 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical
Jolly Marble Pinball / Mechanical
Jostle 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Jumping 1989 Videogame Platform
Jungle Joe Arcade / Pistol
Jungle Life Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Jungle, The Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Junior King 1982 Videogame Platform
Junior League Bat-A-Ball 1940 Arcade / Counter game
Jupiter Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Just Rite 1930 Vending / Bulk
Kalamazoo Trade Stim. / Wheel
Kalliope Panorama Model 176P 1900 Music / Disc
Keno 1934 Pinball / Mechanical
Kentucky Derby Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Kick Block Videogame
Kick'N Catch Football 1980 Arcade Sports
Killer T-Rex Arcade Skill
Kismet Pinball / Mechanical
Kleen-Kut Vending
Knights of Valour 2 Bushou Retsuden Videogame
Koala Silver Prince 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Komet 1960 Vending
Kung Fu Hero Videogame
L'Aerodrome - Airfield 1912 Arcade / Redemption
L'Equitable - The Fair 1905 Arcade / Skill game
L'Unic - The Eunuch 1909 Arcade
La Cantiniere 1911 Vending
La Grenouillere 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Martingale 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Triple Entente - The Triple Agreement 1912 Arcade
Labyrinthe Rouge, Le 1931 Arcade / Skill game
Lark 1931 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Laser 1980 Videogame Shooter
Last Round Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Last Supper Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lawman Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
LBJ Vending / Gum
Le Boxeur Blanc - The White Boxer 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
Le Diamant 1931 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Le Dragon 1911 Arcade
Le Francais - French 1906 Arcade / Roll Down
Le Grand Prix 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Jeu Des Petits Chevaux - A Game of Small Horses 1911 Arcade / Mechanical
Le Manneken Pis - The Little Angel Piss 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Resultat Des Courses - The Result of the Races 1911 Slot Machine / Racing
Le Torpilleur - The Torpedo 1909 Arcade
Le Trefle - The Clover 1901 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Vainqueur - The Winner 1910 Arcade / Mechanical
Legend 1985 Pinball / Solid State
Liberty Commercial 1930 Slot Machine / Reel
Liberty Gum 1915 Vending / Gum
Lido Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lil Razzle Dazzle 1980 Arcade / Skill game Sports
Little Dream Gum Machine 1922 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Little Helper 1908 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Locomotion 1982 Pinball
Log Cabin Duplex Vendor 1927 Vending / Gum/Bulk
Lone Star 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Long Shot 1960 Arcade / Coin drop
Looping 6 et 9 1930 Pinball / Mechanical
Los Boxeadores 1950 Arcade / Skill game
Lucky Double Pinball
Lucky Drop, The 1937 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Lucky Leprechaun Prize vending machine 1990 Vending / Bulk
Lucky Toys Wagon claw machine 1990 Arcade / Crane
Luigi Arcade
Luron - The Gentle Hand Soap dispenser 1930 Vending / Service
Lutin Slot Machine / Wall game
Machine, The - Bride of Pinbot 2.0 2014 Pinball / Solid State
Macrocosm Wars 1980 Videogame Space
Madam Isis Fortune Teller 1930 Arcade / Fortune
Madam Melba Fortune Teller 1940 Arcade / Fortune
Mahjong - Chinese Videogame
Mainstreet 1928 Trade Stim. / Dice
Malabar Slot Machine / Wall game
Malaussena 1912 Vending / Bulk
Marble Pool Pinball / Mechanical
Masao 1983 Videogame Platform
Match the Pack 1940 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Mega Golf Ball Frenzy 2006 Pinball / Solid State
Merlin's Magic 2009 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Mermaid Arcade / Coin drop
Merry Old King Pinball
Metallica Pinball / Solid State
Meteor Part II Videogame
Mexican Golf 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Midget Smoker, The 1926 Trade Stim. / Dice
Mike And Ike Pinball / Mechanical
Mille, Le 1935 Arcade / Shocker
Model 143DG Carousel Organ 1980 Music
Monkey Donkey 1981 Videogame Platform
Monkey Shines Arcade
Monkey Shines 1949 Arcade / Pistol
Monorail Skittle Alley Arcade
Monte Carlo - Cylinder Backbox Model Pinball / Electro-Mechanical Gambling
Moon Ranger 1982 Videogame Platform
Moon River 2005 Arcade / Coin drop
Moon Rocket Arcade
Moving Pictures 1897 Arcade / Viewer
Mr. Du! 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Mr. Heli Videogame
Mr. Jong 1981 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Mr. Lo! 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
MTV Trivia 1986 Videogame Trivia / Quiz
Mugger 1980 Videogame Shooter
Multi Game 1992 Videogame Other
Multigame 21 1982 Videogame Other
Multiplex Dispenser 1930 Vending / Soda
Music Grabber claw machine 2015 Arcade / Crane
Musical Cigar Vender 1887 Vending / Cigar
Mystery No. 58 1935 Vending / Bulk
Mystic Pen Arcade / Fortune
Mystic Star 1986 Pinball / Solid State
Mythology Pinball / Solid State
Nain Slot Machine / Wall game
Natasha the Fortune Teller 1980 Arcade / Fortune
National Twin Jackpot Revamp Bell 1933 Slot Machine / Bell
Nebulous Bee 1981 Videogame Shooter
Negro Ball 1932 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Negro Chocolate Vender 1895 Vending / Candy
New Crazy Squash 2000 Arcade / Air Hockey Skill
New Puck-X 1980 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
New Record Videogame
New Record Videogame
New Record Videogame
NewPuc2 1981 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Night Club 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
No Mans Land 1980 Videogame
Nobby's Salted Peanuts 1920 Vending / Bulk
Nurburgring 1939 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Oak Perfume Dispenser 1915 Vending / Service
Ohio Derby Trade Stim. / Racing
Oriental Perfume Cabinet Vending
Original Flipper 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Oscar's Wild Ride gumball machine 1990 Vending / Gumball
Oxford St. Pinball / Mechanical
Paint Roller 1981 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Parfum Ris-Charde 1920 Vending
Parlor Bagatelle (One Star / One Bell) 1898 Pinball / Mechanical
Passe-Partout, Le 1920 Slot Machine / Wheel
Pearls Of East Pinball / Solid State
Pence Billiard Chalk Dispenser 1930 Vending / Service
Penny Bar 1930 Vending
Penny Carnival Vending / Gum
Penny Drop 1900 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Penny Wiggle 1930 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Penta 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Pepsi 1990 Vending / Scale
Pepsin Gum 1910 Vending / Gum
Pepsin Mint Gum 1910 Vending / Gum
Pepsodent Toothbrush 1960 Vending
Perfection Perfume 1915 Vending
Perfume Dispenser 1900 Vending / Service
Perhaps Slot Machine
Perk Up Vending / Bulk
Perk Up Double Vending / Bulk
Petitt's Chocolate Vending
Pez Vending
Photo-Finish Unknown
Photo-Finish [name not confirmed] Unknown
Pierrot 1915 Slot Machine / Wall game
Piffle Egyptian Horse Shoe Game Pinball / Mechanical
Pill Vender 1895 Vending
Pinch Hitter 1946 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Pipe Line Videogame
Place the Coppers 1936 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Play a Hand Pinball / Mechanical
Play Baseball 1930 Arcade / Coin drop
Play \'N Innin Pinball / Mechanical
Players Please 1928 Vending / Cigarette
Plus or Minus Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Pocket Combs 1950 Vending
Polybius 1981 Videogame
Polyphon Music Box 1890 Music / Disc
Pootan 1982 Videogame Shooter
Porte-Bonheur, Le 1910 Slot Machine / Wall game
Post Office 1898 Arcade / Fortune
Postage Vender 1910 Vending / Stamp
Postage Vendor 1910 Vending / Stamp
Potter's Best Silk 1900 Vending
Power Beat 2005 Arcade / Redemption
Power House 1990 Videogame Other
Power Man 1990 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical Other
Premier Crane Vending Skill
Prize Vending
Psichedelico Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Psychic Force EX Videogame
Pump It Up - The Prex 2001 Videogame
Punch Board Machine 1930 Trade Stim.
Pure Nap Vending
Puritan Baby Vendor 1932 Trade Stim. / Reel
Puyo Puyo Da! Videogame
Puyo Puyon Videogame
Puyo Wars Videogame
Race Track Trade Stim. / Racing
Racer, The 1920 Arcade / Racing
Railway 1934 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Rally Montecarlo 1964 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Rapid, Le 1925 Slot Machine
Razor Blades 1940 Vending
Red Dot Pinball
Red Rocket 1939 Arcade / Roll Down
Redemption Arcade
Regates Pinball
Rex, The Pinball / Mechanical
Ridge Racer R Videogame
Right or Else 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Rival Slot Machine / Upright
Rocketship Strength Tester 1950 Arcade / Strength tester
Rocks Vending / Stamp
Rol-Luck 1940 Trade Stim. / Dice
Rola 1929 Pinball / Mechanical Skill
Rola-Ball Pinball / Mechanical
Roll-A-Heart Pinball / Mechanical
Rolla-Poker 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Rolling Crush Videogame
ROLO 1938 Arcade / Coin Roller Skill
Romance Register 1940 Arcade / Fortune
Rooster and Hen 1920 Vending / Candy
Roto-Ball Pinball / Mechanical
Roulette Buffalo 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
Roulette CG 1930 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Royal Bingo Pinball / Solid State
Royal Card Machine Trade Stim. / Card game
Royal Skittle 1997 Pinball / Solid State
Run-A-Round 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Rush Coin Operated Gas Pump 1939 Vending / Gas Pump
Rx Vending / Scale
S. Joao 1977 Pinball
Saturne, Le 1935 Arcade / Skill game
Scram Pinball / Mechanical
Screen Stars 1940 Slot Machine / Reel
Sea Beast And Barnacle Bill, The 1984 Videogame Adventure
Sea Monster (Rapid Fire Gun conversion) Arcade / Rifle
Select-O-Vend 1945 Vending / Gum
Selekta 1960 Slot Machine / Wheel
Shaeffer Script Vending
Sharp's Diamond Shooter 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Sho Me 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Shoe Shine with Cinch 1930 Vending / Service
Shoot the Bartender (Chicken Sam Conversion) Arcade / Rifle
Shoot the Wolf (wolf and women themed Chicken Sam conversion) Arcade / Rifle
Shooting Pinball / Pre-flipper
Showdown Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Silent Night Perfume 1950 Vending
Silent Salesman Shoe Laces Vending
Singing Bird Cage Music Box 1900 Music
Singing Bird in Cage music box 1900 Music
Six Star 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Skil Luck Pinball / Mechanical
Skill Ball Pinball / Mechanical
Skill Ball Junior 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Skill Coin Roll 1949 Arcade / Coin Roller
Skilliard 1903 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Skipper Pinball / Pre-flipper
Sky Devil\'s Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Sky Show Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Slamdunk 1988 Pinball / Solid State
Slide-It! 1999 Videogame Skill
Smith's Chewing Balls Vending / Bulk
Smoke Direct 1909 Vending / Cigar
Smokey Joe 1920 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
SOK-M-IN 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Solar Fight 1979 Videogame Shooter
Soleil 1910 Slot Machine / Coin drop
Sourire, Le 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
Southside Johnny 1979 Pinball / Solid State
Space Combat 1979 Videogame Space
Space Duel Pinball / Solid State
Space Pilot 1982 Videogame Space
Space War Part Three 1978 Videogame Shooter
Speak & Rescue 1980 Videogame Shooter
Spectrum 2000 Videogame Shooter
Spikeout Final Edition Videogame
Spittoon Dicer 1894 Trade Stim. / Dice
Sport Pinball / Solid State
St Dunstan's Horoscope 1905 Arcade / Fortune
Standard Vending / Bulk
Star Crest 1980 Videogame Shooter
Star FLIPP evasion Pinball / Solid State
Star Galaxy 2007 Pinball / Solid State
Star Game 1939 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Star Grip Tester 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Star Gum Vendor 1935 Vending / Gum
Star King Pinball / Solid State
Star Peanut Machine Vending / Bulk
Star Pepsin 1899 Vending / Gum
Star Pepsin Chewing Gum 1887 Vending / Gum
Star Trade Register 1902 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Star Wars (1979) 1979 Videogame Shooter
Stereoscope Automatique 1930 Arcade / Viewer
Stereoscope Viewer Arcade / Viewer
Stereoscope Viewer 1900 Arcade / Viewer
Stockyard Pinball / Mechanical
Stoneage 1991 Videogame Platform
Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Red Wave) 1992 Videogame Fighting
Strength Test 1920 Arcade / Strength tester Skill
Stress 2001 Arcade Gambling
Strike It Rich - penny drop Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Strip Tease 1945 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Super Bobble Bobble 1986 Videogame Platform
Super Bolwer 1972 Arcade
Super Flipper Arcade / Gumball
Super Heli 1981 Videogame Shooter
Super Invaders 1978 Videogame Shooter
Super Nova Capsule/Ball Vending Machine 1995 Vending
Super Pang - Pinball 1992 Pinball / Solid State
Super Real Mahjong P5 Videogame
Super Real Mahjong P7 1997 Videogame
Super Real Mahjong VS Videogame
Super Skier Arcade
Super Trucker 1980 Pinball / Solid State
Super Zeus Pinball / Solid State
Super-Poker Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Surf Champ Pinball / Solid State
Swami - fortune teller 1970 Arcade / Fortune
Sweet Sixteen Trade Stim. / Wheel
Sweet Vender 1930 Vending / Candy
Sweetette Vending / Bulk
Talking Scale 1915 Vending / Scale
Tank Buster 1968 Arcade / Skill game
Target Practice 1928 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Target Practice 1927 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Tel-E-Test 1935 Arcade / Shocker
Telematic 200 Music / Jukebox
Telephone Check Vending
Telephone Storyteller 1980 Arcade / Kiddie ride
Tempo-Tempo 1955 Pinball / Mechanical
Tessla 1920 Arcade / Shocker
Test GM 1973 Arcade Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
TEX-OP Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Thrills Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Thumb B Ball Arcade
Ticket Scale Vending / Scale
Ticket Vendor 1900 Vending
Tiered Backdrop 1900 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Tin Egg Vendor 1900 Vending / Candy
Tiny Tim Golf 1910 Trade Stim.
Tir Fritz 1910 Arcade / Pistol
Tire le Bibi 1930 Pinball / Mechanical
Tirez Nenette - Shoot Nenette 1930 Arcade / Strength tester
Tokheim 952-MAD Coin Operated Gas Pump 1965 Vending / Gas Pump
Tom Thumb 1920 Vending / Gum
Tom Thumb 1939 Pinball / Mechanical
Tom's Toasted Peanuts 1950 Vending / Bulk
Tonneaux, Les 1905 Slot Machine / Wall game
Top Racer 1984 Videogame
Tournament Soccer 1974 Arcade
Trans-Atlantic 1935 Pinball / Mechanical
Tray Style Vendor 1940 Vending / Gum
Triangle Dicer 1895 Trade Stim. / Dice
Triple Fun 1993 Videogame Mini-Game Collection
Triplette, La 1905 Slot Machine / Wheel
True Weight Vending / Scale
Trustin' Torreador (bull and matador Shoot the Chutes conversion) Arcade / Rifle
Try Your Hand - Strength Test 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Try Your Luck 1890 Slot Machine / Wheel
Tura Glockenbomber 1938 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Turf Course Pinball
Turnpike Tournament Arcade / Driving game
TV-Super Videogame
Twenty One Arcade / Puncher Skill
Twenty One Arcade / Puncher Skill
Twins-Win 1941 Trade Stim. / Dice
Ultra Attack 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Uncle Sam 1908 Arcade / Strength tester
Uncle Sam 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
United 1957 Music / Jukebox
Universal Vending / Gum
Unknown Pinball / Mechanical
Unknown Pinball / Mechanical
Unknown Pinball / Mechanical
Unknown Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Unknown Pinball / Mechanical
Unknown Pinball / Mechanical
Unknown Pinball / Mechanical
Unknown Pinball / Mechanical
Unknown 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Unknown Pinball / Mechanical
Unknown ('One Star / One Bell') Pinball / Mechanical
Unknown (\'One Bell\') Pinball / Mechanical
Unknown (\'Three Bell\') Pinball / Mechanical
Unknown - 12 Slot Fortune Post Card Vendor Vending
Unknown Penny Drop Fortune Machine 1910 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Unknown Slot Slot Machine
Unknown Slot Slot Machine
Unknown1 Unknown
Unknown11 Unknown
Unknown12 Unknown
Unknown15 Unknown
Unknown16 Unknown
Unknown18 Unknown
Unknown19 Unknown
Unknown2 Unknown
Unknown3 Unknown
Unknown4 Unknown
Unknown5 Unknown
Unknown6 Unknown
Unknown7 Unknown
Unknown8 Unknown
Unknown9 Unknown
Valley Pinball
Valley Derby Pinball
Vapolux 1930 Vending
Vend-R-Scale 1960 Vending / Scale
Vendor 1930 Vending / Gum
Verspiel Dein Wasser Nicht! Pinball / Solid State
Video Redemption System Arcade
Visionneuse de Cartes - Drop Card Viewer 1900 Arcade / Viewer
Volleyball 1974 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Voting Machine Trade Stim. / Wheel
VS. Atari R.B.I. Baseball 1987 Videogame Sports
Vs. Double Dragon Videogame
Vs. Kung Fu Videogame
Vs. Super Sky Kid Videogame
Waghter's Parlor Base Ball 1880 Pinball / Mechanical
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3 DX 2008 Videogame Racing
What's Your Weight 1990 Vending / Scale
Whiffle Game 1930 Pinball / Mechanical
Whirlygig 1900 Arcade / Fortune
White Dice 1950 Trade Stim. / Dice
Wi-Co 1910 Vending / Gum
Wilbur's Chocolate (theater) 1920 Vending
Wild Texas Pinball / Solid State
Wild Time Pinball / Solid State
Wild Woodbine Vending / Cigarette
Win and Place Slot Machine / Racing
Win Easy Slot Machine / Wall game
Winner Dice 1925 Trade Stim. / Dice
Winner, The 1900 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Wizard Ball Game 1930 Pinball / Mechanical