Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Amusement Machines: L (type: All)

Entries in this index: 810
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
L'Addition Maurice and Isaac Kaufmann 1909 Arcade / Mechanical
L'Aerodrome - Airfield Unknown 1912 Arcade / Redemption
L'Aperitif - Appetizer Oswin Franke 1909 Arcade
L'Apero J. Soukhostavsky Arcade / Mechanical
L'As De Trefle - The Clover C. Georg 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
L'Athlete - The Athlete Pierre Romand 1914 Pinball / Mechanical
L'Athlete Complet - Complete Athlete Barme 1928 Arcade / Strength tester
L'Avenir - The Future Braesch 1912 Arcade / Fortune
L'Avenir - The Future Braesch 1925 Arcade / Fortune
L'Aviateur Reserviste - The Reservist Airman Maurice Moreau et Mole 1911 Pinball / Mechanical
L'Eclair Louis Loubet 1932 Arcade / Shooter
L'Eclair Pistol La Garenne 1930 Arcade / Pistol Skill
L'Elephant A.J. Boult Arcade / Strength tester
L'Epatant Moderne - Amazing Swank Marius Poncet 1899 Trade Stim. / Dice
L'Equitable - The Fair Unknown 1905 Arcade / Skill game
L'Etoile Lenoble 1934 Pinball / Mechanical
L'Etonnant - Amazing L. Grasset 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
L'Infini - Infinity Paul Valter 1911 Arcade
L'Observatoire - Observatory New Polyphon Supply Co. 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
L'Oracle - The Oracle French Automatic Devices - Francaise des Appareils Automatiq 1899 Arcade / Fortune
L'Oracle de Satan Barme 1925 Arcade / Fortune
L'Unic - The Eunuch Unknown 1909 Arcade
L.A. Machineguns Sega 2003 Videogame
L.A. Machineguns Rage Of The Machines Sega 1999 Videogame Shooter
L.A. Wallace C. A. Wallace Vending / Bulk
L.C. Topper Victor Vending Corp. 1950 Vending / Gum
L.E. West Gum L. E. West Gum Co. 1907 Vending / Gum
L.S.A. Squad Taito 1986 Videogame Fighting
L100 Seeburg 1957 Music / Jukebox
LA Beer Trivia Challenge M. Kramer Manufacturing Videogame
La Caille - The Quail Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Cantiniere Unknown 1911 Vending
La Cantiniere - The Canteen Unknown (Temporary) 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
La Chasse - The Hunt Jentzsch & Meerz 1907 Arcade / Shooter
La Chasse a Courre - Hunting with Hounds Louis Miquel 1934 Arcade / Rifle
La Chasse a Courre - The Hunt Foresty (Louis Miquel) 1937 Arcade / Shooter Skill
La Cible Universal 1984 Videogame
La Cigogne - The Stork French Automatic Devices - Francaise des Appareils Automatiq 1902 Vending / Candy
La Clede Match La Clede Manufacturing Co. Vending / Match
La Comete Mills Novelty Co. 1906 Slot Machine / Reel
La Comete Louis Loubet 1937 Slot Machine / Roulette
La Couronne - The Crown A. Bourdes 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Cucaracha Taito Arcade / Reflex
La Dame Et Le Lapin - The Lady and the Rabbit French Systems 1907 Arcade / Redemption
La Gauloise - The Gallic M. Moreau 1911 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Girouette - Weathervane Pierre Bussoz 1914 Slot Machine / Reel
La Gitane - Gypsy Pierre Bussoz 1938 Arcade / Fortune
La Grappe - Grapes The Pierre Romand 1910 Arcade / Skill game
La Grenouillere Unknown 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Grenouillere - The Frog Lecuyer, Mejeannel and Osswald 1910 Slot Machine / Reel
La Guillotine Bollands Amusement Machine Supply 1948 Arcade / Working model
La Joconde - The Jovial P. Beraud 1911 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Martingale Unknown 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Mascotte - The Mascot E. Eisman 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Merveilluese - The Marvelous P. Beraud 1905 Slot Machine / Upright
La Mirobolante a Billes - The Mirobolante Ball Gaston Pereaux 1913 Arcade / Mechanical
La Parisienne Musicale - The Parisian Musician French Automatic Devices - Francaise des Appareils Automatiq 1900 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Petite - The Small Nau 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Petite - The Small Nau 1911 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Pinata I.C.E. Arcade
La Pluie D'Or - The Golden Rain Joseph Soukhostavski and Antoine Verdier 1914 Pinball / Roll Down
La Precieuse - The Precious Nau 1903 Slot Machine / Roulette
La Retata Geiger 1992 Pinball / Solid State
La Roue - The Wheel A. Bourdes 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Roulette - B&S Bonzini & Sopransi 1937 Slot Machine / Roulette
La Roulette a Consommations - Consumption Roulette Nau 1914 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Roulette Francois - French Roulette French Automatic Devices - Francaise des Appareils Automatiq 1925 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Roulette Visible N.A. Paris Slot Machine
La Roulette Visible - Visible Roultte Pierre Bussoz 1913 Slot Machine / Reel
La Siamoise - The Siamese A. Feige 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Sirene - The Mermaid New Polyphon Supply Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Surprise Unknown (Temporary) 1850 Arcade / Service
La Tournee Generale - General Tour Unknown (Temporary) 1910 Arcade / Mechanical
La Tricolore - Tricolors Marius Poncet 1914 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Triple Entente - The Triple Agreement Unknown 1912 Arcade
La Triplette - The Triplet C. Georg 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Trivia REM 1985 Videogame Trivia / Quiz
La Veuve - The Widow E. Bignell 1909 Arcade / Skill game
La Vie Parisienne Bally Manufacturing Co. 1980 Pinball / Solid State
Labyrinth Runner Konami 1987 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Labyrinthe Rouge, Le Unknown 1931 Arcade / Skill game
Laclede Matches La Clede Manufacturing Co. 1915 Vending / Match
Laddie Golf United Engineering Works 1929 Arcade / Counter game
Lady Bug Universal 1981 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Lady Death Geiger 1985 Pinball / Solid State
Lady Killer Mitchell 1993 Videogame
Lady Luck Bally Midway 1986 Pinball / Solid State
Lady Luck Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1968 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lady Luck Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Unknown
Lady Luck Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1954 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lady Luck Recel S. A. 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lady Luck Pacific Amusement Mfg. Co (PAMCO) 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lady Luck Taito Do Brazil, a division of Taito Pinball / Solid State
Lady Luck Bally Wulff 1986 Pinball / Solid State
Lady Master of Kung Fu Taito 1985 Videogame Fighting
Lady Perfume Sprayer Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Vending
Lady Robin Hood Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lady Savana Alco Pinball
Lady Sharpshooter Game Plan 1985 Pinball / Solid State
Laguna Beach Bally Manufacturing Co. 1960 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Laguna Racer Midway Manufacturing Co. 1977 Videogame Racing
Laguna Shuffle Alley United Amusement Co. 1970 Arcade / Bowler
Lamp Patterson Studies Inc. 1926 Vending / Service
Lance Parfums C.L. Paris 1930 Vending
Lancer Exhibit Supply Co., The 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lancer Shuffle Alley United Amusement Co. 1962 Arcade / Bowler
Lancers Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1961 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Land Breaker EOLITH 1999 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Land Maker Taito 1998 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Land Sea Air Squad Taito 1986 Videogame
Landerkampf Tranker & Wietfeld 1935 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Landing Gear Taito 1995 Videogame Simulator
Landing High Japan Taito 1999 Videogame Simulator
Landing on Venus Rally 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Landslide Exhibit Supply Co., The 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Langley's Chiclemint Corp. Vending / Gum
Lap By Lap Inder 1986 Pinball / Solid State
Lap King Polar Bear Enterprises 1981 Arcade
Laramie Maresa / Maquinas Recreativas Sociedad Anonima 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Large Electric Shock Mills Novelty Co. 1913 Arcade / Shocker
Lariat Nasco / Nate Schneller Inc. 1949 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lariat Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1969 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lark Bradford Novelty Machine Co. 1907 Trade Stim. / Dice
Lark Supreme Vending Co. 1932 Trade Stim. / Reel
Lark Unknown 1931 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Lark Filling Station Lark Distributing Corp. Vending
Lark, The Mills Novelty Co. 1931 Unknown
Lark, The Lark Distributing Corp. 1928 Trade Stim. / Reel
Las Vegas Bally Manufacturing Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Las Vegas Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1972 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Las Vegas Mattel Electronics Co. 1977 Pinball
Las Vegas Dama S.R.L. 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Las Vegas Talleres del Llobregat S.A. (Automaticos) 1967 Pinball
Las Vegas T. H. Bergmann & Co. Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Las Vegas Williams / United (bowlers) 1973 Arcade / Bowler
Las Vegas Gallery For-Play 1973 Arcade / Shooter
Las Vegas Girl (Girl '94) Comad 1994 Videogame
Las Vegas Shuffle Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1963 Arcade / Bowler
Laser Unknown 1980 Videogame Shooter
Laser Ball Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1979 Pinball / Solid State
Laser Base Amstar 1981 Videogame Space
Laser Battle Zaccaria 1981 Videogame
Laser Crane Namco 2005 Arcade / Crane
Laser Cue Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1984 Pinball / Solid State
Laser Ghost Sega 1989 Videogame Shooter
Laser Grand Prix Taito 1984 Videogame Racing
Laser Hockey Great American 2000 Arcade / Air Hockey
Laser Juke Compact Disc Jukebox Pioneer 1980 Music / Jukebox
Laser Quiz 2 Italy Ver.1.0 CD ExpressMilan 1995 Videogame
Laser War Data East 1987 Pinball / Solid State
Lasso SNK 1982 Videogame Skill
Last Action Hero Data East 1993 Pinball / Solid State
Last Apostle Puppet Show Homedata 1989 Videogame Fighting
Last Blade 2, The SNK 1998 Videogame Fighting
Last Blade, The SNK 1997 Videogame Fighting
Last Bounty Hunter, The American Laser Games 1994 Videogame Shooter
Last Bounty Hunter, The Global VR 2002 Videogame Shooter
Last Bronx Sega 1996 Videogame Fighting
Last Day, The Dooyong 1990 Videogame Shooter
Last Duel Capcom 1988 Videogame Shooter
Last Lap Playmatic 1978 Pinball / Solid State
Last Lap - Alternate Version Playmatic 1978 Pinball / Solid State Racing
Last Mission Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1986 Videogame Shooter
Last Resort SNK 1992 Videogame Shooter
Last Round Unknown Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Last Starfighter The Atari Games 1984 Videogame Shooter
Last Striker East Technology 1989 Videogame Sports
Last Supper Unknown Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Last Survivor Sega 1989 Videogame Adventure
Latonia Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Latonia Derby H. C. Evans & Co. 1933 Slot Machine
Laughing Sailor Modern Enterprises 1950 Arcade / Working model
Laura Williams Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL (1944-1958) 1945 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lawman Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1971 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lawman Unknown Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lawrence (1-column) Lawrence Manufacturing Co. Vending / Candy
Lawrence (2-column) Lawrence Manufacturing Co. 1940 Vending / Bulk
LAX Jr. Noel 1995 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical Skill
Lazarian Bally Midway 1981 Videogame Shooter
Lazco Vendor Norris Manufacturing Co. Vending / Gum
Lazer Command Meadows Games 1976 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Lazer Lord Stern Electronics 1984 Pinball / Solid State
Lazorlord Stern Electronics 1984 Pinball / Solid State
Lazy-Q Williams Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL (1944-1958) 1953 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
LBJ Unknown Vending / Gum
Le 12 - The 12 Pierre Bussoz 1908 Arcade
Le Bagnard Valadon Automation 1982 Videogame Platform
Le Boxeur - The Boxer A. Chatounowski 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Boxeur Blanc - The White Boxer Unknown 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
Le Boxeur Noir - The Black Boxer Fonderies A. Durenne 1891 Arcade / Strength tester
Le Cadran Clue - The Blue Dial Nau 1906 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Cameleon - The Chameleon Lombard-Lecavelie 1911 Arcade
Le Canon - The Cannon Unknown (Temporary) 1909 Arcade / Redemption
Le Capricieux - The Wayward EGB 1908 Arcade
Le Clown Bajazzo - Bajazzo the Clown Jentzsch & Meerz 1906 Arcade
Le Cochonnet - The Jack Unknown (Temporary) 1909 Arcade / Mechanical
Le Coq Chantant - The Rooster New Polyphon Supply Co. 1910 Pinball / Mechanical
Le Coq Phenix - The Phoenix Abel Nau 1908 Arcade
Le Cynodrome Bonzini & Sopransi 1936 Slot Machine
Le Diabolique P. Beraud 1911 Trade Stim.
Le Diamant Unknown 1931 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Le Double - Double Lombard-Lecavelie 1909 Arcade / Mechanical
Le Dragon Unknown 1911 Arcade
Le Facteur D'Amour Unknown (Temporary) 1900 Trade Stim.
Le Francais - French Unknown 1906 Arcade / Roll Down
Le Globe - The Globe French Automatic Devices - Francaise des Appareils Automatiq 1901 Vending / Cards
Le Grand 8 Tabart, Christian 1985 Pinball / Solid State
Le Grand Champs Isermatic France SA Videogame Racing
Le Grand Crash Jeutel Videogame
Le Grand Prix Maurice Moreau et Mole 1911 Slot Machine / Racing
Le Grand Prix Unknown 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Grand Spectacle Sega 1979 Videogame
Le Jeu Des Petits Chevaux - A Game of Small Horses Unknown 1911 Arcade / Mechanical
Le Jockey Unknown (Temporary) 1910 Arcade / Mechanical
Le Juge De Paix - The Justice of the Peace New Polyphon Supply Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Dice
Le King Jeutel 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Le Magic P. Beraud 1910 Slot Machine
Le Manneken Pis - The Little Angel Piss Unknown 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Mans 24 Sega 1998 Videogame Racing
Le Mariage Braesch 1925 Arcade / Fortune
Le Marocain - The Moroccan E. Bignell 1912 Slot Machine / Roulette
Le Mignon - The Cute Unknown (Temporary) 1911 Arcade
Le Mille A. Lebobe and Jeanne Barres 1932 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Le Monte-Carlo New Polyphon Supply Co. 1905 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Mutuel - The Mutual Unknown (Temporary) 1940 Arcade / Skill game
Le Paon - The Peacock SFMS 1908 Arcade
Le Papillon - The Butterfly Unknown (Temporary) 1910 Arcade
Le Patriote - The Patriot Gaston Pereaux 1904 Arcade / Roll Down
Le Pere Bidard Louis Mejeannel 1918 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Petit Casino - Little Casino Pierre Bussoz 1934 Slot Machine / Roulette
Le Petit Charbonnier - The Little Coalman French Automatic Devices - Francaise des Appareils Automatiq 1902 Vending / Candy
Le Petit Tour De France - Little Tour of France Rene Etoc 1934 Arcade / Racing
Le Pierrot Amoureux - The Pierrot in Love Siegfried Wollstein 1910 Arcade
Le Pistolet M. Allais 1932 Arcade / Shooter
Le Prodigieux - The Prodigious Unknown (Temporary) 1908 Arcade / Roll Down
Le Resultat Des Courses - The Result of the Races Unknown 1911 Slot Machine / Racing
Le Roulis - The Roll C.I.D.A. Compagnie Industrielle Des appareils Automatiques 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Le Sans Rival - The Unrivaled Pierre Romand 1913 Arcade
Le Sorcier - The Sorcerer SFMS 1907 Arcade / Mechanical
Le Starway Ludo 1934 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Le Torpilleur - The Torpedo Unknown 1909 Arcade
Le Tourniquet - The Turnstile Clamour and Champredonde 1912 Slot Machine / Roulette
Le Tout Nouveau - Brand New Paul Valter 1911 Arcade / Mechanical
Le Trefle - The Clover Unknown 1901 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Vainqueur - The Winner Unknown 1910 Arcade / Mechanical
Le Veinard - Lucky Unknown (Temporary) 1897 Vending
Lead Angle Tecmo 1988 Videogame Shooter
Lead Off Bally Manufacturing Co. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Leader Banner Specialty Co. 1922 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Leader Drobisch Bros. & Co. 1897 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Leader Sloan Novelty Co. 1910 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Leader Midway Manufacturing Co. 1973 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Leader Exhibit Supply Co., The 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Leader United Mfg. 1951 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Leader Board Golf Arcadia Systems 1988 Videogame Sports
Leader Shuffle Alley United Amusement Co. 1953 Arcade / Bowler
League Bowling SNK 1990 Videogame Sports
League Bowling Alley United Amusement Co. 1959 Arcade / Bowler
League Champ Shuffle Alley Williams Electronic Games, Inc. (WMS, 1985-2000) 1996 Arcade / Bowler
League Leader Keeney and Sons, Inc. 1951 Arcade / Pitch and bat
League Leader Success Manufacturing Corp. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
League Leader J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1958 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
League Shuffle Alley United Amusement Co. 1953 Arcade / Bowler
Leap Ball Royal Novelty Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Leap Frog International Game Technology 1993 Slot Machine / Bell
Leap Frog Ad-Lee Novelty Co. 1935 Pinball / Mechanical
Leap Frog Scientific Machine Corp. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Leap Year Marvel Manufacturing Co. 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Leaping Lena Pierce Tool & Mfg. Co. 1931 Unknown
Learn How To Punch The Bag Exhibit Supply Co., The 1941 Arcade / Strength tester
Leather Neck Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Unknown
Lectronamo Stern Electronics 1978 Pinball / Solid State
LED Storm Capcom 1988 Videogame Racing
Lee Lee Co. 1930 Vending / Bulk
Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf SNK 1988 Videogame Sports
Lee's Stop 'N Win Sammy USA Corporation 1995 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical Skill
Lee-White Lee-White Vending Machine Co. 1905 Vending
Leebold C. E. Leebold 1917 Vending / Bulk
Leebold R. D. Simpson Co. 1923 Vending / Gum
Left Or Right Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Unknown
Left or Right Pacific Amusement Mfg. Co (PAMCO) 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Legal A. J. Fisher and Co. 1908 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Legend Unknown 1985 Pinball / Solid State
Legend Of Hero Tonma Irem 1989 Videogame Adventure
Legend of Heroes Limenko Videogame Fighting
Legend Of Kage, The Taito 1985 Videogame Fighting
Legend Of Makai Jaleco 1988 Videogame Adventure
Legend Of Success Joe Wave 1991 Videogame Sports
Legend of the Silkroad Unico 1999 Videogame Fighting
Legend Of The Valkyrie Namco 1989 Videogame Platform
Legend Table Soccer Thailand Pool Tables 2010 Arcade Sports
Legendary Wings Capcom 1986 Videogame Shooter
Legends Of The Mystical Ninja, The Konami 1992 Videogame Adventure
Legends of Wrestlemania - Limited Edition Stern Pinball, Inc. 2015 Pinball / Solid State Sports
Legion Nichibutsu 1987 Videogame Shooter
Legionnaire Fabtek 1992 Videogame Fighting
Legionnaire Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lehman Lehman & Son 1910 Vending / Gum
Leland (Sr) Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Leland (STD) Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Leland Standard Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1933 Pinball / Pre-flipper
LeMans Atari 1976 Videogame Racing
Leopard Pool Table Valley Recreation Products, Inc. Arcade / Pool Skill
Leprechaun Moppet Video 1982 Videogame Adventure
Les Bonnes Cartes - The Good Cards E. Imhof 1899 Slot Machine / Wheel
Les Courses de Longchamp - The Longchamp Races Joseph Soukhostavski and Antoine Verdier 1910 Slot Machine / Racing
Les Fl Magister 1934 Pinball / Mechanical
Les Petits Chevaux Pierre-Abel Nau 1905 Trade Stim. / Reel
Les Petits Chevaux - The Little Horses Nau 1910 Slot Machine / Counter game
Les Petits Chevaux - The Little Horses Nau 1911 Slot Machine / Counter game
Les Petits Chevaux - The Little Horses - Prototype Nau 1914 Slot Machine / Wheel
Les Sametoff - The Sametoffs Yvan Samet 1913 Arcade / Skill game
Les Tonneaux - Barrels Lemaziere et Bunzli 1911 Arcade / Mechanical
Les Trois Couleurs - The 3 Colors Nau 1905 Slot Machine / Bell
Less Work And More Play Dynamo Videogame
Let's Dance Type 1 Comad 2000 Videogame Dance / Rhythm
Let's Dance Type 2 Comad 2000 Videogame Dance / Rhythm
Let's Go Jungle - Lost On The Island Of Spice Sega 2006 Videogame
Let's Go Jungle! Special Sega 2008 Videogame
Let's Push Taito 2000 Arcade / Redemption Skill
Lethal Crash Race Video System Co. Ltd. 1993 Videogame Racing
Lethal Crystal Micro Sova Co. 1997 Videogame
Lethal Enforcers Konami 1992 Videogame Shooter
Lethal Enforcers 3 Konami 2005 Videogame Shooter
Lethal Enforcers II: Gunfighters Konami 1994 Videogame Shooter
Lethal Justice Game Room 1996 Videogame Shooter
Lethal Thunder Irem 1991 Videogame Shooter
Lethal Weapon 3 Data East 1992 Pinball / Solid State
Lets Go By Train! 2 Taito 1999 Videogame
Lets Go Island - Lost on The Island of Tropics Sega 2010 Videogame
Levers Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1983 Videogame Platform
Lexington Bally Manufacturing Co. 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lexy Lightspeed Escape From Earth Multimorphic, Inc. 2017 Pinball / Solid State
Lexy Lightspeed Secret Agent Showdown Multimorphic, Inc. 2017 Pinball / Solid State
Li'l Hoop Shot! Doyle Associates 1991 Arcade / Basketball Skill
Li'l Leaguer Baseball Oak Manufacturing Co., Inc. Vending / Gum
Li'l Leaguer Football Oak Manufacturing Co., Inc. Vending / Gum
Libble Rabble Namco 1983 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Liberation Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1984 Videogame Shooter
Liberator Atari 1982 Videogame Shooter
Liberator Williams Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL (1944-1958) 1946 Arcade
Liberator Monarch Coin Machine Co. 1944 Arcade
Libero Grande Namco 1997 Videogame Sports
Liberty Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co. 1940 Trade Stim. / Reel
Liberty Daval Manufacturing Co. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Liberty Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1931 Unknown
Liberty Sullivan-Nolan Advertising Co. 1943 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Liberty Bally Manufacturing Co. 1944 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Liberty Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1942 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Liberty Bell Caille Bros. Co. 1898 Slot Machine / Bell
Liberty Bell Charles Fey & Sons 1899 Slot Machine / Bell
Liberty Bell Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co. 1941 Trade Stim. / Reel
Liberty Bell O. D. Jennings & Co. 1937 Slot Machine / Console
Liberty Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1906 Slot Machine / Bell
Liberty Bell Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1977 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Liberty Bell Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Liberty Bell (1889) Mills Novelty Co. 1931 Unknown
Liberty Bell Card Model Mills Novelty Co. 1906 Slot Machine / Bell
Liberty Bell Card Model Caille Bros. Co. 1908 Slot Machine / Bell
Liberty Bell Gum Fruit Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Liberty Bell Gum Vender Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Liberty Bell Shuffle Alley Williams / United (bowlers) 1971 Arcade / Bowler
Liberty Bell Special Bally Manufacturing Co. 1968 Slot Machine / Bell
Liberty Bell Striker International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Liberty Belle Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1962 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Liberty Commercial Unknown 1930 Slot Machine / Reel
Liberty Gum Unknown 1915 Vending / Gum
Liberty Shuffle Alley United Amusement Co. 1952 Arcade / Bowler
Liberty Sports Parade Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co. 1940 Trade Stim. / Reel
Libra Centro Matic S.A. 1974 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
License Bureau Exhibit Supply Co., The Arcade / Bell
License To Do Any Old Thing Exhibit Supply Co., The Vending
Lido Bally Manufacturing Co. 1961 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lido Unknown Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Liebes-Waage Percival Everitt 1889 Vending / Scale
Life American Amusement Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Lifeforce Konami 1986 Videogame Space
Lift Strength Tester Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
Lift, Grip and Finger Test National Automatic Machine Co. 1891 Arcade / Strength tester
Lift-O-Graph Monkey International Mutoscope Corp. 1938 Arcade / Strength tester Skill
Liga Tura Automatenfabrik 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Light Bringer Taito 1993 Videogame Fighting
Light House Scientific Machine Corp. 1934 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Light Speed Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1984 Pinball / Solid State
Light Up Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. Music / Jukebox
Light Wave Model 200 CD Jukebox Regatta 1990 Music / Jukebox
Lighter Fluid Dispenser Oronite 1930 Vending
Lighthouse A. B. T. Manufacturing Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lighthouse LAI 2000 Arcade / Redemption
Lighthouse - Grip Tester Globe Amusement Machine Co. 1924 Arcade / Strength tester
Lighthouse Siren Exhibit Supply Co., The 1929 Arcade / Strength tester
Lightning Exhibit Supply Co., The 1934 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Lightning Stern Electronics 1981 Pinball / Solid State
Lightning Marvel Manufacturing Co. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lightning (1938 Model) Exhibit Supply Co., The 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lightning 36 Exhibit Supply Co., The 1934 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lightning 38 Exhibit Supply Co., The 1934 Pinball
Lightning 44 Exhibit Supply Co., The 1934 Pinball
Lightning Ball Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1959 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lightning Fighters Konami 1990 Videogame Shooter
Lightning Shuffle Alley United Amusement Co. 1955 Arcade / Bowler
Lighton 3 For 1 John Lighton Machine Co. 1892 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Lights Out Bally Manufacturing Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lights Out Excels 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lights Out Special Bally Manufacturing Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lights-Out Bally Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Lights...Camera...Action! Premier / Gottlieb 1989 Pinball / Solid State
Lightup Kings of the Turf H. C. Evans & Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lil Razzle Dazzle Unknown 1980 Arcade / Skill game Sports
Lil' Hustler Dynamo 1981 Videogame Sports
Lilliput Golf Lilliput Manufacturing Co. 1931 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Lily Packard Manufacturing Corp. Music / Speaker
Limbo Universal 1979 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Lime Light Bally Manufacturing Co. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Limehouse Nights, Raid on an Opium Den Canova Novelty Co. 1910 Arcade / Working model
Lin-Up Lin Up Manufacturing Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Lincoln Caille Bros. Co. 1912 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Lincoln R. D. Simpson Co. 1920 Vending / Gum
Lincoln De Lux, The Watling Manufacturing Co. 1926 Slot Machine / Bell
Lincoln Fields Bally Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Lincoln Hot Nut R. D. Simpson Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Lindy Striker B. Madorsky Co. 1929 Arcade / Counter game
Line Drive Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1972 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Line Drive I.C.E. Arcade Sports
Line It Up! Sega 2006 Arcade / Reflex Skill
Line Of Fire Sega 1989 Videogame Shooter
Line up Shyvers Manufacturing Co. (of Chicago) 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Line Up Shuffle Alley United Amusement Co. 1960 Arcade / Bowler
Line-O Western Equipment & Supply 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Line-Up Shyvers Manufacturing Co. (of Chicago) 1931 Unknown
Line-Up Bally Manufacturing Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Line-up Baker Novelty Co., Inc. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Link Link Piano Co. Inc. 1927 Music / Jukebox
Link Buttons Holbrook Manufacturing Co. 1907 Vending
Linky Pipe EOLITH 1998 Videogame
Lion Caille Bros. Co. 1901 Slot Machine / Upright
Lion Kelley Manufacturing Co. 1904 Vending / Bulk
Lion A. Marx & Co. 1904 Vending / Bulk
Lion Novelty Cigar Co. 1904 Vending / Bulk
Lion Red Star Sanitary Vending Vending / Bulk
Lion H. E. Winters Specialty Co. 1904 Vending / Bulk
Lion Baby Vendor Midwest Novelty Mfg. Co. 1932 Trade Stim. / Reel
Lion Front Mills Novelty Co. 1931 Slot Machine / Bell
Lion Lung Tester Mills Novelty Co. 1904 Arcade / Strength tester
Lion's Head Mills Novelty Co. 1931 Slot Machine / Bell
Lion, Jr. Caille Bros. Co. Trade Stim. / Counter game
Liquid Kids Taito 1990 Videogame Platform
Listen to Music Sweet Exhibit Supply Co., The 1935 Music / Jukebox
Lite A Basket H. C. Evans & Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lite A Pair J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lite League Amusematic Corp. 1946 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lite-A-Basket H. C. Evans & Co. 1931 Unknown
Lite-A-Card Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1960 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lite-A-Line Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1934 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Lite-A-Line Bally Manufacturing Co. 1961 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lite-A-Line Pacific Amusement Mfg. Co (PAMCO) 1934 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lite-A-Line J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1952 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lite-A-Line Amusement Novelty Supply 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lite-A-Pair J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1931 Unknown
Lite-A-Pak Western Automatic Machine Co. 1931 Unknown
Lite-A-Pax Bally Manufacturing Co. 1937 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Lite-O Brearly Ltd. 1930 Vending
Lite-O-Card Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
LiteADiamond Bally Manufacturing Co. 1959 Arcade
Little 6, The Watling Manufacturing Co. 1909 Slot Machine / Wheel
Little Aristocrat Katz J. & N. Co. Vending
Little Buckaroo J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1954 Arcade
Little Casino Amusement Machine Co. 1895 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Little Casino Digital Controls 1984 Videogame Gambling
Little Champion Mirco Games 1975 Arcade
Little Champion Bally Manufacturing Co. 1959 Arcade / Kiddie ride
Little Chief Charles Fey & Sons 1908 Slot Machine / Wheel
Little Chief Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Little Chief penny drop Chief Candy Co. 1929 Arcade / Coin drop
Little Clerk Bishop & Kline Vending / Cigar
Little Dandy Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Little Dream Caille Bros. Co. 1901 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Little Dream Gum Machine Unknown 1922 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Little Dream Play Baseball Miller Novelty Co. 1907 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Little Dream, The Mills Novelty Co. 1904 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Little Duke O. D. Jennings & Co. 1931 Slot Machine / Wheel
Little Duke Model C O. D. Jennings & Co. 1932 Slot Machine / Wheel
Little Duke Triple Jackpot O. D. Jennings & Co. 1933 Slot Machine / Wheel
Little Duke, The Mills Novelty Co. 1898 Trade Stim. / Reel
Little Egypt Mills Novelty Co. 1899 Slot Machine / Wheel
Little Gem Bradford Novelty Co. 1913 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Little Gem Mills Novelty Co. 1907 Trade Stim. / Reel
Little Gem White Vending Machine Co. Vending / Gum
Little Giant Camco Sales Corp. 1931 Vending / Scale
Little Giant Enterprise Pattern Works 1920 Vending / Gum
Little Giant D. Robbins & Co., Mfrs. 1931 Unknown
Little Giga claw machine Elaut 2000 Arcade / Crane
Little Gypsy Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Arcade / Fortune
Little Gypsy Fortune Teller Premium Novelty Works 1928 Trade Stim. / Reel
Little Helper Unknown 1908 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Little Indy American Machine and Foundry (AMF) 1960 Arcade / Driving game
Little Jack Fortune and Ball Gum vendor Lion Manufacturing Co. 1932 Vending / Gumball
Little Jewels Sammis Manufacturing Co. Vending / Bulk
Little Joe Bally Manufacturing Co. 1972 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Little Joe Fort Wayne Novelty Co. 1934 Trade Stim. / Dice
Little Joe Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1950 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Little Joe Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Little Joe Dicer Fort Wayne Novelty Co. 1934 Trade Stim. / Dice
Little Joe Play Dice Rebufa Co., The 1931 Unknown
Little King National Coin Machine Exchange 1935 Vending / Bulk
Little Knocker Mills Novelty Co. 1902 Arcade / Counter game
Little League J. F. Frantz Mfg. Co. Trade Stim. / Counter game
Little League Midway Manufacturing Co. 1966 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Little League ticket redemption machine 5 Star Redemption, Inc. 2004 Arcade / Redemption Sports
Little Magic Hammer EPARK Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 2015 Arcade / Bopper Skill
Little Manhattan Caille-Schiemer 1901 Pinball
Little Masterpiece LAI Arcade Simulator
Little Merchant Caille Bros. Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Little Merchant O. D. Jennings & Co. 1934 Trade Stim. / Reel
Little Model Card Machine Sittman & Pitt 1891 Trade Stim. / Card game
Little Model Card Machine Samuel Nafew Co. 1894 Trade Stim. / Card game
Little Monte Carlo National Manufacturing Co. 1897 Trade Stim. / Roulette
Little Monte Carlo Mills Novelty Co. 1898 Slot Machine / Roulette
Little Mystery O. D. Jennings & Co. 1934 Trade Stim. / Roulette
Little Nut Davis Metal Fixture Co. 1894 Vending / Gum
Little Nut Little Nut Vendor Co. 1934 Vending / Bulk
Little Nut A Little Nut Vendor Co. 1934 Vending / Bulk
Little Nut B Little Nut Vendor Co. 1934 Vending / Bulk
Little Nut C Little Nut Vendor Co. Vending / Bulk
Little Nut Gumball Little Nut Vendor Co. 1936 Vending / Gum
Little Pau-Pau Mills Novelty Co. 1896 Slot Machine / Wheel
Little Perfection Mills Novelty Co. 1901 Trade Stim. / Card game
Little Perfection Mills Novelty Co. 1912 Vending / Bulk
Little Perfection Mills Novelty Co. 1926 Trade Stim. / Card game
Little Perfection Leo Canda Manufacturing Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Little Perfection Caille Bros. Co. 1904 Trade Stim. / Card game
Little Poker Face Torr 1939 Trade Stim. / Reel
Little Poker Face No. 2 J. M. Sanders Mfg. Co. 1941 Trade Stim. / Reel
Little Poker Face with Deuces Wild J. M. Sanders Mfg. Co. 1939 Trade Stim. / Card game
Little Prince Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co. 1930 Trade Stim. / Reel
Little Prince Silver King Novelty Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Reel
Little Pro Bromley 1990 Pinball / Solid State
Little Pro Southland Engineering Inc. 1964 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical
Little Reno Willis Games Co., Inc., The 1931 Unknown
Little Rip Mills Novelty Co. 1908 Slot Machine / Wheel
Little Roulette Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Slot Machine / Roulette
Little Scarab Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Roulette
Little Scarab Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1914 Trade Stim. / Roulette
Little Seven Jack Pot Royal Novelty Co. Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Little Six Victor Novelty Works 1908 Slot Machine / Wheel
Little Six Special Watling Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Little Stockbroker G. Bradshaw 1927 Slot Machine / Wheel
Little Suit Case Gum Case Chicle Co. 1904 Vending / Gum
Little Whirl-Wind Peo Manufacturing Co. 1930 Arcade / Counter game
Little Wonder Atlas Manufacturing and Sales Co. 1950 Vending / Gum
Little Wonder Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Vending / Bulk
Little Wonder Lung Test, The Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Arcade / Strength tester Skill
Little Wonder Skill Mach. Caille Bros. Co. 1902 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Live Peep Show Bryan's Automatic Machine Works 1930 Unknown
Live Power Dudley-Clark Co. 1934 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Live Power Exhibit Supply Co., The 1942 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Live Wire Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Live!! Action Ping Pong D-Gate 2002 Videogame Sports
Lively Cigar Seller Clawson Machine Co. 1893 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Lizard Wizard Sunn 1985 Videogame Shooter
Loboy Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1931 Vending / Scale
Loboy Personal Weight Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1930 Vending / Scale
LoBoy Scale Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1931 Vending / Scale
Loch Ness Monster Game Plan 1985 Pinball / Solid State
Lock 'N Chase Data East 1981 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Lock On Philko 1991 Videogame Shooter
Lock-On Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1986 Videogame Simulator
Locked 'N Loaded Data East 1994 Videogame Shooter
Loco-Motion Centuri 1982 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Locomotion Zaccaria 1981 Pinball / Solid State
Locomotion Unknown 1982 Pinball
Locomotive William T. Smith 1885 Arcade
Lode Runner Irem 1984 Videogame Platform
Lode Runner - Golden Labyrinth Irem 1985 Videogame Platform
Lode Runner - Majin No Fukkatsu Irem 1985 Videogame Platform
Lode Runner - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu Irem 1986 Videogame Platform
Lode Runner - The Bungeling Strikes Back Irem 1984 Videogame Platform
Lode Runner: The Dig Fight Broderbund/Psikyo 2000 Videogame Platform
Log Cabin Caille Bros. Co. 1903 Pinball / Mechanical
Log Cabin Caille Bros. Co. 1901 Pinball / Mechanical
Log Cabin Caille-Schiemer 1901 Pinball / Mechanical
Log Cabin Erickson Manufacturing Co. 1898 Trade Stim. / Dice
Log Cabin Sicking Manufacturing Co. 1880 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Log Cabin Dicer Erickson Manufacturing Co. 1898 Trade Stim. / Dice
Log Cabin Duplex Standard Manufacturing Co. 1930 Vending / Gum/Bulk
Log Cabin Duplex Vendor Unknown 1927 Vending / Gum/Bulk
Logger Century Electronics 1982 Videogame Platform
Logic Boards Venture Line, Inc. 1976 Videogame
Logic Pro Deniam Corp. 1996 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Logic Pro 2 Deniam Corp. 1997 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Logic Pro Adventure Tecmo 1999 Videogame
Lok-Pak Columbus Vending Co. 1932 Vending / Gum
Lok-Pak Lok-Pak Corp. Vending
London Bally Manufacturing Co. 1969 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Lone Eagle C. & D. Manufacturing Co. 1933 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Lone Eagle Lone Eagle Manufacturing Co.