Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Manufacturer List: S

Entries in this index: 276
Manufacturer Years Machines Arcade/
Music Pinball Slots Trade
Vending Video-
S. & B. candy and toy 1 1
S. & F. Sales Co. 1 1
S. A. Cook and Co. 1896 1 1
S. Eppy 1958 1 1
S. J. Austin 1931 1
S. May Co. 1931 1
Saaja 1936 1 1
Sachs & Siberling Inc. 1931 1
Safety Match Vending Co. 1909 1 1
Saint-Fun 6 4 2
Sakowa Project 1990 1 1
Salor, S.A 1962 - 1963 3 3
Sam Billiards 2000 5 5
Sam Leisure 3 3
Sam May & Co. 1943 1 1
Samco 4 1 3
Samducksa 1990 1 1
Sammis Manufacturing Co. 2 2
Sammy 1970 - 2006 31 9 22
Sammy USA Corporation 1994 - 2005 14 4 1 9
Samuel Cupples Wooden Ware Co. 1910 2 2
Samuel Nafew Co. 1894 - 1898 4 1 3
San-Nel Engineering Works 1931 1
Sanders Prod. Co. 1931 1
Sands Manufacturing Co. 1931 - 1936 2 1
Sangamo 1930 1 1
Sani Chu Gum Co. 2 2
Sani-Speed Manufacturing Co. 1960 1 1
Sanitary Vending Co. 1940 1 1
Sankyo 1978 - 2010 7 1 2 2 2
Sanritsu 1978 - 1986 6 6
Santone Coin machine Co. 1940 1 1
Sapho Manufacturing Co. 1898 1 1
Satellite Automatics 1960 1 1
Satem 1964 1 1
Satomi 1972 2 2
Saurus 1995 - 1998 9 9
SCEI 1999 1 1
Schermack Products Corp. 1922 - 1960 12 12
Schilling-Stollwerck & Co. 1905 1 1
Schloss and Compnay 1889 1 1
Science Engineering 1978 1 1
Scientific Machine Corp. 1931 - 1954 29 5 16 1
Scoopy Manufacturing Co. 1950 2 2
Scopitone 1964 - 1968 3 3
Scott, Adickes & Co., Ltd. 1933 - 1935 8 1 7
Scripto Pen Co. 1950 1 1
Seaboard New York Corp. 1948 1 1
Secore and Secore 1951 1 1
See-Con, Inc. 1931 1
See-Fun 1973 1 1
Seeburg 1924 - 1993 177 13 153 1 9 1
Sega 1960 - 2015 595 75 30 1 488
SEGA Hitmaker 2001 1 1
Sega Enterprises, Inc. 1950 - 2003 17 2 5 6 1 3
Sega of Japan 1970 - 1993 4 2 2
Sega Pinball, Inc. 1983 - 2008 46 24 21 1
Sega/Alpha Denshi 1984 1 1
Sega/Amusement Vision 2001 1 1
Sega/Coreland 1984 - 1986 3 3
Sega/Electronic Arts 2000 1 1
Sega/Gremlin 1976 - 1982 21 21
Sega/Gremlin/Data East 1980 1 1
Sega/Nasco 1986 1 1
Sega/Santos 1991 1 1
Sega/Technosoft 1990 1 1
Sega/THQ 2000 1 1
Sega/Vic Tokai 1986 - 1987 2 2
SegaArc System Works 2005 1 1
Segasa 1970 - 1977 18 2 16
Seibu Denshi 1983 - 1984 2 2
Seibu Kaihatsu 1985 - 2001 26 26
Seidel Amusement Machine Co., The 1991 5 4 1
Select-O-Vend 1945 1 1
Selective Automatic Mfg. Corp. 1925 1 1
Selective Vending Machine Co. 1934 1 1
Self Selling Sales Co. 1910 1 1
Sell-Weigh 1920 3 3
Semicom 1990 - 2001 10 1 9
Senko 1986 1 1
Sentinel 1970 - 1977 2 2
Serco, Inc. 1976 1 1
Serv-A-Liter Co. 1928 1 1
Servend Co. 1960 1 1
Sesame Japan 1983 1 1
Seta 1988 - 1998 12 12
Seta/Taito 1987 2 2
Seyutu 1988 1 1
SFMS 1907 - 1908 2 2
Sharp-Boyd Co., The 1932 3 3
Sheffler Brothers, Inc. 1931 - 1932 3 1 1
Shelby Agency 1978 1 1
Shelby Supply & Mfg. Co. 1920 - 1978 2 1 1
Shelden, Dickson, Steven Mfg. Co. 1926 - 1966 2 2
Shelti 1990 1 1
Shields 2 2
Shine Electronics Corp. 1982 1 1
Shinkai Inc. 1984 1 1
Shipman Manufacturing Co. 1932 - 1960 17 1 16
Shoei 1977 - 1982 7 7
Show Games (aka SG) 1990 7 7
Shuffleback Co. 1949 1 1
Shufflette Inc. 1949 1 1
Shyvers Coin Automatic Machine Co. 1934 8 8
Shyvers Manufacturing Co. (of Chicago) 1931 - 1937 8 7
Shyvers Manufacturing Co. (of Seattle) 1931 - 1939 14 1 5 1
Sicking Manufacturing Co. 1880 - 1937 6 2 4
Sidam 1976 - 1981 7 7
Sidebottom Novelty Co. 1951 1 1
Siegfried Schumacher 1968 1 1
Siegfried Wollstein 1910 1 1
Sigma 1980 - 1992 11 6 2 3
Sigma Ent. Inc. 1980 - 1984 4 4
Signatron USA 1982 1 1
Silent Salesman Scale Co.
Silver King Novelty Co. 1911 - 1954 26 3 10 7 6
Silver Star Manufacturing Co. 1931 - 1933 4 3
Silver-Marshal, Inc. 1931 - 1932 4 1
Simaction 2002 1 1
Simmons Coin Machine Co. 1930 1 1
Simplex Phonograph Corp. 1930 - 1932 2 1 1
Simplex Vending Co. 1900 1 1
Simuline 2009 1 1
Simutrek 1984 1 1
Singer Products Co. 1928 1 1
Sircoma 1979 12 1 5 6
SIRMO 1984 - 2007 24 24
Sisteme France 1992 1 1
Sittman & Pitt 1891 - 1900 4 4
Skee Ball Co. 1922 - 2004 17 17
Skee Ball, Inc. 1980 - 2009 19 19
Skee-Ball 1909 - 1990 5 5
Skelly 1925 - 1930 4 4
Skilgames, Inc. 1932 3 1 2
Skill-O Mfg. Co. 1931 2 1
Skillgame d.b.a. Renato Montanari Giochi (a.k.a. R.M.G.) 1972 - 1973 4 4
Skipper Sales Co. 1923 - 1942 2 1 1
Skit-B 2013 1 1
Sky Show
SLEIC 1992 - 1996 5 1 4
Slezak Co. 1925 1 1
Sloan Novelty Co. 1910 - 1915 2 1
Slot Construction Company, The (aka TSCC) 1990 - 2010 3 3
Smart Industries Corp. 1990 - 2008 21 20 1
Smith Co. 1 1
Smith Manufacturing Co. 1932 1 1
Smith, Winchester & Co. 1880 1 1
Smokers Supply 1918 1 1
SMS Manufacturing 1983 - 1987 9 4 5
Snicker Table Co. 1931 2 2
SNK 1978 - 2010 187 1 186
SNK Playmore 1987 - 2009 9 9
SNK/ADK 1994 3 3
SNK/Eolith 2001 1 1
SNK/Saurus 1997 1 1
Snowrunner 2008 1 1
Soc. Elettrogiochi 1965 2 2
Societe Generale Francaise 1898 1 1
Soda Mint Gum Co. 1895 - 1905 2 2
Sofadis 1 1
Sol Leisure 1990 1 1
Sonata 1 1
Sondgame 1997 1 1
Sonic (d.b.a. of Segasa) 1975 - 1988 21 20 1
Sonoking 2003 1 1
Sony 2015 1 1
Sound Leisure 1 1
Southern Automatic Candy Co. 1940 1 1
Southern Automatic Sales Co. 1932 1 1
Southern Doll Mfg. Co. 1925 1 1
Southern Novelty Co. 1926 1 1
Southland Engineering Inc. 1961 - 1965 5 5
Southwestern Novelty Co. 1933 1 1
Souvenir Vending Co. 1890 1 1
Space 1990 1 1
Space Manufacturing Co. 1960 - 1968 4 4
Spacy Industrial, Ltd 1990 1 1
Sparta Manufacturing Co. 1920 1 1
Specialty Coin Machine Builders 1931 - 1936 10 8
Specialty Machine Works 1909 1 1
Specialty Mfg. Co., The 1915 - 1941 15 1 4 8
Specialty Sales Co. 1932 1 1
Speialy Mfg. Co. 1900 1 1
Sphinx 1994 - 1995 4 4
Sphinx/AV Japan 1994 2 2
Spietz Cigar Co. Limited 1900 1 1
Spinball 1995 - 1996 3 3
Splin S.A. 1990 - 2003 10 10
Split Second, Inc. 1 1
Splitdorf Laboratory, NY 1900 1 1
Spooky Pinball LLC 2014 - 2020 7 7
Sport Matic, S.A. 1984 - 1987 3 3
Spotlight Golf Co. 1931 1
Square 1987 - 1990 2 2
Square Amusement Co. 1947 1 1
Staal Society (France) 1977 2 2
Stamping & Tool Co. 1915 2 2
Standard Amusement Co., Inc. 1932 - 1943 6 5 1
Standard Appliances Inc. 1932 1 1
Standard Coin Machine Co. 1941 4 2 1 1
Standard Games Co. 1932 - 1946 3 1 2
Standard Gum Machine Works 1905 - 1910 8 8
Standard Manufacturing Co. 1916 - 1933 10 4 3
Standard Metal Typer, Inc. 1938 1 1
Standard Novelty Co. 1899 - 1933 3 1 1 1
Standard Table Co. 1932 2 2
Standard Ticket 1935 1 1
Standard-Harvard Metal Typer, Inc. 1950 1 1
Stanhope Auto Machine Co. Ltd., The 1920 1 1
Stanley (Silent Sales Vending Co.) 1920 - 1925 5 5
Star Amusement Co. 1930 - 1952 6 2 4
Star Machine Mfrs., Inc. 1931 - 1933 4 3 1
Star Mfg. and Sales Co. 1931 - 1939 7 1
Star Novelty Co. 1902 - 1909 2 1 1
Star Venders of California 1 1
Starkey 1926 2 2
Starr Vending Machine Co. 1930 1 1
Starved Rock Mfg. Co. 1931 1
Status 1980 - 1993 16 1 15
Status Game Corporation 1984 - 1987 7 7
Steinmetz Manufacturing Co. 1926 1 1
Stella Electronic 1993 1 1
Stella Music Boxes 1900 1 1
Stephen's Novelty Co. 1935 1 1
Sterling Manufacturing Co. 1932 1 1
Sterling Novelty Mfg. Co. 1931 - 1932 4 3
Stern Electronics 1977 - 2019 68 4 41 23
Stern Pinball, Inc. 1999 - 2023 126 3 123
Stern/Konami 1982 1 1
Steve Gronowski 1970 1 1
Stewart & McGuire 1935 - 1937 2 2
Stocker Manufacturing Co., The 1 1
Stollwerck & Co. 1880 - 1897 13 2 11
Stone Brothers, Inc. 1934 1 1
Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1930 - 1957 94 1 73 7
Strata 1990 - 1994 10 10
Strata/Incredible Technologies 1991 - 1997 3 3
Streets Automatic Machine Co., Ltd. 1 1
Stricor 1998 1 1
Stutz Machine Corp. 1931 1 1
Subelectro 1977 - 1982 7 7
Subsino Corp. Ltd. 1998 - 2000 2 2
Success 1989 - 2004 8 8
Success Games Co. 1932 - 1934 3 3
Success Manufacturing Corp. 1941 3 3
Sullivan-Nolan Advertising Co. 1942 - 1943 17 17
Sun 2000 1 1
Sun Amusement / BrezzaSoft 2001 1 1
Sun Corporation of America 1984 1 1
Sun Electronics 1979 - 1995 5 5
Sun Electronics Corporation 1979 1 1
Sun Manufacturing Co. 1896 1 1
Sun Mixing Co Ltd 1996 1 1
Sun/Kitco 1984 1 1
SunA 1996 1 1
SunA Electronics 1987 - 1996 7 7
Sunbird Corporation 1972 - 1973 4 4
Sundwall Co. 1906 - 1907 2 2
Sunn 1985 1 1
Sunnisam Games Co. 1932 1 1
Sunsoft 1985 - 1998 17 17
Sunsoft/Atlus 1993 - 1994 2 2
Superior Confection Co. 1927 - 1937 40 20 17
Superior Manufacturing Co. 1 1
Superior Products Co. 1931 - 1932 3 1
Supreme Enterprises 1944 1 1
Supreme Vending Co. 1932 - 1942 5 1 2 2
Susilu 1 1
Suzanne Martinache 1928 1 1
Swansdown Sanitary Company 1930 1 1
Symphonie 2 2

Note: Number of specific types of games may not add up to the total for a manufacturer as we may occasionally be aware that a manufacturer made a machine, yet might not know what kind of machine it was.