Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Manufacturer List: D

Entries in this index: 106
Manufacturer Years Machines Arcade/
Music Pinball Slots Trade
Vending Video-
D-Gate 2002 1 1
D. C. Ramey Piano Co. 1999 1 1
D. D. Lewis Co. 1920 1 1
D. E. W. 1 1
D. Harper & Co. 1899 1 1
D. N. Schall & Co. 1896 - 1904 11 9 2
D. Robbins & Co., Mfrs. 1894 - 1938 27 3 4 7 8
D.R.Korea 1986 1 1
Daiichi Denshi 1988 1 1
Dale Electronics 1950 - 1974 7 5 2
Dallas Novelty Co. Inc. 1932 2 2
Dallas Novelty Sales Co. 1932 3 3
Dama S.R.L. 1970 15 15
Danbi 1997 - 2001 3 3
Data Amusement 1982 1 1
Data East 1979 - 1996 179 12 41 126
Data East/Tatsumi 1988 1 1
Datsu 1991 1 1
Daval Manufacturing Co. 1930 - 1947 141 4 55 1 66 2
Dave Emerson 1950 1 1
Daviet 1930 1 1
Davis Brown 1897 1 1
Davis Metal Fixture Co. 1894 1 1
Davis Novelty 1892 - 1894 3 1 2
Davis Sales Co. 1960 1 1
Day & Millward 1890 - 1900 2 2
Day One Pinball Manufacturing, Inc. 2015 1 1
Daycom Inc. 1932 1 1
De Luxe Vending Machine Co., Inc. 1921 4 4
De-Ta Corp. 1931 1
Dean Novelty Co. 1930 - 1934 3 1 2
Deca 1950 1 1
Decatur Fairest Wheel Works 1894 - 1899 6 6
DeGrain 1892 1 1
Delmar Mfg. Co. 1931 - 1932 2 1
DeLo Specialty Co. 1940 1 1
Delta Coin 2000 1 1
DeLuxe Amusement Co. 1932 - 1933 4 4
Demian 1996 1 1
Deniam Corp. 1996 - 1997 3 3
Denki Onyko 1979 1 1
Dennard-Williams & Dennard 1933 1 1
Denson Co. 1949 2 2
Dependable Enterprises 1948 1 1
Desco 1950 1 1
Design Plus Industries 1996 - 2001 4 4
Destron 2 2
Detroit Medical Battery 1900 - 1901 3 3
Detroit Novelty Co. 1934 1 1
Deutscher Meister 1975 3 3
Devecka 1990 - 2000 3 1 2
Devices Manufacturing Corp. 1931 - 1954 2 1 1
Dewey Coin Machine Co. 1935 1 1
Deyola 1 1
dgPIX Entertainment 1999 1 1
Diamond Match Co. 1928 1 1
Dicta-Card, Inc. 1931 1
Digesto Gum Co. 1898 - 1915 2 2
Digimatic Italia 1980 - 1981 3 3
Digital Controls 1984 1 1
Digital Fusion Inc. 2001 - 2002 2 2
Digital Games Incorporated 1975 - 1980 7 7
Digital Soft 1989 1 1
Dillon Manufacturing Co. 1930 - 1950 2 2
Diplomat 1 1
Disney 1967 - 2012 12 11 1
Ditchburn 1948 2 2
Ditta Artigiana Ricambi 1973 1 1
Ditta Ripepi s.p.a. 1976 1 1
Diverama 1974 2 2
Dixie Cup Co. 1 1
Dixie Manufacturing Co. 1934 1 1
Dixie Music Co. 1931 - 1933 4 3
Domino Co., The 1922 1 1
Donald E Hooker 1934 1 1
Dongsung 1997 1 1
Dooyong 1990 - 1995 12 12
Doraldina Corp. 1926 - 1931 3 2
Doremus Automatic Vending 1898 - 1907 4 4
Dorman Manufacturing Co. 1905 1 1
Doty-Runnels Co. 1 1
Doughty & Barrett 1896 1 1
Douglis Machine Co. 1930 - 1932 6 1 4
Doyle Associates 1991 - 1994 6 6
Dr .Foerst Gmbh Germany 1976 - 1980 3 3
Dr. Foerst GmbH 1976 1 1
Dragon World International 2010 1 1
Drew Industries 1980 2 2
Drobisch Bros. & Co. 1896 - 1897 8 8
Dudley-Clark Co. 1931 - 1935 6 5
Dudouit Fils 1932 1 1
Duintronic 1989 1 1
Dukane Corporation 1 1
Duncan Brown software 1985 1 1
Duncan Industries 1980 1 1
Dunn Brothers 1905 - 1906 4 4
Duplex Vendor Co. 1907 - 1910 2 2
Dutch Pinball 2016 1 1
Dyna-Tec Industries 1960 1 1
Dynamic Amusement (N. Hollywood, CA) 1961 1 1
Dynamo 1981 - 2022 23 19 4
Dynamo Corp. 1982 1 1
Dynasoft 1986 1 1
Dynax 1980 - 1999 70 70
Dynax Inc. 1989 1 1
Dyscus Mfg. Co. 1931 - 1932 2 1

Note: Number of specific types of games may not add up to the total for a manufacturer as we may occasionally be aware that a manufacturer made a machine, yet might not know what kind of machine it was.