Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Manufacturer List: M

Entries in this index: 212
Manufacturer Years Machines Arcade/
Music Pinball Slots Trade
Vending Video-
M-R Advertising System 1936 1 1
M. Allais 1932 1 1
M. Brodie Co. 1939 1 1
M. C. Prine 1933 1 1
M. E. Moore 1887 1 1
M. G. Griswold and Co. 1895 - 1902 2 1 1
M. H. Rhodes 1940 1 1
M. H. Seward 1895 1 1
M. K. Brody 1931 1
M. Kramer Manufacturing 1 1
M. L. Dohan 1 1
M. L. Gilbert 1926 1 1
M. M. Marcus and Co. 1931 1 1
M. Moreau 1911 1 1
M. Redgrave Bagatelle Co. 1870 - 1902 5 5
M. Siersdorfer & Co. 1894 1 1
Mabey Electric & Mfg. Co. 1922 - 1934 4 4
Maboroshi Ware 1996 1 1
Madison Tool & Stamping Works 1927 1 1
Magee-Hale Parking Meter Co. 1949 1 1
Magestic Mfg. & Sales Co. 1936 1 1
Magic Conversions Inc. 1985 1 1
Magic Electronics 1980 - 1985 7 7
Magicom 1987 1 1
Magister 1900 - 1934 3 1 2
Maitland Manufacturing Co. 1947 1 1
Majestic Mfg. Co. 1931 3
Major Automatics Co. 1 1
MAKE Software 1995 - 1997 2 2
Malkin-Illion Corp. 1930 1 1
Mama Top 1983 1 1
Mambelli 1979 2 2
Mandel Brothers 2 2
Manhattan Sales Co. 1932 1 1
Manikin Vendor Co. 1928 - 1929 6 6
ManilaMatic / MM Computer Games 1986 - 1988 5 5
Mann Novelty Co. 1942 1 1
Mansfield 1901 1 1
Mansfield Brass Foundry 1893 1 1
Manufacturas Automaticas Americanas (MAM) 1966 - 1969 5 5
Maquinas Automaticas Computerizadas, S.A. (MAC S.A.) 1986 - 1996 6 6
Marble 1996 1 1
Marble Games 1931 1 1
March 1987 1 1
Maresa 1960 - 1975 10 10
Maresa / Maquinas Recreativas Sociedad Anonima 1960 - 1991 41 41
Marion Co., The 1 1
Marius Poncet 1899 - 1914 2 1 1
Mark Spaeth 2001 1 1
Markepp Manufacturing Co. 1932 - 1941 2 1 1
Marsa 1 1
MarsaPlay 2 2
Marshall Supply Corp. 1930 1 1
Marshfield Novelty Co. 1904 3 1 2
Martel 1972 1 1
Martin 1930 1 1
Martinache 1935 1 1
Marvel Manufacturing Co. 1944 - 1967 21 5 15 1
Marvin & Casler Co. 1905 1 1
Marx Toys 1979 1 1
MAS Systems 1999 1 1
Mason & Co 1932 2 2
Mastertronic 1987 - 1989 2 2
Matchem Co. 1942 1 1
Matheson Novelty & Mfg. Co. 1900 - 1925 7 4 3
Mattel Electronics Co. 1977 1 1
Matthewman Mfg. & Specialty Co. 1930 1 1
Maurice & Molle 1898 1 1
Maurice and Isaac Kaufmann 1909 1 1
Maurice Moreau et Mole 1911 2 1 1
Max Glass Mfg. Co. 1940 1 1
Max Jentzsch & Meerz 1933 - 1952 12 12
Maxenti 1980 1 1
Mayoni Enterprises 1989 2 2
MC and D. 1948 1 1
McCollum & Thomas Mfg. Co. 1930 1 1
McDonald Manufacturing Co. 1900 2 2
McDowell Mfg. Co. 1940 1 1
MCI 1970 - 1973 6 6
Mead & Taylor 1900 1 1
Meadows Games 1974 - 1979 18 1 17
Mecatronics, a.k.a. Taito (Brazil) 1995 1 1
Mech-Tronic Games Inc. 1984 1 1
Mechanical Manufacturing Co. 1932 1 1
Mechanical Trading Co. 1895 3 3
Medalist 1990 2 2
Media Trading Corp. 1994 1 1
Medina Manufacturing 1911 1 1
MEGA Enterprise Co., Ltd. 2003 1 1
Meikul 1998 1 1
Melodie Vendor 1964 1 1
Meltec, Inc. 3 3
Memetron 1985 - 1986 4 4
Memo Park 2004 1 1
Mercer Novelty Co. 1904 - 1905 3 3
Merchandise Dispensers, Inc. 1950 2 2
Merchants Advertising Co. 1933 2 2
Mercury Steel Corp. 1947 - 1951 3 2 1
Merit Industries 1980 - 2010 77 13 1 63
Merriam Collins & Co. 1897 2 2
Metalsmiths 1950 1 1
Metcraft Corp. 1930 1 1
Metro 1992 - 1996 5 5
Metro/Able Corp. 1993 - 2000 2 2
Metropolitan Coin Machines Inc. 1944 1 1
Metropolitan Novelty Co. 1897 1 1
Meunier 1920 1 1
Meyco Games Inc. 1970 - 1982 5 5
Meyer 1905 - 1920 2 2
Mi-Co Meter 1960 1 1
Miami Derby Mfg. Co., Inc. 1931 1
Michael Benedict 1904 1 1
Michaels Toy Banks Inc. 1949 1 1
Michell Corp. 1990 - 2003 5 5
Michigan Novelty Co. 1927 1 1
Michigan Novelty Works 1905 1 1
Michigan Vending Machine Co. 1905 1 1
Micro Amusements Inc. 1976 1 1
Micro Manufacturing, Inc. 2 2
Micro Research 1987 1 1
Micro Sova Co. 1997 1 1
Micronetics 1977 1 1
Micropin Corp. 1979 - 1980 2 2
Microprose 1991 - 1992 2 2
Midas 1993 - 1994 2 2
MIdcoin 1983 - 1985 3 3
Middlehurst Sons, Sydney 1950 1 1
Midget Vender Co. 1920 - 1930 2 2
Midland Components, Ltd. 1933 1 1
Midland Manufacturing Co. 1899 - 1900 2 2
Midland Supply Co. 1912 - 1920 2 2
Midlands 1 1
Midway Games 1972 - 2003 53 3 1 49
Midway Manufacturing Co. 1959 - 1996 131 55 20 56
Midway Manufacturing Co. WMS 1988 - 2000 36 2 31 3
Midway Pattern Co. 1932 1 1
Midwest Novelty Mfg. Co. 1928 - 1933 10 1 9
Midwest Sales Corp. 1932 1 1
Midwest Tool & Machine Wks. 1931 1
Mike Munves
Mike Munves Mfg. Corp. 1920 - 1960 26 24 1 1
Mike's Vendor 1933 1 1
Miki 1988 2 2
Mikro-Kall-It, Inc. 1938 1 1
Miles Autostack Vending Co. 1927 3 3
MileStone 2005 1 1
Millard Vending 1914 - 1922 7 7
Millenium Games 1986 1 1
Miller Cabinet Co. 1932 1 1
Miller Novelty Co. 1900 - 1931 4 1 2
Miller Vending Machine Co. 1933 - 1936 2 1 1
Mills Automatic Merchandising Corp. 1928 - 1936 4 4
Mills Industries 1945 - 1948 2 2
Mills Novelty Co. 1896 - 2004 670 72 65 44 310 93 50
Mills Sales Co. 1931 1
Milton Bradley 1989 1 1
Milwaukee Coin Industries, Ltd. 1974 1 1
Milwaukee Coin Industries, Ltd. (MCI) 1970 - 1972 3 2 1
Min Corporation 1994 1 1
Minit Pop 1 1
Mirage 1995 1 1
Mirco 1973 - 1978 4 4
Mirco Games 1975 - 1978 12 2 2 8
Misc 3 1 2
Mission Manufacturing 1990 1 1
Mister Game 1990 2 2
Mitchell 1989 - 2001 13 13
Mittledeutsche Automaten 1903 1 1
Mo-Jo 1915 1 1
Model Gum Shop 1920 1 1
Model Racing 1976 - 1983 10 1 1 8
Modern Enterprises 1950 - 1951 2 2
Modern Vending Machine Co. 1920 - 1926 2 2
Mold-a-Rama, Inc.
Monarch Coin Machine Co. 1896 - 1944 7 3 3
Monarch Mfg. & Sales Co. 1927 - 1931 7 7
Monarch Shuffleboard Inc. 1949 1 1
Mondial Games
Mondial International Corp. 2 2
Mondialmatic 1979 7 7
Monfort Stamp and Envelope Co. 1893 1 1
Monolith 1990 - 1991 3 3
Monomelt Co. 1931 1
Monroe Barnes Manufacturer 1897 2 2
Monroe Barnes Mfg. Co. 1895 - 1897 2 2
Monte Carlo Amusement Co. 1931 - 1935 2 1
Monterey Distributing Co. 1 1
Mooney and Goodwin 1946 1 1
Moore Company 1915 1 1
Moppet Video 1982 5 5
Morel 1932 1 1
Morrell Vending Machines 1927 1 1
Morris Novelty Co. 1934 1 1
Mortimer Glass Co. 1932 1 1
Moseley Vend. Mach. Exch. 1932 2 2
Mottville Machine Works 1904 1 1
Movie Hut, Inc. 2 2
Mr. Game 1988 - 1990 6 6
Mr. Lee 1931 1
MSG Namco 1984 1 1
Mueller Specialties 1938 1 1
Multimedia Content 2000 1 1
Multimorphic, Inc. 2017 5 5
Multiphone Operating Co. 1905 1 1
Munroe Matlock 1 1
Murray, Spink & Co. 1892 - 1893 2 2
Mutual Automatic Machine Co. 1908 1 1
Myimpa 1980 1 1
Mylstar 1983 - 1984 18 10 8
Mystic Mirror Mfg. 1926 1 1

Note: Number of specific types of games may not add up to the total for a manufacturer as we may occasionally be aware that a manufacturer made a machine, yet might not know what kind of machine it was.