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International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

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Entries in this index: 64
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge Midway Games 1995 Videogame Sports
Action Hollywood Proyesel 1995 Videogame
Asian Dynamite Sega 2006 Videogame Fighting
Asteroids Recharged Alan-1 Inc. 2024 Videogame Space Shooter
Best League Playmark 1993 Videogame Sports
Bonanza Bros. Sega 1990 Videogame Fighting
Car Polo Exidy 1977 Videogame Sports
Castlevania The Arcade Konami 2009 Videogame Shooter
Center Court Sega 1987 Videogame Sports
Club Tennis Computer Games Inc. 1974 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Cyber Troopers Virtual On Force Sega 2001 Videogame Fighting
Cyber-Lip SNK 1990 Videogame Adventure
CyberTank Coreland 1987 Videogame Simulator
Dance Maniax Konami 1999 Videogame Dance / Rhythm
Dance Maniax 2nd Mix Konami 2000 Videogame Dance / Rhythm
delete4 Sega 1999 Videogame Sports Trivia / Quiz
Desert Breaker Sega 1992 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Do Donpachi DAI-OU-JOU Cave 2002 Videogame
Goal IV Atari 1975 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Gun Buster Taito 1992 Videogame Shooter
Gun Master Metro 1994 Videogame Fighting
Gunbarich Psikyo 2001 Videogame Shooter
Halo Fireteam Raven Raw Thrills 2018 Videogame / Shooter Shooter
Hoppin' Harry Lazer Tron 1996 Arcade / Redemption Skill
In The Hunt Irem 1993 Videogame Shooter
King Of Fighters 2001, The SNK/Eolith 2001 Videogame Fighting
King Of Fighters 2002, The EOLITH 2002 Videogame Fighting
King Of Fighters 2003, The SNK Playmore 2003 Videogame Fighting
Knights Of Valour 2 IGS 2000 Videogame Fighting
Knights Of Valour: Super Heroes IGS 1999 Videogame Fighting
Lets Go Island - Lost on The Island of Tropics Sega 2010 Videogame
Lucky & Wild Namco 1993 Videogame Shooter
Meadows 4 In 1 Meadows Games 1976 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Monster Maulers Konami 1992 Videogame Fighting
Mutation Nation SNK 1991 Videogame Fighting
Namco's Classic Gaming Namco 1986 Videogame Other
Ninja Kids, The Taito 1990 Videogame Fighting
Omega Fighter UPL 1989 Videogame Shooter
Pit-Fighter Atari Games 1990 Videogame Fighting
Planet Harriers Sega 2001 Videogame Shooter
Ps Attack Uniana 2004 Videogame Shooter
Psychic Killers Taromaru Time Warner Interactive 1998 Videogame Platform
Rushing Heroes Konami 1997 Videogame Sports
Saboten Bombers Tecmo 1992 Videogame Platform
Sea Battle Ramtek 1976 Videogame Shooter
Sengeki Striker Kaneko 1997 Videogame Shooter
Shock Troopers Saurus 1997 Videogame Fighting
Shock Troopers 2nd Squad Saurus 1998 Videogame Fighting
Sky Smashers Nihon System 1990 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Sport Station Midway Games 2000 Videogame Sports
Street Hoop Data East 1994 Videogame Sports
Super Cup Finals Taito 1993 Videogame Sports
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Style 2 Konami 1989 Videogame Fighting
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III - The Manhattan Project Konami 1992 Videogame Fighting
Terminator Salvation Raw Thrills 2009 Videogame
Time Crisis 3 Namco 2003 Videogame Shooter
Tuts Tomb Island Design 1995 Arcade Shooter
TwinHawk Toaplan 1989 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
World Combat Konami 2002 Videogame
World Cup '94 Tecmo 1994 Videogame Sports
World Soccer Finals Leland 1990 Videogame Sports
X-MEN Konami 1992 Videogame Fighting
Xantia Elite Amic Games 2001 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Xeno Crisis Bitmap Bureau 2019 Videogame