Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Compilation of known 3D models of arcade cabinets that can be imported into SketchUp and other programs.

Game Type Cabinet Link
Top Skater Videogame Action Vew model
Touch-Me Arcade Upright Vew model
Tournament Cyberball 2072 Videogame Dual Monitor Upright Vew model
Tournament Table Videogame Cocktail Vew model
Track & Field Videogame Upright Vew model
Transformers Pinball Pinball Vew model
Tron Videogame Upright Caberet Vew model Vew model
Tug Boat Videogame Dedicated Vew model
Turbo Videogame Upright cabaret Vew model Vew model
Turbo Out Run Videogame Upright Sit-down Vew model Vew model
Turkey Shoot Videogame Upright Vew model
Turtles Videogame Upright Vew model
Tutankham Videogame Dedicated Upright (alternate) Vew model Vew model
Twin Cobra Videogame Upright Vew model
Twister Pinball Pinball Vew model
Two Tigers Videogame Conversion (loading?) Vew model
Two-Player Super Basketball Arcade Arcade Vew model
TX-1 Videogame Dedicated Vew model
U.N. Squadron Videogame Upright Vew model
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Videogame Dedicated Vew model
Us Vs. Them Videogame Upright Vew model
Vampire Night Videogame Dedicated Vew model
Vanguard Videogame Upright Vew model
Varkon Pinball Upright Vew model
Venture Videogame Dedicated Vew model
Victory Videogame Upright Vew model
Victory Road Videogame Upright Vew model
Video Pinball Videogame Dedicated Vew model
Vindicators Videogame Dedicated Vew model
Viper Night Drivin' Pinball Pinball Vew model
Virtua Cop Videogame Upright Vew model
Virtua Cop 2 Videogame Upright Vew model
Virtua Fighter Videogame Upright Vew model
Virtua Fighter 2 Videogame Upright Vew model
Virtua Fighter 3 Videogame Upright Vew model
Virtua Fighter 4 Videogame Upright Vew model
VR Vortex (Standard) Videogame Upright Vew model
Vs. Castlevania Videogame Upright Vew model
Vs. Dr. Mario Videogame Upright Vew model
Vs. Hogan's Alley Videogame Upright Vew model
Vs. Super Mario Bros. Videogame Upright Vew model
Vs. Tennis Videogame Upright Vew model
Vs. Top Gun Videogame Upright Vew model
Wacko Videogame Dedicated Vew model
War Of The Worlds Videogame Upright Vew model
War: Final Assault Videogame Dedicated Vew model
Warlords Videogame Upright cocktail Vew model Vew model
Warp Warp Videogame Dedicated Vew model
Warrior Videogame Upright Vew model
Wheel Of Fortune Pinball Pinball Vew model

50 of 624 games shown.

You may add a 3D model to the database if you go to a specific game entry in the main encyclopedia and (while logged in) click 'Add 3D Model'. Please note, only models hosted on are permitted to be added at this time.

Data is live and current as of February 6, 2025, 4:22 pm