Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Amusement Machines: O (type: Slot Machine)

Entries in this index: 79
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
O.K. Automatic Salesman Silver King Novelty Co. 1926 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Counter Gum Vendor Watling Manufacturing Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Deluxe No. 24 Watling Manufacturing Co. 1913 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Deluxe No. 25 Watling Manufacturing Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Front Vender Caille Bros. Co. 1923 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Front Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. 1926 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Future Play Watling Manufacturing Co. 1939 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Gum Trade And Check Vending Silver King Novelty Co. 1920 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Gum Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Gum Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Gum Vender No. 18 Watling Manufacturing Co. 1914 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Jack Pot Gum Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Jack Pot Gum Vender No. 55 Watling Manufacturing Co. 1920 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Mint Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1929 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Mint Vender Iowa Mills Novelty Co. 1923 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Operator Bell Eagle Watling Manufacturing Co. 1923 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Rol-A-Top Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. 1936 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1922 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1926 Slot Machine / Reel
O.K. Vendor Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1922 Slot Machine / Bell
Ohio Sales Co. POT O. D. Jennings & Co. 1927 Slot Machine / Reel
OK Deluxe #24 Watling Manufacturing Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
OK Gum Vender Silver King Novelty Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
OK Gum Vendor Watling Manufacturing Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
OK Mint Vender Silver King Novelty Co. 1922 Slot Machine / Bell
OK Model Silver King Novelty Co. 1922 Slot Machine / Bell
Old Time United Industries Slot Machine / Bell
Oliver, The O. A. Williams Manufacturing 1906 Slot Machine / Wheel
Omega Tura Automatenfabrik 1926 Slot Machine / Bell
On the Square Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Upright
One Arm Bandit (Standard Chief) Character Manufacturing Co. 1951 Slot Machine / Bell
One Star Chief O. D. Jennings & Co. 1935 Slot Machine / Bell
One Wheeler Smith Co. Slot Machine / Wheel
One-Armed Bandit Nevada Novelty Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Oom-Paul Paul E. Berger Manufacturing Co. 1901 Slot Machine / Upright
Open Front Ace Manufacturing Co., Inc. Slot Machine / Bell
Open Front Space Manufacturing Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Cooper Manufacturing Co. 1919 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Charles Fey & Sons 1922 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell Unknown
Operator Bell Pace Manufacturing Co. 1927 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Watling Manufacturing Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Caille Bros. Co. 1916 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1915 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1922 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1923 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell - Cast Iron Caille Bros. Co. 1909 Slot Machine / Reel
Operator Bell - Owl Front Mills Novelty Co. 1925 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Deluxe Caille Bros. Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator's Bell Illusion Mills Novelty Co. 1922 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator's Bell Model A Mills Novelty Co. 1918 Slot Machine / Bell
Operators Bell Pace Manufacturing Co. 1928 Slot Machine / Bell
Operators Bell O. D. Jennings & Co. 1920 Slot Machine / Bell
Operators Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1935 Slot Machine / Reel
Operators Bell 'Curved Glass' O. D. Jennings & Co. 1925 Slot Machine / Bell
Operators Bell (Dutch Boy) O. D. Jennings & Co. 1926 Slot Machine / Bell
Operators Bell (Sliding Pawl) O. D. Jennings & Co. 1926 Slot Machine / Bell
Operators Bell - Spearmint Mills Novelty Co. 1916 Slot Machine / Reel
Operators Bell - Wooden Case Mills Novelty Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
Operators Bell Snake Mills Novelty Co. 1939 Slot Machine / Bell
Operators Bell, The Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Operators Bell, The - Iron Case Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Oracle Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Upright
Orange All Stars Pace Manufacturing Co. 1936 Slot Machine / Bell
Oregon L. E. Cowper Manufacturing Co. 1898 Slot Machine / Upright
Original 5 Slot Counter Paul E. Berger Manufacturing Co. Slot Machine / Wheel
Original Five Slot Electric Marshfield Marshfield Novelty Co. Slot Machine / Upright
Original Judge Watling Manufacturing Co. 1902 Slot Machine / Upright
Original Seven Slot Electric Marshfield Marshfield Novelty Co. Slot Machine / Upright
Our Baby Caille Bros. Co. 1901 Slot Machine / Wheel
Our Heroes D. N. Schall & Co. 1898 Slot Machine / Wheel
Owl Mills Novelty Co. 1897 Slot Machine / Upright
Owl Watling Manufacturing Co. 1902 Slot Machine / Upright
Owl Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Owl A Musique - Owl has Music Mills Novelty Co. 1897 Slot Machine / Roulette
Owl and Judge Twin Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Owl front with Jackpot Mills Novelty Co. 1930 Slot Machine / Reel
Owl Jr. Mills Novelty Co. 1899 Slot Machine / Wheel