Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®


Museum of the Game®
Top 100 Videogame Preservationists

Solely for the purpose of this report, a videogame preservationist is someone who collects rare videogames or videogame boardsets that are for games owned by two or less collectors. For collectors with the same number of games, rank is determined by length of membership.

Rank Member Rare titles (<= 2)
1 Guru, The (username: TheGuru) 521
2 Shou, Time (username: Shou) 336
3 Yates, John (username: Vectorman) 47
4 Luck, Dale (username: dluck) 46
5 twistedsymphony 30
6 Welburn, Andrew (username: P-man) 25
7 Laschek 23
8 Darcy, Gerald (username: GDarcy) 22
9 simonis, michel 22
10 asteroidsNut 21
11 gameroomshow 20
12 kackremboh 17
13 woodrailsrus 16
14 Reid, Ian (username: ibmreid) 16
15 kruzer 16
16 Devlin, Daniel 15
17 Vincent, Gary / American Classic Arcade Museum 13
18 Oehlerich, Mike (username: au2bahn) 13
19 Victor 13
20 Dawson, Lonny 13
21 McClanahan, Rick 13
22 Christophe, Chloop 12
23 myarcade80 12
24 bade, rod 12
25 Seven, Billy (username: billyseven) 12
26 Mack, Doc (username: Ghostlord) 12
27 D., Shon 12
28 Delaney, George (username: vze2mqmm) 11
29 Isolani, Giuliano 11
30 Bennett, Phil 10
31 Roeder, John 10
32 flex 9
33 Gallagher, Jay 9
34 dremcast 9
35 crebou 9
36 rollins jr, ronald 9
37 Mike Page 9
38 Tornadoboy 9
39 Smith, Neil (username: Loopandcorkscrew) 9
40 LawmanAUT 9
41 Valkenburg, Ronald 8
42 colandrea, alex 8
43 Barber, Brent (username: Dr Galaga) 8
44 Thompson, Erik (username: Fanny Pac Man) 8
45 Williams, Ron (username: ronlisa) 8
46 Allen, Darran (username: Daz) 8
47 IVMCO 8
48 t152 8
49, museum 8
50 drewscruis 8
51 Sitler, Rich 8
52 patfish 8
53 ricky2001 8
54 acesparky 7
55 Mike, Mystic (username: PBHelp) 7
56 D, Alberto 7
57 Mcgill, Gregory (username: arcadeshopper) 7
58 Cain, David 7
59 Johnson, Brian 7
60 Wells, Luke 7
61 Oryk Zinyo 7
62 PKuyt 7
63 cxxx, jxxx 7
64 CykoMF 7
65 OTTOgd 7
66 RILaw 6
67 eaviii 6
68 Vossen, Andre 6
69 CambridgeArcade 6
70 Herk 6
71 atariscott 6
72 Shartzer, Jeremy (username: GenJackson) 6
73 ArcadeTechNerd 6
74 BlocksRR 6
75 mike11 6
76 Der Kommissar 6
77 Ford, Mark 6
78 TriumphTim 6
79 Dillweed 6
80 Hackling, Chuck (username: ConfettiArcade) 6
81 chynnalou 5
82 JoyalRJ 5
83 DragonMinded 5
84 Woods, Mike 5
85 Evans, Jason (username: jevansoh) 5
86 Silber, Chaz 5
87 McNazgul 5
88 jediturtle 5
89 LANDURE, Stephane 5
90 Hoag, Scotty (username: caffeine) 5
91 cateja 5
92 Wieczorek, Brian (username: SarverSystems) 5
93 Anonymous #429255 5
94 Smith, William 5
95 caius 5
96 Slotty, Steve (username: steveslotty) 5
97 HerbertTheRed 5
98 Globetrotter86 5
99 twigg, daryl 5
100 Anonymous #472662 5

Data is live and current as of February 19, 2025, 3:47 pm