Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Beatmania III Append Core Remix

MARQUEE PICTURE NEEDED FOR Beatmania III Append Core Remix - Click for details on how to contribute.


Follow along with the song by scratching the turntable and pressing the keys as the bars reach the bottom of the screen. If you manage to successfully hit each note on-key perfectly, a combo meter will go up, increasing your score. Do well enough by the end of the song, and you can progress to the next level.

Beatmania III Append Core Remix was produced by Konami in 2000.

Konami released 438 machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1978. Konami was based in Japan.

Other machines made by Konami during the time period Beatmania III Append Core Remix was produced include: Hiphopmania Complete Mix 2, Beatmania 3rd Mix, Beatmania 5th Mix: The Beat Goes On, Beatmania 4th Mix ~Time To Get Down~, Beatmania IIDX, Beatmania III, Beatmania IIDX 2nd Style, Beatmania IIDX 3rd Style, Beatmania IIDX 4th Style, and Beatmania IIDX Substream


Name Beatmania III Append Core Remix
Developer Konami (Japan)
Year 2000
Type Videogame
KLOV/MOG # 7086
Class Wide Release
Genre Skill
Conversion Class unique
External Device O - 3.5
# Simultaneous Players 2
# Maximum Players 2
Game Play Either
Control Panel Layout Multiple Player
  • Piano Keyboard: 5 keys (3 white, 2 black)
  • Turntable
  • Pedals: 1 - Effector
Sound Amplified Stereo (two channel)
Cabinet Styles
  • Upright/Standard

Game Introduction

Want something more than the original Beatmania, but are not quite ready for the seven-key setup of Beatmania IIDX? Then give Beatmania III a spin. Scratch, press the keys, and use the pedal to make some crazy beats while the bars fall down the screen.

This version also contains music compiled from all of the old original "beatmania" games, as well as three tracks from Beatmania IIDX 3rd Style. Konami obviously had to take some liberties since Beatmania IIDX features seven keys (4 white/3 black) while Beatmania III Append Core Remix uses five (3 white/2 black) and a pedal.

Game Play

Start by selecting a song, then attempt to match the notes by pressing the keys and scratching the turntable in time to the music (you can also use the pedal to modify the notes as you play). Perform well enough, and you can continue to the next stage!

Beatmania III Append Core Remix KLOV/IAM 5 Point User Score: 0.00 (0 votes)

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Cheats, Tricks, Bugs, and Easter Eggs

Different codes can be entered to enable harder modes such as 'hidden' (notes disappear 1/3 of the way from the bottom) or 'sudden' (notes appear 1/3 of the way from the bottom) or 'Stealth' (notes are invisible, a combination of the two). An interesting new addition is the foot pedal, which the game also has a mode where you not only have to watch the falling bars for the turntable and keys, but also for the pedal as well!


This is the most popular arcade DJ game according to the "Guinness Book of World Records."

If you wish to play a freeware PC version of the game, go to which has a section for the simulator.

Cabinet Information

The title appears on the marquee as 'beatmania III' (all lowercase). Also, this is currently the only beatmania line of games to feature both a footpedal and a 3.5" floppy disk drive. (for saving high scores and effector settings)

VAPS Arcade/Coin-Op Beatmania III Append Core Remix Census

There are 15,501 members of the Video Arcade Preservation Society / Vintage Arcade Preservation Society, 9,768 whom participate in our arcade census project of games owned, wanted, or for sale. Census data currently includes 168,493 machines (7,082 unique titles).

Very rare - There is one known instance of this machine owned by an active member Beatmania III Append Core Remix collector. It is a set of circuit boards which a collector could put into a generic case if desired.

For Sale - There is one active VAPS member with an extra Beatmania III Append Core Remix circuit board for sale.

Wanted - No active members have added this machine to their wish list.

Rarity and Popularity independently are not necessarily indications of value. [More Information]

Legacy or Series

  1. Beatmania III
  2. Beatmania III Append Core Remix
  3. Beatmania III Append 6th Mix

eBay Listings

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