Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Rampart - Coin-Op Videogame Pinout

Return to the game record for Rampart

This game has been tagged as belonging to conversion class: JAMMA

There is a specific pin-out record on file for Rampart:

            Rampart, Atari 1991


* There are 2 versions of Rampart:
    - 2 player version that is straight JAMMA and uses 
      joysticks to move pieces
    - 3 player version that uses trackballs to move pieces.

* Both version have all options set from the test screen

* In chatting with folks, game play of the 3 player version is much nicer
  than the 2 player version (game rocks, BTW)
* I believe that the Rotate buttons double as start buttons for the
  3 player version
* The following pinouts are for the 3 player version

            Solder Side            |             Parts Side
               GND             | A | 1 |             GND               
               GND             | B | 2 |             GND
               +5              | C | 3 |             +5
               +5              | D | 4 |             +5
               -5              | E | 5 |             -5
               +12             | F | 6 |             +12
             - KEY -           | H | 7 |           - KEY -
        Coin Counter # 2       | J | 8 |      Coin Counter # 1
       Lock Out Coil # 2       | K | 9 |     Lock Out Coin # 2
           Speaker (-)         | L | 10|         Speaker (+)
                               | M | 11|          
          Video Green          | N | 12|        Video Red
          Video Sync           | P | 13|        Video Blue   
         Service Switch        | R | 14|        Video GND    
           Tilt Switch         | S | 15|          Test Switch
         Coin Switch # 2       | T | 16|        Coin Switch # 1
           C Rotate            | U | 17|          L Rotate
           C X Dir             | V | 18|          L X Dir
           C X Clk             | W | 19|          L X Clk
           C Y Dir             | X | 20|          L Y Dir
           C Y Clk             | Y | 21|          L Y Clk
           C Fire              | Z | 22|          L Fire
           R Fire              | a | 23|          R Rotate
           Spare               | b | 24|          Spare
           R X Dir             | c | 25|          R Y Dir 
           R X Clk             | d | 26|          R Y Clk     
               GND             | e | 27|             GND  
               GND             | f | 28|             GND  

For reference, Rampart uses the following pinouts to a standard Wico-style trackball:

1   Gnd
2   +5V DC
3   X Clock
4   X Direction
5   Y Direction
6   Y Clock

If you wire up a trackball and find that one of the directions is reversed, swap the Clock and Direction leads

NOTE: Conversion class and pin-out data is contributed by the community and although is believed to be correct (most of the time), has not been tested or verified.

Use this information at your own risk.