Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Gorf - Coin-Op Videogame Pinout

Return to the game record for Gorf

This game has been tagged as belonging to conversion class: unique

There is a specific pin-out record on file for Gorf:


Note that the player controls are on a PC board and go through
voltage comparators to generate the U/D/L/R signals

Logic Board
21 Pin Connector
1)        Unused
2)        Unused
3)        Unused
4)        Unused
5)        Unused
6)        Unused
7)        To pin 8 on Control PC  (Up)
8)        To pin 9 on Control PC  (Down)
9)        To pin 5 on Control PC  (Left)
10)       To pin 6 on Control PC  (Right)
11)       To pin 3 on Control PC  (Tied to pin 3 of 5 pin connector)
12)       To pin 7 on Control PC  (Ground)
13)       Key (?)
14)       To Coin Switch #1
15)       To Coin Switch #2
16)       To pin 1 on Audio Board
17)       To Slam Switch
18)       To "1 Player" Switch
19)       To "2 Player" Switch
20)       Common side of coin switches, slam switch and player switches
21)       To pin 10 on Control PC        (+5v)

28 Pin Connector
1)        To pin 6 on Audio Board      (Audio In #1)
2)        To pin 4 on Audio Board      (Audio In #2)
3)        To pin 2 on Audio Board      (Audio Common)
4)        Key
5)        To pin 17 of Display PC      (to base of Space Cadet Transistor)
6)        To pin 4 of Display PC       (to base of Space Captain Transistor)
7)        To pin 15 of Display PC      (to base of Space Colonel Transistor)
8)        To pin 5 of Display PC       (to base of Space General Transistor)
9)        To pin 11 of Display PC      (To base of Space Warrior Transistor)
10)       To pin 7 of Display PC       (To base of Space Avenger Transistor)
11)       To pin 1 of Display PC       (Ground)
12)       To pin 2 of Display PC       (To base of transistor connected to pin 3)
13)       To pin 9 of Display PC       (to base of transistor connected to pin 10)
14)       To pin 13 of Display PC      (to base of transistor connected to pin 14)
15)       Unused
16)       Key
17)       To pin 1 of Interface PC     (Tied to Ground)
18)       Unused
19)       To pin 2 of Interface PC     (Tied to pin 3 and +12)
20)       To pin 4 of Interface PC     (-5)
21)       To pin 5 of Interface PC     (+5)
22)       Unused
23)       To pin 7 of Interface PC     (B-Y)
24)       To pin 8 of Interface PC     (R-Y)
25)       To pin 9 of Interface PC     (!Sync)
26)       To pin 10 of Interface PC    (Tied to pins 1,8,12 and to ground)
27)       To pin 11 of Interface PC    (Video)
28)       To pin 12 of Interface PC    (Tied to Ground)


NOTE: Conversion class and pin-out data is contributed by the community and although is believed to be correct (most of the time), has not been tested or verified.

Use this information at your own risk.