Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®


Museum Of Obsolete Technology®

First Video Games - Celebrities, Famous Characters and Personalities, and Pop Culture - Currently Featuring Q*Bert

Computer Space by Nutting
First Commercial Coin-Operated Video Game (1971)

Pong by Atari
First Video Game Industry Break-Out Commercial Hit (1972)

Playstation Prototype (Nintendo & Sony Joint Venture)
The first Playstation prototype was made by Nintendo! (1992)


Computer Space, and Pong

The very first commercially released coin-operated video game was Computer Space. The famous white Prototype for Computer Space is in the collection of the Museum of the Game -- the older sister of MOOT. Computer Space and its futuristic fiberglass case was intriguing, and modestly successful, and launched a new industry. It directly led lead to the creation of Atari and its first release, the coin-operated version of Pong.