Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Cadash Dip Switch Settings

Below are the specific dip-switch settings users have contributed for Cadash:

            Cadash,  Taito   Pinout = JAMMA

|                                Cadash                                     |
|                                                                           |
|                           DIP Switch A Settings                           |
|  Function:                      | SW#1 SW#2 SW#3 SW#4 SW#5 SW#6 SW#7 SW#8 |
|  Screen rotation:               |                                         |
|    Normal                       |      Off                                |
|    Reverse                      |      On                                 |
|                                 |                                         |
|  Test Mode:                     |                                         |
|    Normal                       |           Off                           |
|    Test mode                    |           On                            |
|                                 |                                         |
|  Attract mode sound:            |                                         |
|    With                         |                Off                      |
|    Without                      |                On                       |
|                                 |                                         |
|  Play pricing: Coin A           |                                         |
|    1 Coin, 1 Play               |                     Off  Off            |
|    2       1                    |                     On   Off            |
|    3       1                    |                     Off  On             |
|    4       1                    |                     On   On             |
|                                 |                                         |
|  Play pricing: Coin B           |                                         |
|    1 coin, 1 play               |                               Off  Off  |
|    1       3                    |                               On   Off  |
|    1       4                    |                               Off  On   |
|    1       6                    |                               On   On   |
Switch #1 is always OFF.

|                           DIP Switch 2 Settings                           |
|  Function:                      | SW#1 SW#2 SW#3 SW#4 SW#5 SW#6 SW#7 SW#8 |
|  Game Difficulty: (Easy = A)    |                                         |
|    B                            | Off  Off                                |
|    A                            | On   Off                                |
|    C                            | Off  On                                 |
|    D                            | On   On                                 |
|                                 |                                         |
|  Time (initial setting)         |                                         |
|    7 Minutes                    |           Off  Off                      |
|    8 Min.                       |           On   Off                      |
|    6 Min.                       |           Off  On                       |
|    5 Min.                       |           On   On                       |
|                                 |                                         |
|  Additional Minutes when        |                                         |
|  clearing round:                |                                         |
|      *                          |                     Off  Off            |
|    * + 1 minute                 |                     On   Off            |
|    * - 1 minute                 |                     Off  On             |
|    * - 2 minutes                |                     On   On             |
|                                 |                                         |
|  Communication Mode:            |                                         |
|    Without                      |                               Off       |
|    With                         |                               On        |
|                                 |                                         |
|  Master or Slave in Comm.       |                                         |
|    Master                       |                                    Off  |
|    Slave                        |                                    On   |

* - Clearing 1st round: 8 min., clearing 2nd round: 10min., clearing 3rd
    round: 8min., clearing 4th round: 7 min., clearing 5th round: 9 min.

When using communication, the left cabinet is 'Master' and the right
cabinet is 'Slave' when you are facing the front of the cabinets.


NOTE: Dip switch setting information is contributed by the community and although is believed to be correct (most of the time), has not been tested or verified.
Use this information at your own risk.

Official dip switch information may be available in the manual:
